Great Healing

Starting after the elves were the dwarves. Likely due to a sense of mutual trust between their races. There were however a few human children that managed to break away from their parents or other mistrusting adults that were holding them back. They were so small they almost fit right in with the dwarves, well in terms of height that is. Because they were far less hairy and stocky. Immediately following the human children, were the rest of the humans who had now decided to trust Night Silver. 

"Good, now that everyone has been taken care of, it's time for me to make a large bath for everyone to get cleaned up… Actually… Tsa, you saw what the bath house looked like. Would you and the dragons try to replicate that with whatever means you have? These people need to trust in the abilities of their deities, so surely you can at least create a large hole with a divider." Night Silver said, having had the idea pop right into her as she spoke. 

"Oh, well in that case I'm sure we can come up with something. But how many pools should it be divided into is the question now?" Tsa pondered with a claw to his jaw.

"Just try to make 4 divided areas. Similar to the ones we had at the large bath house. That should be enough." Night Silver said. "Oh, and I'll need a good spot to create a shelter. Hmm…" she continued, walking around feeling the ground and trees around her as she went. "Ah, this spot would work perfectly. Do you have any objections?" She asked as she turned around. 

It was then, in that specific moment that Tsa knew exactly why he felt uneasy. She's beautiful… Why am I thinking this way? And why is it that I'm thinking of an Elf, albeit an elf that could roll me around like a toy, this way? Am I… Am I a masochist? I know a lot of my brothers are… And even many of my sisters, perhaps it's a dragon's instinct? Oh well.

"I don't see a problem with putting it there. You can always move it away if it ends up being an issue. Go right ahead, we'll start on building that hole for you." Tsa said, with a hint of a particular emotion in his voice. 

"Oh my, brother, do you want some help with that?" Tsa's sister snickered teasingly. 

"Uh, yes? We all have to learn these methods at some point. And I think your magic is better suited to dividers." Tsa answered, either confused or trying to hide his embarrassment. Likely the latter due to the conversation they had earlier while flying. 

"Good, then in that case." Night Silver said stretching a little and arched her body from side to side. "Tenth Tier: Nature's Shelter!" She called out the name of the spell. This time it created what seemed like a small earthen hut. In reality though, the inside was rather large. "There, this one is a bit more suitable to this environment. Now, I want all of the sick and injured to come before me. I will heal your injuries and cure your illnesses, to the best of my ability that is." She said, as a group of elves looked inside the door to see that the space inside was far larger than the outside.

From there it didn't take long for the people to begin coming up to greet Night Silver. Some had to help others over to her. But it ultimately resulted in them being healed of injuries and illnesses they didn't know they had. 

"Hmm, perhaps I'll just heal the rest of you while in the bath. Well, except for the men. You'll have to get treatment now, or after the bath. However, the women and children can all come to me during the bath." Night Silver announced, after healing the most severe issues and doing a wide ranged scan for any other issues that needed immediate treatment. "Since it seems like everyone is healthy enough to take a bath. Let's see how those dragons have been doing." She smiled as she started walking until an elven child ran up to her. 

The child's eyes sparkled with awe. They were clearly very young, even for an elf. Only about 20 years old. So still extremely childish by elven standards. "Up, mommy?" The child asked, raising their arms innocently. 

Meanwhile, their parents were visibly worried. Here their child was, walking right up to a goddess and asking to be held. On the same token, they seemed excited as if honored Night Silver would pay attention. That or they had some other inexplicable feeling. And their faces went to shock once they saw what happened next. 

Night Silver crouched down into a squat with her knees forward. Taking her hand and rubbing the child's head gently. "You're so cute. Come on, up you go." She said, picking the child up and holding them off to the left side. "Comfortable?" She asked with a giggle. 

"Mommy is cozy…" The elven child answered, slowly nodding off to sleep. 

"Mother… Please forgive her, she was just enamored by mother's radiant warmth." The actual mother of the child said. 

"Oh this? I don't mind, it's kind of cute. Children are adorable aren't they? Just look at her, napping away without a care or worry in the world. It really reminds us what we are here to protect." Night Silver said, with a reassuring smile. "Do you want to walk with me? I think you might like to see how the bath works. I'll let you get a bath first, though I'll need you to help distribute the clothes I've brought for everyone." She asked, holding out a hand waiting for the woman to take it. 

The elven woman didn't wait to think about it. "If I can help Mother with anything, I will do whatever it is to help her." She said, taking Night Silver's hand.

The two of them walked off to where the dragons were digging a hole. It was quite the sight but no one contested it. Seeing just how kind Night Silver was, it was clear, the flip side was just as extreme. She would protect her people to the bitter end no matter what the price was. And the people here would come to call this day the Great Healing.