Unlikely Friends

While the Arachnid went to work, the dragons watched in shock. This time they couldn't help but show their confusion on their faces. Enough even for other races to tell at a simple glance. 

"Uh, Silver… Who is that and where did she come from?" Tsa asked, slightly trembling. That thing feels roughly on par with me. Even if I would still win in the end, it wouldn't be an easy fight. 

"Oh, her?" Night Silver asked, pointing towards the Arachnid Empress diligently filling the cracks with her special silk. "She is one of my many summonable allies. Isn't she beautiful?" She continued with a smirk. 

"Uhm, uh… Sure, yeah. I guess for a spider she looks quite strong." Tsa stammered slightly. Not good, I wasn't intending on stammering. I'm too damn nervous around that thing. 

"Hmm, don't worry everything is fine. She wouldn't dare to attack anyone without my permission." Night Silver said in a reassuring tone. 

"Silver, I can call you that right?" Tsa's Sister asked as she laid down at the edge of the large bath. 

"Of course, we're friends." Night Silver answered with a calm and soothing demeanor. 

"In that case, Silver, what was that language you were using with that summon of yours? I ask because some of the words sounded familiar. But I'm not sure they are words that mean the same thing." Tsa's sister asked, curiously making sure to keep a cool head. Some of those words sounded like one of the ancient languages lost to time. It was created by some of the older dragons. If it's a different language then I can't be angry about the words she used. Seriously though, what language would have such crossovers?

"Pfft, Ahahaha. Oh, that language. It's just Nature's Language. It was created by Nature itself. So even if a word sounds similar to another word, made by any race… Odds are it doesn't mean the same thing." Night Silver answered with a bit of laughter. I remembered that line of questioning when someone from another country managed to log onto the Japan servers from another country. A truly impressive feat of distance, I wonder how they managed to keep their lag down to a minimum. 

"I see, is this language exclusive? Or have any barriers to it? Like is it possible for you to teach me this language?" Tsa's sister asked. 

"I'm afraid it does have a fairly difficult barrier, well, to speak it at my level of fluency. But any druid can learn some of the more vague styles of communication. But…" Night Silver thought about it for a moment. "If you don't mind helping me with a quick test, I can determine if it would even be of help to you to know it." She explained. 

Tsa looked at his sister and they all seemed to communicate between themselves. Though, since Night Silver wasn't directly a part of this exchange, she couldn't confirm what she needed. Tsa's sister then nodded and turned back to face her new friend.

"Very well, I'll help you. How long will it take…" Tsa's sister started to speak but stopped once she felt different. "I see, so that's all it is?" She asked, with a curious look. 

"Yeah, it seems you wouldn't benefit even a little bit from learning the language. You already have 10 druid levels worth of understanding already. Which is quite good, especially since you don't seem to have levels in that job class." Night Silver explained. 

"It really is just the natural language. Yet it's also a spoken one?" Tsa's sister murmured. "That's quite interesting." She added. 

"Unfortunately to learn more, you'd need to become a druid. But doing so would forever weaken how strong you can become. Which is why I don't recommend it for you." Night Silver explained further. 

It was around this time that the child Night Silver was holding started to wake up. And at the same time, the Arachnid Empress had finished filling the cracks and approached her mistress again. 

"Mommy," The child yawned adorably. "Ah, who's that, mommy?" The little girl asked, confused. 

"She's one of my summons, the Arachnid Empress. She may look scary to some but I find she's pretty. And is actually really kind, not only that, you and her have something in common." Night Silver answered, brushing the girl's hair gently. 

"Ah, mommy that tickles. What do we have in common?" The girl asked, her long ears flicking up and down with curiosity now that she was no longer even worried. 

"You both love head pats. See." Night Silver giggled, as she reached out and gave the Arachnid Empress a head pat. 

"OH! SHE'S JUST LIKE ME MOMMY! I love head pats too! Can we be friends?" The little girl asked, all but jumping with anticipation. 

~ In Nature's Language ~

"Mother, Mistress… What is the little girl saying?" The Arachnid Empress asked, still getting her head pat. 

"She wants to know if you'll be friends. I know you may not be able to stay here forever, but I think she would love it if you played with her a little bit. Perhaps she might even learn some minor magic from you." Night Silver suggested. 

"Oh! That sounds fun. But wait, don't you need more from me Mother…? Mistress?" The Arachnid Empress asked, still worrying about her duty to her summoner. 

"Go and play with this girl. The more smiles the better. I'll figure out a way to keep you in this world permanently in exchange." Night Silver said her request. 

"Yes, mother!" The Arachnid Empress said, tapping her many legs excitedly. 

~ Common Language ~

"Good news, the two of you can play together. I have work to do to make this bath perfect for everyone. If you're good and pay attention you might even learn some magic." Night Silver said, rubbing the little girl's head, with a smile. 

The girl's eyes lit up like the stars in a cloudless night sky. "Yay! That means we're friends! Time to play!" She said with a great deal of excitement as she was handed off to ride piggy-back on the back of the Arachnid Empress. 

The two of them went off to play around with some magic. Something that would be an extremely important test for the future designs Night Silver was thinking of. It also gave her some time to focus on creating all of the water needed for the bathhouse's four giant tubs.