The Man Called Igar


Zina was in deep thought as she left the underground torture chambers. She felt like she was acting way too fast without thinking more of her actions, but ever since she saw that man, she had lost control of her own thoughts and actions.

Now, the vengeful spirit she had managed to stow away for years was now rearing its head as if the leash that once held it down had now snapped from being worn out. 

Her heart was beating to an unfamiliar rhythm as both thrill and dread filled her. All her life, the harm she had caused had never been physical. She had never hit anyone, nor had she ever drawn blood save for that one time Eldric forced her to. But willingly wanting to cause such damage made her feel different, like a virgin bird going for blood.

She could almost hear Elder Sybril's voice in her head if the woman were to see what she was doing.