When I walked out of the station and looked around the parking lot. At first, I wasn't searching for anyone, I was merely taking in the air and wondering why no paparazzi were waiting to bombard me with questions.

However, just as I looked across, my eyes met with Miles. The first reaction I had was relief, followed by happiness. The feeling of having someone wait for you, someone fighting for you.

I know he has his own motives, probably against my family, but honestly, I do not care. Smiling widely, I made my way towards him, gradually my slow steps increased its tempo, and from hastened steps, it developed into a sprint.

I ran towards his open arms without stopping till I was wrapped in it. He wrapped his arms around me, tapping it lightly.

I know he was nothing but a friend, offering nothing but his shoulders for me to lean on.

"I know you are going to come for me."