CHAPTER 22: Tears

Early the next morning




Mona wakes up and like any other day, she moves to the small wooden bowl in her hut and sprinkles water on his face.


She groans, not yet fully awake. Waking up to her hut, everything seems alright and feels like a normal day. She stands up and realises where she was, she started to feel lighted headed and fell back to the ground. Then a shock of pain surged through her head,

"AAhghh" She moans,

Then memories of all that happened last night flowed into her mind and it replayed like a movie. She held her head in pain, clearly remembering herself sneaking into Arjurd hut to hide. She remembers hitting her head on the wall of Arjurd's hut and killing a dare wolf with a spare Arjurd gave her.

Mona didn't wait, even with the headache she charged out if her hut as fast as she could with one thing and one thing only running through her head.




As she made her way quickly to her fathers as fast as she could with the hopes of meeting her father day. On her way she saw some of the hut from the village destroyed from last night attack. Seeing the remains and parts scattered all over the place of where they once stood.

She ran as fast as she could towards, her father hut and to her right she saw a new and unusual hut one that was not there yesterday. It wasn't like the others, this one was longer in length and larger in size.

"Arjurd been busy" She said,

She was curious and really wanted to know what it was used for.

She was compelled by her curiosity and stops in her tracks. Mona gently moved closer to the hut, the closer she got the more voices she heard.

It was mostly groaning and moaning in agony she heard. She stretched her hand to touch the curtains and gently moving the curtains and no one noticed. She saw the bodies of the warriors laying on the ground, with scratches and claw marks all over thier bodies. The were in a struggle, fighting for thier lives, some wishing to die and they can't take the pain anymore and others bearing the pain determined to survive.

Mona eye's widened in shock as she slowly backed away from the hut to avoid being seen.

"Last night was horrible"

She said with a terrified look on her face, surprised at how few were left. She was scared because there was really high chance that her father might have died.

"What if ..........." She paused as tears slowly ran down her cheeks.


She dismissed those thoughts of her fathers demise from her mind and continued to his hit, which was just in sight.

Mona got to her fathers hut, she stopped for a moment. She hesitated before finally entering. Mona walked into an empty hut, her eyes widened in shock and tears slowly ran down her cheeks. The horrible thought of her fathers death set into her mind and left her feeling bitter and sad.

She fell to her knees crying, words couldn't express how she felt.

"First brother "

"Now father"

"Im all alone" She says,

"No home, no family"

"I have nothing left"

She cried and wallowed in her misery as she remained on her knees. Just like with Ridjurd, memories of her father flowed into her mind. She remembers when they were still really young, they stayed together no matter what, they were still a family even after thier mom died.

"I didn't want to go because......." She sobs,


She sobbs once more,

"I'm afraid of ending up all Alone" She said her mind out and completely broke down in tears. Her heart now felt void, like a dark hole which was once filled with memories and people she loved had vanished.

She cries a bit more, then she hears the sounds of footsteps from behind her. Mona raises her head and cleans the tears in her eyes,

"What is it" She say's, to the person behind her. She kept a strong voice trying to avoid the person behind her from knowing she was crying, but he already knew. Mona didn't care who it was, whether it was Linurk, Arjurd, or any if the other warriors, she just wanted to be left alone.

Then a familiar scent came to her, she inhaled remembering her father's sweaty scent that she inhales each time she's in his embrace. From her trance of thought, her eyes widens in shock. She slowly turns around in disbelief and her gaze fell on an elderly man with white hair and long beards. His chest and hand were filled with scratch and bite marks as proof of yesterdays battle.

Mona didn't take a second thought and stood from the ground and runs into her fathers embrace,crying like a child as she rested her head on his chest.

The clan chief Radjar stunned by her action as she hugs him tightly and cries on his chest. His body was hurting him as she squeezed, but he didn't mind, he overheard everything she said. He left his hut to go to her's with the mind and intention to punish her for her disobedience. When he got there he didn't meet her at her hut and got worried and moved at fast as possible around the village before returning to his hut.

He even had the idea of checking the quiet one hut since that was where she hid although the night. Strangely, as he got to his hut began to hear crying and sobbing, he moved closer and began to listen to everything she said.

As he listened it then dawned on him,

"She didn't do it on purpose" Radar said inwardly,

"Although her action were foolish, but she was only acting on emotions. Just a scared child, afraid. Afraid of loosing all she has left, me" He said inwardly remembering her words.

("I'm afraid of ending up all Alone")

"I forced too much on her, she acted tough assive being OK and have already accepted her brothers death. As i father, I should have known better, his death caused a deep wound in her. She hasn't healed, feeling like she was about to loose me too she panicked and didn't want to loose all she had left" He said inwardly.