Our Shame


"You saw Igar?" Fionna repeated, her voice painted with something that resembled disbelief. Even though it was a fact that Red Sisters were emotionless, the extent of Fionna's visceral reaction only went on to show that the woman was truly shocked at Zina's revelation.

Not like she was more shocked than Zina herself was.

Zina's lips thinned as she chewed the insides of her cheeks. "Only he could be that man." Zina muttered, trapped in a nightmare of unwarranted touches and whispered curses.

Fiona gripped Zina by the shoulders, shaking her as if that would change the fact. "You don't even know what Igar looks like, you must have seen wrong." 

Zina smiled broadly, wishing that were true. But it was a known fact that one need not see certain things to know what it looked like.