The next day came, early in the morning the people in the village gathered together and the clan leader stood before them all with Linurk by his side.

Inside a little hut, a young half human with animalistic figures was seem sleeping on the ground.

She possessed ash hair and ash pupils in her eyes, her eyes were sour and swollen from crying all through the night.


murmurs were heard from outside her hut, the murmuring sound of people made her mourn out of her sleep as she turned from left to right.


The murmuring volume increased like a speaker, suddenly jolting her out of her slumber.

She opened her eyes slowly and rising up into a sitting position as she turned her head from left to right like someone whose lost.

The murmuring sounds entered into her cat like ears once again,

"What's going on"

She asked herself, before cleaning the dried tears on her checks with her hand and cleaning the dark spots under her eyes.

She stood from the ground, adjusting herself and the fur covering her body which only included her breast and her waist going down war to stop above her knee.

She stepped outside and finally realized the source of the murmuring, before her was the entire clan population. There were small in numbers and in total they wouldn't reach 25, with the kids included. She walked thru the small crowd to get to the front to see what the gathering was about.

But as she has suspected before, it would be about last night's failed mission. Her suspicion was correct, as she made it to the front.

She saw her father and Linurk standing side by side,

"Somethings not right"

She said inwardly as her gaze fell on her father.

The clan chief stood before his people and noticed his daughters gaze on him. He turned his taking his attention away from others to her, in that moment thier gaze met and his expression went sad.

But he immediately covered it up and changed to a dull expression om his face.

He spoke,

"My fellow family, friends,warriors and companions" He paused, getting the crowd full attention and they went silent.

"We have lost so many of our family, friends in the battle for survival against the menacing Dare wolves who seek to destroy us"

The clan leader said and continued,

"Last night 7 of our warriors went out to fight for our safety and survival after discovering the wolves Den"


( from the crowd)

"But only one survived" The Clan chief explains with a sad look on his face.

The crowd wore sad looks on their faces after hearing his words, unaware of the biggest shock yet.

"My son Ridjurd is dead" The clan chief said with a straight face.


From the crowd once again and their eyes shot open in shock and murmurs popped up among them.

"Ridjurd how?"

"What happened?"

"How could it be?"

They all wore shocked expression on thier faces, and some already anticipating thier death and destruction without him.

"So from now on...." He paused as the crowd waited eagerly for his words.

"Linurk is in charge" He said then turned to Linurk,

"Over to you"

Linurk stepped forward for a speech.

"Tonight maybe our last stand" He said,

"So everyone should pack up and leave by sunset and you will all be escorted by 2 warriors to a safe location far from here" Linurk said,

"Won't they follow us?"

"What about my son"

"We won't make it far"

Some spoke from the crowd.

"You all will leave by sunset while I and the other warriors shall stay behind to buy you enough time to get away from here"

The crowd went silent as Linurk struggled to keep a straight face.

"I would advice that spending time with those close to you before tonight" He said,

"We'll try our best but let us hope it will be enough". Linurk said with a sad tone in his voice as he turned to hid right and walked away from them.


Murmuring was heard from the crowd as they dispersed, going to do thier various daily activities while some went to pack thier belongings for the journey ahead.

The female Demi-human with ash hair stood in place shocked by the announcement and also by the thought of Linurk being Clan-master. Clan master is a tittle given to anyone considered the leader of the Warriors whose presence are to defend and fight.

The crowd finally dispersed and the clan chief 's gaze fell on his daughter, the only child he has left.

His daughter walked forward making her way towards him. After hearing about her brothers death,he expected her to be in tears.

"It seemed like she took the news well"

Clan chief said inwardly, unknown to him that she spent most of her night crying after eavesdropping on thier conversation.

"Father" She said in a soft voice as she got to him,

"My dear" The clan chief said, raising his hand to touch her chin.

"I'm sorry about your brother"

"Big brother Ridjurd was a great warrior and am even greater man"

She said in a calm voice.

"For his sake and for those who have been lost we have to move on" She continued,

The clan leader was shocked by his daughter words, it just seems like the loss of her brother has stripped her of her childish nature.

"May his soul rest in peace" He said,

"Father would you excuse me"

She said with a dull tone and he nods in agreement as she turns around to leave.

"Mona" He calls out to her, making her stop in her tracks.

"You are all I have left, I don't want to loose you too" He said,

"I pray the God's will be in our favour" She says in a dull tone and left his presence.