As One With Someone Dear To Protect

Kage no Kishi Headquarters (Shadow Lair)

Hello there, good ma'am and gents!

My name is Kim Hei-Ran and I am a newly hired Assistant Secretary of Kage no Kishi—one of the seven divisions of the most revered and most desired organization of all Ability Holders alive; the HARMONIA!

I've long dreamed of being a member of this wonderful organization as an Ability Holder; thus, as soon as I graduated from Saint Stella academy with the highest honor attainable, I was able to be recommended and was accepted as an Assistant secretary! Oh, the bliss!

My senior at work, miss Yamato Kyouka, is a very beautiful woman with mature air around her.

She's so beautiful that almost everyone in the Kage no Kishi admired her regardless of gender. I myself, is a holder of great beauty—but I hold no candle against miss Kyouka. That's just how beautiful she is!

Her freely swaying black, soft, shiny hair that reaches to her waist was just so elegant. Her mildly slanted ruby colored eyes were like jewels that captivates all her onlookers. Her perfectly pointed nose and her cheery colored kissable lips was just too alluring! Her evenly trimmed forelocks and the mole under her mouth was just too cute to ignore! Oh, goddess of beauty. If she would descend from the realms of gods, surely she would look exactly like miss Kyouka!

Aside from miss Reina the daughter of Chief Yamada, and miss Sofia the SSR ability holder, I know no one who's more beautiful than miss Kyouka. Also, she smells so good that it's almost addicting!

Miss Kyouka is a serious, cool beauty type. And as I observed, she's very aloof when it comes to romantic relationship. In fact, there were several tens of men that were constantly asking for her hand in terms of marriage—only to be utterly rejected!

I have been working with her for about two months now but I never saw her entertain anyone from the opposite sex.

Yes, no one… no one except that brat who came to meet the chief three days earlier!

Honestly speaking, when I saw him, I din't feel anything special from that boy. As a matter of fact, I can't even remember his name. Also, I was only able to get a glimpse of him from afar since miss Kyouka ordered me to wait in at he waiting area of the academy that time.

But I swear, I feel nothing special—not even a peck of charisma emitting from him. He's dull and lacking in my opinion.


For whatever reason, miss Kyouka returned to our meeting spot with a very wide smile on her face. That was the first time I saw her genuinely happy. She was hugging a picture frame for who knows what's inside—and her expression was not as of the serious, aloof miss Kyouka that I know. It was clearly the face of a woman madly in love.

I don't get it! For miss Kyouka—a cool beauty of no equal, to show such a face... though, she looked very cute that time.

But no!

I don't know who he is and what on HARMONIA he had done to miss Kyouka but for my seniors' sake, I must investigate about him! I will reveal his true nature!

"What's wrong, Ran? You're spacing out."


I was lost in my thoughts that with just a mere whisper I was too shocked and let out a weird voice.

She's not creeped out by that, ain't she?

"Ah, I'm sorry. Did I surprise you?" Miss Kyouka asked, looking a bit apologetic.

"Yes… a little. Ehehe."

"I'm sorry, okay? But what's the matter? It's not so often that you'd space out like that."

Ah~what a blunder I made. I said I'd help her, but I made miss Kyouka worry instead. What a bad subordinate I am. This won't do. I must do my best for her!

"Sorry, it was nothing. It's just… I am wondering about something."

"About something? About what specifically?" Miss Kyouka tilted her head. So cute!

Well, hiding this won't help. And maybe if I ask her directly, miss Kyouka would tell me more about that frivolous brat!

"It's about that boy whom you've meet three days ago at the Headmaster's office."

"Three days ago… Hmm, sir Gleren? What about him?" She realized it was about him immediately…

"Well, it's just… I've been wondering why the headmaster—Chief Yamada called out to him. I mean, if I remember correctly, he was uhmm… F-ranked, yes? So, I just thought it was kind of rare? Yes. That kind of feeling."

Honestly, I don't know what they talked about and why they called for him. All I know was that miss Kyouka was meant to deliver an important document at that time which contained confidential reports.

So, if that's the case, then this 'Sir Gleren' must have had some kind of big role to play.

It's just a speculation. But if I guessed right, then this 'Sir Gleren' is someone with a great connection to the chief.

Miss Kyouka suddenly let out a light laugh. "Ahh, so that's what it is? Well, certainly sir Gleren is F-ranked."

"Right?! So, I was jus—…"

"In terms of ability measurements, that is."


When I got too excited to hear that miss Kyouka and I had the same evaluation of him, I was slapped with another surprise that I have yet to know.

"It makes sense since Hei-Ran is still new in our division. But sir Gleren is different from what you can say 'common'."

"What… do you mean by that?" Now my confusion just got doubled.

"You know how the ability ranks are measured right?"

"Yes. They are measured by the criteria of how much they can affect the world. Those related to divine entities were ranked the highest. And those related to the ability to manipulate weather and such are next. The ability to summon and others were what follows. Am I correct?"

"Indeed." Miss Kyouka nodded. "Abilities are measured just as you have said. For instance, the first hero, Saint Stella was SSR ranked as well as miss Sofia for having divine Entity as their ability; Raphaela and Gabriel. Chief Yamada was ranked SS for his ability to control the weather. Their ability was measured by how much they can affect the world and how they were viewed by people around them… not by their capacity to utilize their gained ability from the shards."

"Even so… sir Gleren's ability is—"

"Yes. Sir Gleren's ability was Shadow manipulation."

Yes. {Shadow Manipulation}. It was also written in the report. An extremely underwhelming ability.

Certainly, compared to any divine entities and capacity to control the weather at will—shadow was a very common—if not very simple ability.

Shadow related abilities can be found almost anywhere and when one thinks of it, there's nothing really special about it. Even so...what is this unease that I am feeling right now?

An urge of curiosity maybe?

Miss Kyouka took the seat beside me while putting down the documents she was holding.

She begun, "Four years ago, when sir Gleren was yet a member of Kage no Kishi and not yet even a resident of Saint Isle, the president of HARMONIA called for him—no—to be precise, for her."

Her? Ah!

"Miss Sofia?"

Miss Kyouka nodded in affirmation.

It was also written in the Record. His name was Gleren Stasis. Stasis was also the last name of Miss Sofia. The holder of one of the greatest abilities in Saint Isle; SSR {Gabriel}.

Miss Sofia was said to be orphaned and has no other relatives than her one and only brother. Thus, by deduction this 'sir Gleren' can only be that brother of hers.

"HARMONIA was known as the balancer of the world since the occurrence of the world imbalance caused by the appearance of Abilities. Of course having to discover a girl with a SSR-tier ability was not something that the organization would just let pass. The president wants to get their hands on miss Sofy—as all of us does. With her in the organization, we can accomplish more great things."

Miss Kyouka was right. Though, by the end of her words, her expression was clouded by sadness ever so little.

I can understand the notion and the actions of the president. But I also feel bad for miss Sofia. I'm sure that there were something that she wants to accomplish for herself and not be bound by the watchful eyes of the organization.

"Thinking that the organization would only shackle miss Sofy and deprive her of her own freedom, he stood there in front of the President—absent of any emotions." Miss Kyouka went on. "I can clearly remember what the president said at that time; 'You are not needed here. Get lost brat.' they said.

Miss Sofia was hiding behind sir Gleren at that time. She was both shy and afraid. She was clinging tightly on her brother's clothes that time.

Honestly, sir Gleren wasn't even invited to come in the very first place. So, when he appeared there out of nowhere, the president was in a very bad mood."

"T-then? What happened next?"

A mere child stood between the president and his sister? Wh-whats this relentless feeling that I am having?

It feels as if my thoughts are telling me to know what happened next.

Miss Kyouka let out a smile, "Nothing. He simply replied; 'Try touching a single strand of my sisters' hair and everyone here will surely die!" She said imitating a male sounding voice.

"H-he said that?! But, like, he was just 12 years old, right? Ah yes! I get it! I'm sure the president took it as a joke as a compromise they let him work under the organization for him to support his sister, right?"

"You are right about him working with us as a means of supporting his sister. But there is one thing that you missed. At that time, not I, chief Yamada, nor the President could even move a finger. Not an inch. That time, I could feel my knees giving out. There were beads of sweats rolling down my face. It was only my first year of working as a secretary and I was really… terrified. If not for the chief, I don't know what could have happened."

Huh?! That's not right, was it?

The president of HARMONIA was one of the strongest ability users—and also chief Yamada was there. And yet, miss Kyouka is telling me that they were terrified by a kid? By a twelve-year old brat? That seemed so hard to take in.

"The Chief?"

"Yes." She nodded in response.


"But he was just bluffing right? Like some kid spouting nonsense?" ...I can't still believe it.

"I cannot tell you the details, but at least let me tell you this. In the history of HARMONIA, that was the very first time that the president themself admitted that they were genuinely scared of someone. She said that if ever even one of us had moved, then we could have all died as sooner;

'Looking in his eyes, I felt like death was just in front of me. Holding a scythe in form of a child.' They said, face pale after meeting him."

Unbelievable… so even the president holds such respect for him? I might have evaluated him too lightly. And he was just a kid back then…

"Sir Gleren had no bad intention. And by no means he was being rude. He was just protecting his family. After all, that was just about the time not long after their parents had passed away from a car accident."

I see. So, for the sake of the only family he has, he was willing to be the enemy of an organization consist of Ability Holders. What a crazy thing to do or even think. And yet still so admirable.

But still there is something I really want to know… his reasons for joining them.

"But then, why did sir Gleren join HARMONIA if he believed that it could only shacklehis sister's freedom. Don't tell me... Did he exchange his freedom for hers?"

Miss Kyouka took the document that held his profile.

"Sir Gleren joined for two reasons; one was just as you said—to provide and to make sure that the freedom of his sister is in peace. If the chief hadn't convinced him that time, I'd never know what could have occurred."

"Yes. You said the chief did something right? What exactly did he do, miss Kyouka?"

"He offered him a deal. First is to protect miss Sofia from any danger while not hindering any of her freedom. Second was to let him enroll and live with her in Saint Stella Academy. The condition for all this was for sir Gleren to join HARMONIA."

"And he accepted..." So that's why.

"Honestly it was really hard to break the wall that sir Gleren was making that time. It was as if he was treating everyone aside from his sister as his enemy. There wasn't even a sign of hesitation in his eyes when he said that he'd kill us if we dare hurt his sister. Even the chief said this after our meeting with him, 'when I tried to move to speak, I felt something really sharp pointing at my throat. If I hadn't spoken clearly, my head could have already flown away from my body.' then he showed us his palm. There were a few amount of blood on it.

Then the chief said while gripping his own hand, 'just what the hell did that child saw in that car accident.' He added. Sir Gleren was not bluffing. He was very wary of and everyone in his surroundings."

I could feel my clothes being soaked in cold sweat just hearing miss Kyouka's story. If hearing this would make me feel like this way, then how much more for miss Kyouka who experienced this first hand? I can't even try to imagine.

"The chief managed to speak in a hoarse voice, and he was able to explain the deal to him. That's how sir Gleren and the chief ended up having the uncle-nephew relationship. Chief Yamada decided to adopt the two siblings. But sir Gleren was very stubborn, and he refused to be chief Yamada's adopted son, thus the register was only for them as relatives. That's how they end up living together for two years. It was until sir Gleren and miss Sofia Turned 3rd year in Junior high."

I didn't know that it was such a very long story. So, this 'sir Gleren' lived in Japan for two years, huh? No wonder I know not of him. But there is still one reason that I want to hear.

"But how about the second reason?"

"Yes. The second reason… is to seek re—!'

"Ain't that enough, dear Kyouka? If you were to continue, Gleren will get really mad, ya'know."

Before miss Kyouka could even finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the chief's sudden appearance. I didn't even notice that he was already here or rather since when did he come in?

Seeing how chief heard the whole conversation, miss Kyouka's expression change and she held her mouth with her hand—she was as if she's about to cry…

"Ah! Chief, I'm really sorry! Please don't tell sir Gleren about this!" She said, clearly anxious.

I can't just let miss Kyouka take all the blame!

"I-it was my fault, sir! I was doubting sir Gleren's ability, thus I asked miss Kyouka about him. S-so It was me. Miss Kyouka did nothing wrong!"

"Hmm… I see." He was nodding slowly as if understanding the situation.

"I understand your doubts very well. Gleren's pretty drastic, foul mouthed and when you look at him, he's really thin and seems very pathetic."

Ain't you going too far, sir?!

I can see chief Yamada enjoying this… I wonder what would happen if sir Gleren was to hear him?

"But let me tell you this; there is no person alive that can best Gleren when it comes to utilization of ability. When that guy gets serious, I doubt any enemy would even realize that they're dead. Having such insignificant ability drove him to create his own fighting methods. That was the main reason why he got his nickname in the first place—'Ren the Skills Specialist.'" he said with a glint in his eyes.

"Yes, sir! I understand." I gave a reflexive salute of affirmation.

Wait, what? He was a Specialist?! I-I must give him proper greetings next time.

"Anyway, go back to your work you two. Hei-Ran, we've got a message, you know? Who is it from? One of Gleren's women?"


Women?! Hmm, miss Kyouka's getting agitated. Chief Yamada really knows how to tease miss Kyouka. Well, I get it though, miss Kyouka's reactions are pretty cute.

Also speak of the devil…

"It's from sir Gleren, chief."

"What is it this time?" The chief said exasperated. "He was complaining again, isn't he?"

"He was asking why the target for his mission has yet to come to school." And all caps lock... He must be really irritated, huh...

"Homu. So, what should we do about this, Kyouka?"

Chief Yamada turned to miss Kyouka with a mischievous grin on his face. As the chief asked her this, Miss Kyouka started fiddling, and with her face burning red, she said in a rather shy tone,

"L-let him come here himself… please."

Ah now I'm sure about it… she's a maiden in love.

How adorable can she be?!