The dare wolves surrounded them from all sides, no way to escape and the warriors cornered like mice surrounded by cats.

Linurk and the warriors stood still, they were frightened as they stared at the furry monsterous creatures around them. Linurk was loosing his cool, his mind running hay wired. His thinking, strategizing and planning to find a way out of this mess. He turns to the clan chief seeing the same frightened expression on his face as with the others.

"Any ideas" Linurk asked getting Radjar attention.

"There's nothing we can do" He replied,

"If they decide to use their magic (Tackle) at once we won't last long" Radjar said,

As they plondered a way out of thier situation, a Dare wolf stepped forward getting thier attention.

"Keep your guards up"

Linurk whispered to the other warrior and they nodded at once.

The warriors kept thier guards up and kept their attention on the lone wolf coming towards them. It stopped and was wise enough to keep a fairly large amount of distance between itself and the warriors.

"Listen up" it spoke,

"Its over"

It said with its thick voice, making shivers of fright go down the warriors spine.

"It's over for you all but if you tell us where the rest of your kind are and in my little...mercy I'll let you all leave" It said,

"I cannot say the dame about the rest" The wolf said,


The wolves growled, eager and waiting for the order to strike.

"Never" Radjar yelled,

"We'll rather die than confess to the likes of you bloody thirsty sack of meat" Linurk yells,

"And die you will" The wolf said,

"For our fallen" it yelled, then howled to the moon and the others joined.



Enon spectated from behind the trees as the dark furry creatures of the night howled.

Arjurds was sweating buckets as his mind ran wild, trying to figure out a plan to get those warriors out of the mess. He couldn't, there was nothing he could do that would work and creating a distraction will be a deadly mistake as the wolves may take it as am ambush an lash out, killing all of them in one move.

He raised his head, starring deep into the night sky as the cool night wind blew all over his face, drying the sweat all over his forehead.

His dull gaze and hazel eyes were fixed in the sky assive hoping for a miracle.

For once in a long time his hazel eyes widened in shock and he had a shocked look on his face. He tapped Enon hand and the latter ignored as he watched the wolves getting ready for the kill. Arjurds didn't stop tapping Enon's hand and he ignored until the taps became slaps.

"Ouch" Enon said, and turned to Arjurd with a deep frown on his face.

"What is it" He asked frustrated, but Arjurd was not responsive, his gaze was fixed at the night sky.

The very first thing Enon notived was the shocked look on Arjurd's face. His eyes widened in shock, for the first time in a really long time he had an expression on his face. If he had a camera he would have taken a picture of this once in a lifetime moment.

Enon maintained his focus and turned his head slowly, following Arjurd's gaze. His eyes widened in shock and he fell on his knees by the glorious sight flying across the sky.


"For our fallen" It yelled once more,

The wolves launched at them unleashing thier skill "Tackle".

"It was an honour to fight alongside you all" The Clan chief said, in thier final moments before facing an excruciating painful death.

"The pleasure was all ours"

Linurk spoke on behalf of the warriors as they awaited the cold embrace of death as vicious wolves charged towards them from all sides.

All hope was lost.


There was bright white flash from the sky, it stopped the wolves in thier tracks as every creature in the area raised whatever they had to protect themselves and thier eyes from the blinding light, all including the warriors.

The blinding light suddenly died down, and before the warriors, Enon, Arjurd and the wolves could regain thier composure.

An ear breaking sound like thunder was heard causing Linurk and the warriors to fall to the ground, holding thier sensitive ears. The wolves reactions were different, they shivered in fright hearing hearing the ear breaking sound, fled in fright with thier tails between thier legs.

The sound died down and the warriors raised thier head from the ground and look to the sky and each and everyone of them shocked with thier jaws dropping in awe.