Practical Lesson: Ability Showcase II

The test procedure progressed and nearly every student in my class completed their turn one at a time.

It's quite intriguing to watch everyone. Regardless of what type of abilities they have, they persevere to achieve the same objective—to have the best results.

Observing from where I stood, I've got the gist of everyone's capability and the role they can play when it comes to battle.

For instance, that girl over there with the pale-blue short hair is an ice wizard. When it comes to team battles, she may be a potent AOE caster.

In her test earlier, she destroyed the golem in a very interesting way. She first used her ice magic to freeze the entirety of the golem and then finishing the task, she simply tapped the ice's exterior and everything within the frozen ice shattered.

Simply said, it indicates that she has the ability to use her ice to not only immobilize her enemy but also to penetrate deep within them. That skill was actually rather scary. With such type of sorcery, one may die without even putting up a fight. To have such sense while being a first year is a talent to be reckoned with.

Well, it's not only her. Everyone in this room seems to have moved to the best of their abilities while being aware of it. But as far as I'm concerned, she's the best ability user I've seen yet.

Since most of the class had their turn already, the only ones left is just me and Varvara. And the gentleman I was, I urge her to go first.

Varvara is a holder of an S-ranked innate ability with SR-ranked prowess as measured earlier; The Forest Hymn. If I recall accurately, it allows her to communicate with everything connected to and related to nature.

As the test was about to begin, Varvara was just standing in front of the golem. And for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

It appeared as though I was being soothed or more accurately, urged to watch her. It was as if some sort of force had been attempting to ensnare me.

When Reina gave her the go-ahead signal, Varvara let out a faint green light. Her whole body appeared to be gently glowing, as if she were being engulfed by force of life itself.

Then, she spoke in a soft if not compassionate voice. "Come, let me be your friend."

Even though she was only speaking a few words, everyone in the our class was urge to watch her in quiet and admiration. It was as if everyone was experiencing the feeling of witnessing their "favorite" moment of their life where they may have the feeling of relish.

It was a feeling similar to enjoying one's favorite show or tasting ones loved dessert after a very long time.

The golem moved and approached her, it's hostility had long vanished. It was as if the golem was listening to what Varvara had to say. And when the golem reached a set space between them, it bowed and bent its knee—like how a knight might act front of its queen.

It was the very first time that this kind of thing was done in a subjugation test. Instead of destroying the golem, Varvara tamed it.

"Splendid!" With that remark from Reina, Varvara's turn ended with everyone staring at her in complete awe.

Varvara returned to my side. Then she said...

"Ehehe. I did it." ...with a beaming smile.

That for sure was directed to me.

No, seriously, please stop that. That kind of surprise attack is bad for me. For my heart, that is.

While drowning in this thought, it was finally my turn.

Varvara did it very uniquely. After all, no one other than her had thought of taming the golem. All of them went with the easiest method as if it was given; destroying it.

Varvara can extremely bashful, but she's incredibly brave as well. That was the reason why she can confidenly go along her skills despite being a support mage. And to be really honest, I don't dislike this part of her—if anything, it's one of the qualities I like most about her.

Well then, let me tell you one thing about me, as well. I'm a lazy person. I believe in something like this; If there is a shortcut in life and you are confident to go along with it, why test yourself to go struggle with the long route? If asked, I'll definitely take it. And I'll make sure that the shortcut I'm taking would be the best route for me.

Maybe it's just my sloth energy that's talking. But for me—I don't have time to waste for detours. If I could make my life fulfilling with a certain shortcut, I'll definitely take it.

In short, unlike the diligent Varvara, I will also be destroying that golem.

"Oi, oi, oi! Look what we have here. The last and the least? KAHAHAHA!"

Ugh. This idiot again.

"Guard there's a crazy person here."


He, Roderick yelled, his cheeks growing red and his forehead revealing veins. Thanks to this moron, everyone's attention was shifted on to us.

And here I was hoping too— that I could end this quick with only Reina looking. But this moron is a big pain in the neck. Is he that desperate for attention? If it were me, if I'm a son of some noble like this idiot, I'd be minding my own business napping somewhere far from other people.

If I'm in his shoes, I'd be gaming and buying more games and anime and manga and manhwa and all.

"So, what is it now, oi-boy? Out with it."

"I told you not to call me that!"

"I don't care." I waved my hand dismisiv. "Just hurry it up, will you? I still have to take my turn on this test."

"You really don't have any manners. But that's exactly what I'm here for."

"You don't get to speak about manners since you don't have a peck of it yourself. And would you die if you explain yourself better? You're taking everyone's time here."

"You bastard!"

He gritted his teeth. But then eventually he calmed himself. It's quite surprising. He usually would bail by this time looking at his record history. Is he on to something?

He looked around scanning the people from my class, and then when he found Elisha, he turned to me looking really confident.

Aha! There you have it. All for her attention.

"I challenge you, trash. You will be taking this test as well, yeah? Then why don't we compete? The one to destroy the golem the soonest wins. The loser will do one thing that the winner would demand. How does that sound?" He went on with a smirk.

Irritated me, really.

"Sounds stupid to me." I shrugged. "But then again, I've got something that I want for you to do as well. It's actually a good idea coming from a brain-fried person like you. Let's do it."

"Oho…" His getting agitated. Must be from the brain-fried thing.

"Trying to act cool in front of that half-baked S-ranked, are you?" His face distorted into something really, uhh, disgusting if you asked me.

It was as if he was already certain that he would win. Also, about that half-baked, he was talking about Varvara if that ugly stare was the clue. I twitched. Something inside me lit up as I grow annoyed of his stare on Varvara. If I punch him now, I'd be able to get away with it, no?

"Well, rejoice trash. Because I'll make sure to mop the floor with that smug F-ranked face of yours."

"Don't joke around, Oi-boy. We are both aware that you don't know how to mop." Personally, I don't really have to comply with this idiot's ploy.

But there really is one thing that I want him to do in front of everyone. And believe me, I will make him do just that.

"Oh, and how about we include the hand-to-hand combat in this duel? That way, maybe you'll get a chance to beat me. Not that you have a smallest chance to win thought. KAHAHAHA!"

Meaning to say, not only in this part of the practical lesson, but even in the hand-to-hand combat he wants to shame me. This kid's getting ahead lf himself.

So be it.

"I'm plenty enough with just this one, though. But, sure why not." I replied nonchalantly. "I'll humor you."

Since earlier, Sofy has been glaring at him, and Reina has been agitated for some time now. Maybe for the consideration of what I said earlier; that there's something I want for Roderick to do if I win the challenge that they did not interfere with this fuss.

Either way, I'm grateful for that. Even more if they ease up a bit... They're practically killing the guy with the intensity of their glare.

"Let's do this." He returned to where his golem was.

He then requested the student council for it to be moved at the center of the training hall. Shameless that boy, really. Spoiled to the bone.

There's the only two of us that's left to do the test so that request was accepted. Though Reina's seemed on the verge of exploding. One can tell just by looking at her squint. She's ruining her beautiful looks. Though, anyone (including yours truly) would be thrilled to be stared by her for hours or so. Great reward for a passionate heart—her daggerous glare. Degenerates, assemble!

Ah, by the way, our good instructor, miss Tokugawa? She just said, "it's kind of interesting, so why hold them back. Let them knock themselves out." then left everything to Reina. Should I tear a page on some dictionary and show her what Instructor really means? Well, since it was Reina, everything is bound to go smoothly.

With everything set for Roderick, Reina gave her signal for him to begin.

The moment the test started, the golem started moving towards the guy. Though it was moving very slowly, it's size and weight was something to be scared of. Imagine a truck coming your way—you'd obviously get out of it's path; unless you're some nuts who believed that truck-kun would send you to another world (anything you do, please don't be stupid and never try that, please.) Oi-boy moved swiftly three hops backward. If I'm not mistaken, Roderick is a summoner; thus, his actions are perfectly acceptable.

When he was sure that the movement of golem and the distance between them was safe he began his chant.

"Oh, Mighty being from the land unknown! With scales as hard as steel, fangs as sharp as blade, burning breath—and existence of no equal! Heed my call and lend me your strength. The contract we have and the mana I possess will be the reward for my behest!"

Between him and the golem, a magic circle with an orange glow emerged from the floor as he spoke (those cringy line). Scriptures that neither I nor anyone else in the room was familiar with filled the circle. By time, the glow grew even brighter—and when the light vanished—a fabled monster from the myths and epics and tales—that was as powerful as he declared it emerges from the magic circle. A fire dragon.

It stood for about 3 meters tall and its length was about 7 meters from its nose to its tail. It was huge. Even so, compare to Elisha's boobs, it still hold no contest at all. Jokes. Ehe.

Honestly, this was the first time I'd ever seen an actual dragon. And when it flapped its wings, the wind blast was strong enough to make everyone take cover and even halt the golem from advancing.

The roar of this mythical creature terrified everyone in the hall. Then, satisfied with the reaction of his audience, Roderick ordered the dragon to defeat his enemy.

"Mighty dragon! Incinerate your enemy with your flame!"

As if on cue the dragon opened its mouth widely inhaling the air around it; and then, when it got the certain amount of what it needed—it breathed flame, bursting it towards the golem!

The golem was made up of earth and it was coated with barrier magic by the ability users from the student council. So, this was going to be tough for him.

Personally, I don't have the right to say this, but I think Roderick made the wrong choice here. Fire was weak against earth. Does he not know that? Plus the golem possessed a barrier that can withstand simple magic. If he'd just ordered the dragon to crush the golem using its weight—or nails —or whatever; then, the test could have had long ended.

Then again, if his objective was to show off how strong his dragon's breath is, then whatever.

"I don't really understand how spoiled people think." I muttered under my breath.


As expected, the battle between the dragon and the golem took longer than one could guess.

Eventually, with the span of about 2 minutes he successfully melted the earthen golem. What an inefficient way of fighting. Crude, even.

After successfully destroying the target, the magic circle appeared again and the dragon that originally came out from it returned in the same way it came out.

I see. So, it was a type of summon that returns after completing an order.

Wait, so what happens if the summoner gets killed while the summon has yet to complete the request? Hmm... That's quite an interesting topic.

As I was pondering this, Roderick came to where I was with beads of sweat flowing down his face. Maybe he used a bit too much of his magic for his summon?

Stupidity overload.

"Heh. How about that, oi? Too scared to move? Well, that should be expected from trash like you."

In the coner of my eyes, I can see Sofy getting reeaaally angry with his remarks…

Let's get this over with—before some angel out there becomes a demon.

"How about wiping that beads of sweat you got there? I can't move because you're in the way, dumb ass."

"You really had a fuckin' foul mouth, oi!"

"I don't wanna hear that from you. Your mouth is fouler than mine. Anyway, it's my turn, so kindly move."

I faked him a smile.

"It's your turn, fool. Do you want me to have them move this golem at the center, too?"

Reina asked looking a little more excited than before. Why, though? She can't hide her smile.

"Nah. Here is fine. Nothing flashy really."

I said curtly, from which she replied,

"I see. Suit yourself." Still smiling.

I stood in front of the golem at a certain distance. Since I was the only one left who had to do the test, all eyes are trained on me. And it really felt very uncomfortable, I tell you.

I can see Elisha watching intently and Varvara with her hands intertwined near her almost non-existent chest. Is she feeling nervous for me? Varvara really is a sweet girl.

I can see miss Tokugawa watching as well. Maybe she got bored of doing nothing? She was there together with Sofy.

I can also see Dio with his girlfriend.

Behind me, I can tell that Roderick was sneering. Oh, well let's get over this.


When Reina declared, I raised my hand pointing towards the golem. I muttered, "Shadow; Eliminate."

I felt mana escape from within me. And when what felt like five seconds had passed, I put my hand back down.

I exhaled and relaxed my shoulders.

"I'm done." I said turning to Reina.

Reina smiled then replied with an expectant nod.

"Yes. Efficient as always."

As swift as that, my turn ended...