The unlucky one

Adams Walker never had life easy, home, school and work was a repeated circle in his life ever since his parents died by a mysterious illness and that made me grew up in Saint Paul's orphanage home. His life had always been busy especially when it came down to bullies. He would end up with bruises given to him either by the kids in school or the ones in the orphanage.

When he would get into fights with the other kids at the orphanage, he was the only one that gets flogged and punished. As each strokes lands on his back, Father Leonard will recite a bible text to him along with words about his parents death meant to hurt him. For this reason Adams grew up with so much hate inside, so much that it consumed his mind and soul. The Hatred for life itself was so strong, so consuming and so controlling that one night stuck into Father Leonard room, watching the old man sleep. The voices in his head kept chanting the word death, that night madness consumed him and he struck father leonard with an axe on his chest. The father had screamed out of pain, plead for his life but all fell on deaf ears, Adams was not the Adams he knew, it was a mad man that stood in front of him. He struck again and again, over and over again then set the room on fire which later spread throughout the orphanage.

Adams had earlier snuck out of the orphanage after setting it ablaze. He was running in to the woods, not knowing where he was going, covered in blood and clueless of what just happened to him, he ran. Ran not looking back as fast as his legs could carry him and when he got to the road, not sure of where's he was going from there, he kept walking. That night he died as Adams Walker and was reborn as Adams Bradford after an old couple drove by, saw him and rescued him. Gave him the life and love he never received from the orphanage, enrolled him in on of the best schools in the states then took him out of the states for further education. For that he was forever thankful that they love him endlessly and when they died due to old age complications they left behind assets that set him up for life. he could enjoy all this, live a normal life but he couldn't after all the night before his parents had died mysteriously he overheard their conversation about the curse and him too was cursed. So he hated his life and had tried to die but he just couldn't, he did nothing wrong to die just like that, not after his adopted parents had invested so much into him to become the Man he is today. He started his investigations an learned more about the curse than his parents did and when he found the descendants of Ophis, he committed a sin, covered it and stood by Emily's side in disguise as love but did he really love her as he would tell her every morning and every night on the phone or was it all a ploy to get closer to her to get more information or was it out of sympathy. But he was not a man of sympathy. No. The moment he develop sympathy, he develops weakness and weakness was something he never would have.

That rainy night he had close from work early and decided to go over Emily's house. On his way there, he stopped at her favourite bakery and bought all her fancied cake with wine. There was no occasion worth to celebrate but he just don't want to go home after all rainy nights brings so much unpleasant memories to him so he would rather have a company tonight to make him forget about everything and Emily always made him forget about his past memories, for that reason he liked her. He had parked his car a block away from hers when he saw Psalm leaving Emily's house, he came down about calling Psalms name but kept his mouth shut when he saw Emily coming out of the house, going over to where he stood and kissing him.

For one moment he was speechless, another moment he felt a sting of sadness then came anger with madness. His heart beat to the rhythm of the beat that his emotion played, anger catapulted through his system, consuming him like the way alcohol does to a man. His feet couldn't move from where they stood and he watched them, their audacity to harbour this behavior behind his back then come to his front with the friendly neighbor bullsh*t. He never loved Emily like he said he do but seeing this made him angry. And when he entered his car, his hands were shaky, his breathed heavied and madness consumed him. He stepped on the car's gas, driving over the limited speed and when he missed the traffic light turned red, his car collided with a pedestrian who was crossing over to the other side of the road. He came out of the car, looking at the body that rolled to the back of his.

"Hello this is emergency service, how may we be of assistance? His hands had earlier dialed the emergency number.

"Hello I wanted to report a……" Then came the whispers, the chanting most of all the madness and he cut the call, looking at the body of a young girl that was battling for her life, her hand went to his shoes, gripping it weakly.

"Help me " her voice was weak and desperate but Adams just stared at her. He stared as life flowed out of the young girl and when he saw she was no longer breathing, he went back inside the car and drove off. It wasn't his fault, she was just an unlucky child who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was Innocent or so he claimed to be.