A Deal Made

Tsa took a moment to think about what he should do, meanwhile the other dragons were looking at him to see what he would say. Ugh, this is ridiculous. I knew I shouldn't have pressed the issue. Now I don't really have a choice. But, if I say one way or the other a multitude of problems will start to occur. For starters, I noticed that the Dwarves were far more exceptional with their hands than the elves and humans. Losing such a workforce, while not devastating, it would be disadvantageous to the nation I intend on building. That on its own will cause issues. Perhaps there is a way to keep them while not forcing them to stay? Hmm… Alright that's enough thinking for now, if it ends up going badly so be it. I'll try again or ask for help at that time. 

"Well, Tsa, how about it?" Night Silver prodded slightly. 

"I'd like to keep you here for a month, but I know that's too much…" Tsa sighed, putting on a little bit of a show. 

"Well, it's not like I can't just teleport back and forth. I just need to set up one of my giant trees somewhere around here." Night Silver added, hoping that would stop this act. Does he think he can fool me? I may not have had a perfect education, but I'm far from stupid. I know this is hard for him but there is a path that will only create benefits for us both. Let's see if he takes it. 

"Then about this. You can take away any and all dwarves, elves and humans away with you provided they wish to leave with you. In exchange, you must live here for a week, helping to build up this place into a great place for people to live. Then for the following 2 weeks, you can come and go provided you're here for at least 7 days total. And then for the next 2 weeks after, you'll be available for consultation and aid." Tsa explained his idea. If she doesn't accept this, I'll just have to risk losing more than expected.

"Hmm, you phrased that rather well, Tsa." Night Silver said, effeminately putting a finger to her chin. Huh, it seems he managed to choose the right path. Good. Also, why am I moving like this? It feels so natural for some reason. Perhaps role playing as a woman for so many years really did translate. I really do feel more at home in this skin. "I think this is a fair deal, so I'll accept it with a couple of added things." She added, changing her tune to a more upbeat attitude. Tsa gulped slightly when he heard that. "No need to worry too much. The first thing is that we remain friends. And the second thing is that we can send people to make sure that the other races have fair treatment." She giggled a bit as she spoke. 

"Deal. I wouldn't want anything coming in between our friendship. I doubt many of us would be here if it hadn't been for you. Such a debt is not easy to repay." Tsa quickly answered, causing his elder sister to shake her head a bit. 

"Brother, friends don't go around talking about debts." Tsa's sister said as she was shaking her head. 

"Pfft, it's alright. I know what he means. For now let's not talk about a debt, instead let's call it a point of mutual trust and understanding." Night Silver reassured. "You know, there was a group of friends I loved to play with. And I'm sure they would say the same thing about that situation… I wonder if I'll ever see them again…" She mused looking out along the faces of her new friends. "Well, since we've made a deal, let's get started. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that are quite hungry. And I have the means to satiate that hunger." She continued jumping back out of her musing. 

~ The Camps ~

The people here, similar to the others that had arrived in the Theocracy, wore whatever they could find. This included rags and even large coverings meant for blankets, though they were typically used for a few people huddling together. It was a rather awful sight. But not nearly as bad as what it could have been. Even so, the humans seemed to claim most of these sorts of items, thus leaving very little in the way for the other races. 

"Well, it seems like there are a bit more problems than I was hoping for. Probably for the best that I stay here a while longer." Night Silver said with a glance towards Tsa and his sister. "Oh well, not like it matters much, food is the most essential problem to solve. So let's take care of that first." She said as an exasperated sigh left her lips. 

The Elves, among the camps, froze with tears upon seeing Night Silver, each experiencing an overwhelming sense of hope. It was like a breath of fresh air during a mid summer breeze. And thus they paid close attention to what she was doing. 

In front of Night Silver appeared a table, clearly made of some kind of wood, though it was unidentifiable to the elves at the moment. And to her sides appeared some kind of basin mode of stone. 

On the table Night Silver placed several cups and a pitcher. Then held a hand over each of the stone basins and began casting her spells, causing a flow of pure water to fall from her left hand and a cascade of berries to fall from her right hand. 

"This is meant to be for everyone. Come wash your hands, grab a cold drink and a berry. Once your bellies are full we'll get you all cleaned up. And start making some proper homes and clothes." Night Silver explained, though none of the humans moved. It wasn't until the elves who had an overwhelming implicit trust in her, that they faithfully did as she had instructed. 

"Mother… I'm full after a single berry?" A young eleven man said, speaking his thoughts out loud. 

"Pfft, of course, I wouldn't tease you like that. Those berries will fill you up with a single one. Did they taste good?" Night Silver explained with a motherly tone. 

"Yes, thank you, mother. For your great kindness." The young elven man said with an embarrassed blush.