Psalm had never had in mind that he'll be kissing Emily so soon. All he planned was to come give her the cake and leave but this wasn't what he planned, not that he did not enjoy it, he did of course with ultimate pleasure cause he has been dreaming about this moment for so long and right now it was happening. It was exactly as he wanted, hungry and fierce and mindless. Her lips were soft and it was almost heathen as he crushed down to devour hers, she gave in to it, gave all to it, a moment of madness where the body ruled the mind and blood roared over reason. The thrill snapped through him like a whip, sharp, painful and with a quick shocking burn, this was life.
For one mad moment, she drew him in. The male scent and flavour, the strength and the Passion, and she let it tumble through her in a kind of joyful spree. It was definitely like a carnival, like the giddiest of rides when you couldn't be sure not absolutely sure that you wouldn't be flung out of your seat and into the air. And wasn't that fabulous?
Then she slammed on the brakes, what choice did she have? She knew what was going to happen if you ride too fast, too hard, too high and too intoxicated. She just had to stop before they both go any further, she pulled out of Psalm's arms. He was shaken, right down to the soles of his feet, but he stared into her eyes and nodded cooly.
"I'm sorry" he lifted his hand and fall them into his pockets as he stood up.
" Nah it's not your fault "She was no quaking virgin, and a long way from being an easy mark. She didn't step back, that would have been retreat, rejection whatever you want to interpret it as, but she stood firm and kept her eyes level with his. "It's no secret we're both attracted to each other. I like your company, conversation, humor but right now I'm with Adams and I want that to work out"
She looked, he thought, like an angry and aroused wood nymph not that he had actually saw one except in Fantasy TV shows. " Okay I get it. We're gonna pretend like it didn't happen" his voice was low and She could sense a little of disappointment in it.
"But it did happen and I'm not ashamed of it or am I going to pretend like it never happened between us not when I did wanted for this to happen" Her belly tickled and her heart gave a big knocking beat, she couldn't believe she just said that. "All I'm saying right now is I'm in a relationship until I figure it out, this can't happen again" her heart and desires was in denial for her last statement but the mind and the brain took full control of all her body and suppressed all lustful feelings that were at the edge of breaking free.
"Okay. I think I'm gonna go now " The rain had stopped and it was already late. It was an excuse for him leaving before his desires would take control and he would do something like grabbing her one more time and devouring those soft lips of hers.
"Alright good night" she stood at the door and watch him leaving. She felt sharp pain in her heart, the brain and mind had figure out everything but the heart and desires were unwilling to corporate. "Psalm" she called out, then run to where he stood, she touched her lips to his, rubbed softly, nipped gently as she felt her body slide toward surrender, and fought the urge to plunder. He went slowly, for both of them, savoring what they had earlier devoured, lingering where once they rushed. In the wet cold street, with her arms lifting to come around him, he wouldn't allow himself to demand instead, He seduced.
"Seems like someone had a good time " Dan smiled as Psalm walked inside the house, facial expression filled with satisfaction.
"What do you mean "Psalm voice came out softly followed by a slight chuckled.
"Keep pretending as though I didn't see y'all through the window locking lips " Dan sipped his tea looking at Psalm's surprised face.
"Wait, you saw that?
"Yeah, saw everything that happened on the street" Dan chuckled. "Anyways I'm off to bed "
"Sure little bro "
"I'm not little anymore" Dan rolled his eyes. " I saw Adams by the way "
"Yeah. I wondered if he saw y'all locking lips and something" Dan said finally before climbing the stairs.
Psalm hoped that Adams didn't see anything that happened this evening because it would only bring trouble to Emily and probably himself too, the last he wanted was feud or drama between the three of them but either way it was definitely going to happen so the least thing he could do was to be prepared for it and be ready to stand by Emily when it does.
He stared into the pitch black clouds that were exactly like his life before he met Emily, she was someone he didn't want to lose especially not after whatever he was feeling for her has gotten so deep. So deep that it hurts not so much when he couldn't see her. Was this love? He asked himself. Or was it just a fling? Whatever it is going on, he doesn't want to lose it And he won't even if it means stirring up drama with whoever, he doesn't care. She was worth it and worth more than anything in life just as much she deserves everything and even better. He wasn't saying he was more better than Adams but he got so much inside to offer to her, a lot of things inside that he would offer if only he would get a shot with her. And that shot he was about to get it, not right now,
not tomorrow but Some day.