CHAPTER 4: Hope is a lie.

Linurk walked a long way before he finally got to the place he, Ridjurd and his deceased friends called home. As he got there, 2 spears suddenly dropped from the about to impale him.

Linurk was quick and jumped out of the way and the spears land precisely on his previous position.

"Who goes there"

Then Linurk heard a voice and 2 figures merged from the trees holding spears in their hand about to throw again.

"Your aim is getting better"

Linurk said,

"Linurk "

One of the figure said as they completely stepped out of the trees.

There were just like him, not really humans, not really beast with cat like ears on their head. So what are they?

One had orange coloured hair, while the other possessed black hair.

"We didn't know it was you"

The one with orange coloured hair said, but that wasn't the intriguing feature on him as he wore an eye patch.

"Nice to see you too Klenis" Linurk replied,

"How did it go" The one named Klein's asked,

"Where are the others? "

"where's is Ridjurd"

The one with black hair asked and Linurk face turned sour on hearing his questions.

"Is he.......... "

Linurk cuts in,

"I must see the clan chief"

Linurk said, and both of them nodded as they made space for him, before Linurk passed them entering his small village. The other 2 had a sour look on their faces as they stared at each other and they went back into hiding.

[Linurk walked in]

Their village wasn't big. It was small with small cottages made of wooden sticks and twigs with vines tide around it for support. For a small, unsettled village they have amazing craftsmanship.

Linurk continued walking and before him was a guy not up to his height, with this slender arm with animal fur covering his body as clothes. His hair colour was peculiar, it was white in colour but really dirty.

Unlike Linurk, the guy possessed normal human ears. He didn't have the same cat like ears like the rest of them, which made him an out cast and abnormal to them.

"Master Linurk"

The guy said bowing his head as a symbol of respect.

It was at that moment that decided to release the anger brewing inside of him.

Linurk raised his hands and with a single punch, sent the boy crashing down to the ground. Linurk held unto the boys hair raising him from the ground as blood spewed from his mouth. Then throwing the boy away from him with force,


the boy crashed back down to the ground, weak, tired and struggling to get up from the ground. The sound attracted attention, his kind began to come out of their hut to see what was going on.

It was at the moment they became aware of Linurks presence in the village. It was not just them, it also attracted the attentions of the other so called warriors who stayed behind to protect the village.

"Linurk "

One yelled as he and 5 others ran to Linurk. one of them held onto Linurks arm as they all gathered to stop him.

"it's okay"

One said, trying to calm Linurk. His anger showed on his face as his gaze was fixed on the guy on the ground.

"When did you return ?"

One out of the warriors asked, but no response from Linurk.

"Where's Ridjurd?"

Another asked and Linurk mood instantly changed on the question. His unreasonable anger slowly diminished as he calmed down and stopped struggling with the others.

He didn't bother to answer the questions as he wore as sad expression on his and left their presence.

The other warriors confused, shifted this attention to the guy on the ground.

"Your dead"

One said as all of them began to leave leaving the guy on the ground.

Those who came out gazed upon him and in the same manner had a look of disgust on their faces, both male and female and even the younglings saw him as useless.


One of the warriors said as he walked away.

The boys face went dull went dull as he sat on the bear ground, closed his eyes as tears slowly flowed down his cheeks. He felt like nothing, empty, useless.


Linurk made his way to a small Hut in centre of the village, he bent his head and entered.

Before him was...., it was like him but older with white hair and white long bears and cat like ears on its head.

The old man seeing him stood up from the ground in excitement holding his walking stick for balance.

"Linurk" He called with excitement,

"I was worried none of you made it"

The old man said,

"Call Ridjurd for me, I know he would have been tired from the battle" The old man said.

"Actually.......... "

Linurk paused,

The excitement on the man's face dropped on hearing the tone in his voice.