Mona suddenly watched as all the warriors suddenly composed themselves, standing up from where they were seated. She noticed all thier gaze were specifically fixed on one direction,

"What's going on"

She said stretching her head out to see what was truly going on.

Then she saw someone with green hair, walking forward towards them. Mona didn't have to look further before realising who it was. It was no other than the new Clan master,

"He Looks mad"

She said inwardly as she listened to what he was saying.

"This type of attitude will not be tolerated from any of you, not when we have preparation to make" He yelled,

"He angered you last night and he his not expected to go free for such an offense" one said,


Linurk sighed on hearing his words,

"We need to move fast" He said,

"And I don't need to ask if you are all ready to put your lives down for your people"

"WE ARE READY!!!" They yelled in unison.

"Listen up" Linurk said, satisfied with thier answer

"You'll split yourselves into 2 groups" Linurk explained the plan,

"The first group will help the people pack and they must be gone by late noon(He paused seeing thier unwaving attention) while second group will get all the weapons we have in storage"

"Sharpen the spares and stone knives and when you are done pack them all out, we need to be sure we have an enormous amount of weapons and leave the tuning of the bows and arrows to Arjurd"

"Yes sir" They yelled in unison.

Then his gaze fell on the white haired guy on the ground,

"You" He said to the guy,

"Get up, make yourself useful and go help Arjurd with whatever he needs" Linurk said and the guy weakly stood up from the ground,

"The weapons must be ready by noon" He said as the guy walked past him.

"Yes master Linurk" He said weakly as he walked away.

Mona smiled,

"Always count on Linurk to do the right thing" She said, inwardly.

"Just a few hours of him being Clan master and his doing far better than expected"

"Brother would be proud" She said inwardly as she turned around and began to leave. She then stepped on a stick and it snapped.

Linurk ears reacted to the weak sound as his head snapped to the direction the sound originated from. Seeing his sudden reaction, the others turned as well.

"What was that?"

"Are they coming?"

"Is it an attack?" They asked knowing the sensitivity of his earing.

Mona stood in place like a statue, as Linurk gaze was still fixed her direction.

"Nothing" Linurk said,

"Quickly we have to act fast"

He said and he turned around to leave and they all followed from behind.

After watching them all leave and listening for while making sure no one was left left.

She gave a sigh of relief.

"That was close"

She said as she went, making her way towards the river to have a bath.