Arachne Created

With the bath finished and all the important lessons it could teach the dragons, complete. It was time to enjoy it, but that required a certain Arachnid to be granted a longer existence. So Night Silver did just that, in a similar fashion to the elementals, a second Arachnid Empress was summoned from a summoning circle. 

~In Nature's Language ~

"The two of you, should do what the elementals did. It went like this…" Night Silver explained the process. 

The two Arachnid Empress' looked at each other puzzled. But then they realized they both understood each other. 

"Sister, you seem to have made a good friend in that elf there… She's cute, I wonder if I can be friends with her too?" The second Empress said, striking up the last conversation she'd ever have.

"Mistress' method would make us a combined being of some kind. I don't know exactly what we will be like, but I'm sure that child won't have an issue getting along with us after we fuse. She's a quick learner." The first Empress replied. 

For a moment both of the Arachnid Empress looked at the young elf. And then each waved at her, even doing a spider leg salute too. The little girl waved back with a big smile and a shout. "You can do it!" The shout said. 

"Pfft, that settles it. Let's begin, we won't be sisters anymore. But we will be more than that." The second Empress said. 

"Hehe, you're right, sister, let us fuse. We should continue to stand by mother, the mistress. Remaining like this only limits our time." The first Empress giggled a little. 

Nervously the two of them turned to Night Silver and spoke in unison. "We're ready, Mother, please help us to remain with you forever." And then the two of them began releasing their mana rapidly. 

Night Silver nodded with a smile and opened up a summoning gate. This time, like the last time with the elementals, it was only a method of converting mana efficiently, to fuse two into one. This time though, it was far faster and significantly more stable. It wasn't just a guess this time. That and these two summons, while they were high tier summons, their levels weren't too impressive. Only around the low to mid 60s. It was Yggdrasil's way of balancing them with all of their incredible abilities. Lower Levels, more potent status effects. Of course such balancing only worked with summons, since it was generally the idea that higher levels were just better. 

In any case, it hadn't taken them long to fuse. The result was once again, a drop in total levels, though it wasn't a huge drop. It only feels like 5 levels. Maybe even less than that. That's really good. And they should be able to recover those levels over time. They only need practice. But what is this odd feeling I'm getting from the result? It's almost like she isn't even an arachnid anymore, yet is at the same time. Is it by chance… The light vanished and what was left standing there, an Arachne. The final step of the spider monster line. Wow, and she's beautiful. Oh. "Here, where this for now." Night Silver said, tossing a cloth around the Arachne's body. 

"Thank you, mistress… mother… I feel different. But it's a good different… I can be with you forever now." The Arachne said, opening her eyes to reveal numerous embedded pupils. 

"Now that is a truly terrifyingly impressive ability you've got there, Silver. I didn't think you'd manage to pull it off. But it seems like I was mistaken. This new creature seems to have a stable existence unlike the two before it." Tsa's Sister said, raising her head interested in this ability. 

"You give me far too much credit. It was a pair of adorable Elementals that didn't want to leave who came up with the idea. And now I have 6 powerful cuties. They are currently learning to get used to their new existences. Much like how Arachne here is going to need some time to do the same." Night Silver blushed as she talked about it. 

"I see, they must be dear to you, with how you reacted just now. I'd imagine there is a really deep connection there." Tsa spoke, ahead of his sister, which got him an intense glare.

"Of course there is, Summoners are like parents to their summons. Well, that's how I felt at least. I can't speak for others. But I'd imagine their opinions aren't too different from mine." Night Silver answered, taking a step back. "Now then, it's time to open the baths. You men can go tell the people that the baths are ready for them. I'm going to jump in now." She continued, stretching from side to side. 

"Oh, alright then. I suppose this is how you had dealt with the others before as well. Baths, clothes and food. The essentials first." Tsa said, just before he was about to move. 

"You know if you don't leave now you'll see more than I may want you to see. We have a lot of people that have to come through. This time it's just me here. So I have a lot of work to do. Cutting into the small amount of relaxation I get, isn't wise… That is, unless you're waiting for another reason?" Night Silver teased, as she took off one of her outer layers. 

"Till later then. Come on brothers, let's inform our people the bath is ready. Perhaps we can take a little time to clear a path leading here." Tsa said, turning around and leaving, his brothers following after him. They cleared a small patch of forest as they walked. Wide enough to know it was meant to be the path. They even dragged their tails to smooth out the surface. 

"Pfft, you're handling him well." Tsa's Sister snickered playfully. 

"No, I think he's just easy to read. It's often easier to read someone with intelligence than it is to read a complete fool. Now, do you want to join us in the bath?" Night Silver said, quickly storing away all her gear into her inventory. 

"It looks like it'll be enjoyable, sure. I'm curious what a warm bath will be like." Tsa's sister said, slowly stepping into the bath so as not to create giant waves. 

Then the mother and daughter pair of elves came running in along with the Arachne. It was an enjoyable experience for everyone, melting away all sores and worries.