The Wives of General Xelt

First Wife, Anwyn Kohl

Anwyn Kohl is the first wife of General Donne. They got married on the 9th day of the 1st month after the summer solstice. An exclusive wedding banquet for families without any announcement from the outside. It is an arranged marriage. Anwyn and Donne were good friends.

Nobody knows if they have romantic feelings for each other. But they have a four-year-old son named Vonne Leiv Xelt who looks exactly like Donne, only with his mother's temperament.

Anwyn grew up in a warrior's household. A bloodline of proud soldiers since her great-great-grandfather. Most of the women born of the Kohl bloodline were of green mark. Providing excellent healing sustenance to the male members of the families.

Having four elder brothers, she has the cuteness of an innocent child and the stubbornness of a young master. She is frank in her words, honest in her emotions, and chooses happiness most of the time.

That day when Meara arrived, she saw her walking past their courtyards toward the end of the property where a shanty for firewood was built for emergencies in the winter. She always thought that even for a concubine, she'd be given one of the four courtyards.

Donne told her not to bother with the concubine. However, she looked sideways at Donne and refused to follow.

"I am bored out of my wits here without another woman to talk to. That concubine looks kind and graceful. I like her. She can be my friend. I will go to see her tomorrow. Don't stop me."

"Haaah do what you want. Her name is Meara. She has a three-colored mark and is rumored to be cursed. Your choice." He defeatedly exhaled and left the room.

Anwyn chose the 5th day after Meara moved in to visit. She brought a few delicacies she made in her kitchen as a welcoming gift.

When she arrived at the shed-turned-little courtyard, she noticed that the weeds had been cleared out and there were flowers planted at the entrance. There is also a pathway of stones leading to the house.

Anwyn pushed the poorly structured wooden gate without a lock. She elegantly walked and called out to Meara. A young servant opened the door and saw her.

"My lady…?" Calla muttered. Meara appeared behind.

"Hello, you must be the general's wife. Pardon my ignorance as to who you are in particular. Please come in" Meara opened the door wider.

Anwyn entered the humble home and immediately smelled the welcoming scent of roses mixed with some other sweet scents. She looked around and saw that the former firewood shed was converted into a clean and warm living room.

The decoration of the house is simple. A vase with wildflowers is at the center of the small dining table in the kitchen. The shed formerly occupied by firewood is now the living room with a few stools made from chopped wood and a center table from a slab of stone. The scene is very homey and a bit primitive. There seemed to be two closed rooms at the back. That's it. That's the whole house.

"Welcome to my humble home, my lady." Meara welcomed the general's wife. Both of them were still standing while Calla went to the kitchen to prepare some tea.

"Hello. I am Anwyn Kohl. Donne's first wife. Please accept these delicacies. They are Kohl's family's specialty. I came here to welcome you to the Xelt household. I like what you did with the place. It's so homey and gives the feeling of warmth."

Anwyn approached Meara slowly. She kindly held Meara's hands.

"Let's be friends okay?"

Meara silently breathed a sigh of relief. She nodded and gave a very welcoming smile. She beamed.

This is a new friend.

Second a wide, Corin Anson

Corin Anson is the second wife of Donne. She can be said to be one of the prettiest women in the kingdom. However, such a face cannot be trusted to have a good heart.

She liked Donne ever since he entered the military. They got married a year after the first wife. Again, it's an arranged marriage and no luxurious banquet happened. She's okay with it as long as she can be his wife. She has a blue-colored mark which has an after-effect of calmness after the transfer of essence.

Corin and Anwyn have no open animosity towards each other. They each have their part in protecting Donne's well-being. One for healing the body, one for calming the mind and heart. But they were not friends.

She thinks that she's better than Anwyn. She's prettier, a daughter of a nobleman who owns a few ore mining fields of iron and gold, and an intellectual who was educated fully as well as any other nobleman.

She also saw Meara pass by when she first moved in. In her mind, how can a lowly concubine compare to her? When she learned where she was assigned to live, she laughed out loud and her mood for the day was very good. This concubine is no different from a slave. Coincidentally, she has the same thinking as Donne. Unlike Anwyn, she didn't have plans to make friends with her. From then on though, she plans to make her life difficult.

Her thoughts are filled with: 'She seems fake to me. Why does she hide her mark? Does she think she's special? Where does she come from? Is she feral?...'

Compared to Anwyn whom Donne has an established friendship with, she's very coquettish to him and he doesn't mind. It is very helpful as well when sharing the bed making it pleasurable for Donne and keeping him satisfied with the calming effect afterwards. She likes Donne very much. However, he's the only person she's kind to. She considered all others beneath her, whether openly or silently in her heart.

Corin's greatest wish is to give Donne an heir. She has great compatibility with Donne in bed but the luck of conceiving a child hasn't happened yet. Though Donne is not worried about it, it is a heavy burden in her heart. That was why she also hated Meara. She is afraid she will get pregnant before her.

Donne doesn't seem to favor either wife but he talks to them casually and respects them individually. However, he plans for his third wife to be of his choosing. That was why when his father once again pushed another potential woman on him, he vehemently disapproved and could only agree for her to be a concubine of no official standing. The decree was made with the help of his best friend and current King. His innate impatience and irritability towards Meara are borne out of his pride that this woman is not of noble birth but a daughter of a merchant. Rich, but still, a wandering merchant without a respectable bloodline in his opinion.