Bathhouse Finished

Night Silver, now unencumbered, could freely use the spells she wanted to. With outstretched hands, came a torrent of pure water splashing into the tubs and sloshing around as it found its level. Once she filled the tubs, she relaxed and started to cast another spell, condensing stones from the world's mana. She imbued them all with a heat releasing spell combined with a druidic rune to recover its mana whenever needed. 

It took Night Silver only a few minutes before she had made thousands of these stones. It was after all quite the easy ability to create them, it just took practice. And having lived in Japan, where baths were akin to a fundamental part of their culture, she made and sold these in no short amount. They were the perfect item for creating the illusion of a bath. Or the real thing. And Role Players loved them as a result. 

"There, that should be enough of them. Now for the fun part." Night Silver said, stretching her arms up high, like she was about to get active. 

"Oh? What kind of magic are you going to do?" Tsa asked, curiously. She's used incredible magic recently. I wonder what kind of magic she'll use this time.

Night Silver giggled a little as she picked up one of the stones gently tossing up and catching it in her hand again, it didn't go much higher than a few inches purely an action for the sake of fun. "Oh, magic? Hmm, I guess if you want to think of it in a different way it could be magic… Watch this." She explained, moving her feet like she was preparing for an incredibly powerful spell. Tsa gulped, intrigued by what may come. "SUPREME MAGIC! Throw!" She yelled, feeling herself cringe as she just threw the stone directly to the center of the tub. "Well, what do you think about my magic? It's great right?" She sarcastically asked turning around with a smile.


Tsa's jaw dropped in disappointment. Meanwhile his sister just looked at the two of them and let out a roll of laughter once she realized the joke. There were of course other dragons with similar looks on their faces, they were expecting a big and flashy spell of some kind. Instead they got played for a normal throw. 

"Well? Did you like it?" Night Silver asked again, this time getting a little more forceful. 

Tsa, shook his head snapping out of his surprise. "Uh, yes, it was an excellent throw." He said, nervous for some reason. Why do I feel this way? What is wrong with me? Have I been around humans for so long now that their emotions have rubbed off on me? If so, what feeling is this one? Humans are so confusing.

"Good, I did that one just for you." Night Silver continued teasing Tsa. That was fun. Now I know just about where the dragon's intelligence really is. It seems comparable to the minds of my world's past. Maybe a little bit above the average. But certainly not too much higher than that. Certainly not outliers like some of science's greatest minds. That means they can be reasoned with. A shame that the massive one from before didn't want to be friendly. Was she actually happy with a power hungry husband like that? Huh? Now then… "You, come here. Take this stone in your hand and throw it into the water." She instructed, moving on from her joke like it was nothing. 

"Yes, Mother!" The mother of the child Night Silver had been holding earlier said, running over. She picked up one of the stones and noted something about it. "The stone is so warm." She rubbed her cheek against the stone feeling its warmth, in a way like she was almost reluctant to throw it. Even so she then threw the stone into the water. "Uh, mother, I'm sorry, I didn't get it very far." She said, with a frown. 

"No worries, wherever they land is where they should go." Night Silver replied with a light giggle. "You see, I chose this method of heating the water for a reason. These stones, as you have discovered, are therapeutic to the touch. They make for the perfect addition to massages. To get those deep aches and pains." She continued, explaining. Then with a few mana fluctuations she began lifting stones up and tossing them into the water.

"It's already looking warm. The water has this hazy view above it… Steam, I see. That was quite something, Silver. Impressive even." Tsa said, as he admired just how quickly the hole in the dirt turned into a proper bath. Something we tried to do was easily done by her. But what she did, wasn't too far out of the realm of what the humans currently can do. Magic is really the only thing. But that last place they call the Theocracy, the people there are able to learn this magic. So, she showed this being done, step by step. She is teaching us not just what to build but also how to teach it to the humans when the time comes… 

It didn't take long until all of the stones had finished being thrown into the bath water. It was now in form and function, an outdoor bath. All except for one last thing. A tiny detail that even the dragons hadn't noticed. 

"Alright, one last detail and it'll be ready for us to take a nice warm bath. So I'll call for those two. I'm sure they're good friends by now. Ah, I should also find a way to keep her here too… I wonder… I'll do what I did with the Elementals, perhaps a similar effect will occur." Night Silver said, as the entire baths glowed with a bright green light. "There, the water has a self purifying spell permanently enchanted upon it so long as it remains in this bath." She continued. 

"Mistress, you called!" The Arachnid Empress said as she came running over. 

"Mommy! The Spider Lady is so cool! She shot webs everywhere to make this thing I went back and forth on. It was super fun!" The child said, latching back onto her real mother. 

"Pfft, that's adorable. You made her a swing set. Now then, it's time I make it so you can stay in this world for as long as you live." Night Silver said, rubbing the Arachnid Empress' cheek to which the latter nuzzled into Silver's hand.