Linurk, the Clan chief and the other remaining warriors huddeled together like somesort of defense position. They began to hold thier ground as the stuck together,

covering each other's weaks spot and watching each others backs as all together they slaughtered every dare wolf that came for them.

"Its working" Linurk said inwardly with a devilish grin on his face

A dare wolf jumped at him, before he could react the warrior beside him stabbed it in mid air and it died instantly. One furiously jumped to the warrior assive he

Slayed its lover. Just as it got to the warrior, Linurk leaned forward, thrusting his spear forward and it pierced through the wolves head and it fell to the ground

motionless. Linurk and the warriors gaze met and they nodded at each other and turned to focus on the fight.

Unknown to them thier newly formed strategy would be thier doom,

The Dare wolf attacked, repeatedly forcing them closer and closer to each other assive trying to corner them. But each Dare wolf that attacked would end up dead as

Radjar and his warriors slaughtered mercilessly.

Then the wolves suddenly stopped,seizing thier attack on the warriors. The wariors especially Linurk were confused.

"What happened" He asked,

"Are they retreating" one warrior asked, catching his breath.

They were confused but not for long. Radjar the old Clan chief turned his head from left to right to see what's going on.

"No" he replied.

His eyes widenedin shock, seeing the Dare wolves all around them.

"Oh no" He said with a frightened look on her face.

The dare wolf surrounded them like a circle with no path between them. This is a similar hunting style the wolves do to catch thier prey, by surrounding the prey from

all sides, make it hard to escape and easy to kill.

They were surrounded from all sides as more and more wolves joined to make the circle harder and harder to breach.


Enon and Arjurd once again are seen hiding behind a tree watching the whole scene. Enon was panting hard trying to catch his breath. His hair was messed up, he had

bruises all over his face, claw marks all over his body, with few bruises compared to Enon, rough hair and was panting, trying to catch his breath.

"Thier cornered" Enon said, turning to Arjurd.

Arjurd kept a dull expression and lifeless looking eyes as he went through the wooden tablet hastily with shaking hands. His hands shook vigurously as he looked

through the tablet one by one trying to devise a plan.

But he got nothing.

Enon shifted his gaze back to the scene going on.

"Thier dead" Enon said with a dull voice,

"Not that I care" He blutted out.

Arjurd stopped what he was doing and shifted his gaze to Enon,

"If they die who do you think they'll come from next" Arjurds words were dull and cold.

"True" was Enon response,

"Any ideas" Enon said, but got no response.

Taking Arjurds silence as a NO, he turned back to face the scene which he knew would might as well turn into a blood bath.

"Guess we'll just have to wattch and see how things play out" He said,