Chapter 15: Those who are restricted by the standards of others, don't deserve to look towards the sky (2)

Chapter 15: Those who are restricted by the standards of others, don't deserve to look towards the sky (2).


The answer was clear.

Thus, Fernando stood in silence, waiting to hear what Leon wanted him to do.

"For now, I will wake this girl, you carry those boys to a place far from the beach."

"What happened while I was asleep?"

"Oh that? That girl defeated them."

As he slowly approached her, Leon told Fernando what had happened during his unconsciousness.

Fernando's face was marked by shock, as if he remembered something, he apologized for his previous arrogance.

Leon said he didn't mind.

His previous insulting words? Leon didn't care at all! As long as Fernando agreed to do what he said, what was the problem?

"... It turned out she was that strong."

As he stared at the girl sleeping on the tree, Fernando murmured softly.

Leon quietly laughed at his gesture; his image must be growing in Fernando's eyes now.

How could it not, because of him, a lone girl defeated ten people?

In his story, Leon focused heavily on their number and that they were armed, and that the battle was really tough!

Yet, under his guidance, she won.

It was a fabrication and exaggeration, but so what? It's not like this boy would shamelessly ask others, right?

Let's assume he asked as a possibility of doubt, is there anything wrong with what Leon said?

Of course not!

On the contrary, if he asked others and measured their reactions, wouldn't Leon's image grow in his mind even more?

The appearance Leon showed to the ten boys today, at the very least, was unforgettable.

As long as he leaves it to his imagination, wouldn't he run wild in his thoughts and believe that Leon is greater than he thought?

He might even believe some nonsense and think of him as a disguised expert!

These weren't just Leon's guesses; he had met many types of people in his life, so this wasn't strange to him.

A person's imagination, if left unchecked, was limitless.

As the saying goes: if the impossible is considered a possibility, then all that is ugly is the truth!

As long as you remove any evidence or cannot confirm something, your mind will automatically start to make some assumption, and over time, the mind will accept it as an absolute truth.

And so, the more this boy fantasized and thought about nonsense in his mind, the better.

Whether this or that, Leon did not want to give up a useful piece like this boy.

The sword is honed in the best environment and sharpened continuously, instead of remaining rusty and worthless.

The sword exists for fighting, not for show.

It is a loss to let this boy rot like garbage and wither with the weak.

He is a gem.

Leon would sharpen this gem to its utmost potential, and he knew the best person for that.

"Whether it is him or that sword-obsessed girl, it is the same, they both deserve to be with him."

Who would have expected? His luck was crowned with success!

He did not expect to find two talented individuals this quickly.

Leon pressed a few points on the girl's body, and she woke up immediately.

"What are you doing sleeping here? We have a lot of work to do."

Leon smiled brightly as he said to her.

What? Let her rest? Sorry, this little one will rest after I finish the work!


One... Two... Ten... Thirty... Fifty!

About fifty people gathered together, while the sounds of their dragging footsteps filled the area.

The eastern coast loomed on the horizon.

"I will catch him first!"

"Hehe, don't dream! That bastard is mine!"

"Whoever arrives first gets served first! I will arrive before all of you!"

"Hahaha! Who would have expected! In my first days here, even before the school year starts, there would be such an opportunity!"

"We should thank that crazy bastard for this; without his blabbering mouth, how would I have the chance to showcase my skills!"

The sounds of laughter filled the place, as the youths ran and jumped madly, like a pack of hyenas that spotted a juicy meal.

Everyone's concern was focused on one thing, who would catch him first.

The early bird gets the worm.

Given their number of fifty people, one person was not enough for them.

If it weren't for someone spreading Leon's location widely, they would have ambushed him secretly.

Not to mention anything else, not everyone was present yet; most of the students were in their dorms inside the academy.

It is only a matter of time before the news reaches them too.

It is a race against time!

With such thoughts, everyone was running fast, while hindering and sabotaging others.

"Damn! Those two, they are really fast!"

"I have been chasing them for a while, but I haven't reduced the distance by an inch!"

The people stared helplessly at the two in front of them.

There was no fatigue or exhaustion in their expressions; on the contrary, their pace seemed relaxed, despite the absurd speed they displayed.

The atmosphere they carried was contrary to the group behind them, all of whom were desperate to reach before anyone else.

"Tsk tsk, why do I feel like Leon tricked me again? This situation, it is not comfortable at all."

"Same feeling here, let's think carefully, knowing Leon, it is impossible for him to approach a girl arbitrarily, more than anything else, there was another group with him."

As the two jumped through the trees at an absurd speed, Diu and Lloyd exchanged words.

"... You are right, not to mention that, with his frightening sense of energy anywhere and anytime, it is impossible for him not to know of our presence."

"He must. He has some kind of intention, wait... this is it!"

As Lloyd was analyzing, a thought flashed in Diu's mind as he shouted.

"Did you discover something?"

"Think about it, why, exactly when he ran away from us and we saw him, was he with a girl and it seemed like he was talking to her?"

"Isn't it just because he... ah, that's what you mean!"

Lloyd was confused at first, but he finally understood the essence of the matter.

First of all, it is unreasonable for Leon to know someone at the beginning of entering this place, not to mention that he is technically being chased by the students, how could such a person have the luxury to talk to a girl?

Then why did he not show any reaction when they were near him?

Are you telling me he didn't notice their presence because he was chatting with a girl?

Was he the kind who loves girls, in the first place, does he acknowledge girls as females from the start?

More than anyone else, that devil is interested in a girl? Huh? Impossible!

He must have other intentions for sure!

"This means one thing!"

"That bastard! Again, he didn't tell us what he is planning!"

He played with them; he knows their personalities, with them being with Firon, who has ridiculous luck with girls, that would stir up the anger, but what is worse?

Leon coming and talking to a girl before them!

How does he know that? That they haven't talked to any woman?

That didn't matter, if he was wrong, that was everything.

But what if he was right? Their anger would be stirred.

They accept Firon talking to girls, and in a worse case, it would be Loki, but Leon?

That is unacceptable!

Why? Because from the beginning, Leon is not interested in women, on the contrary, whether man or woman, it is the same for him.

He did not treat people based on their specific gender or any of those common standards.

He has strange criteria for judging things, like this person, he was able to talk to a woman for whatever reason, isn't that humiliating to their pride?

Neither Lloyd nor Diu were the types to be swept away by their desires or have a special interest in women, but does that mean they have no interest at all?

Of course, they are still men; they would have some attraction towards women.

That bastard? They have doubted his humanity on many occasions.

And so, these two would be annoyed, and to ruin his date, they would bring some of their "fans," and his nice time with the girl would be spoiled.

Was there any concern about catching him? That was the least of their worries.

No matter how many rabbits there are in number, what can they do to the ferocious lion? Worrying about him seems like an insult.

Moreover, it seems unfair to those rabbits!

"Hurry... hurry! He is planning something, I need to know what it is!"

Lloyd urged Diu and increased his speed.

"You bastard! Wait for me!"

Diu roared as he increased his pace in turn!

Their conversation was inaudible to the groups behind them; all they heard was Diu's roar shaking the corners before the two disappeared from their sight.

It felt like instantaneous teleportation!

That is so fast, man! Slow down a bit!

Everyone complained in their hearts and desperately increased their speed; mana was swirling in their bodies with force.

Swish! Swish!

On the beach, three people stood quietly, as if they were waiting.

In the place opposite these three, a cloud of dust rose, and the sound of the wind was heard.

The girl standing next to one of the other two had her blonde hair fluttering due to the incoming wind without warning.

Her eyes were emotionless, and she stared quietly, without uttering a word.

The robes of the three fluttered strongly.

This showed how fast the people who came were.

Yet, not a grain of sand touched the three people.

An invisible barrier rose and prevented the sand from colliding with them; the sand hit the barrier and fell to the ground.

The gazes of the two turned to the person standing between them, unconsciously.

The cloud of dust slowly dissipated, revealing the shadowy figure of two people.

"You are late."

Leon had a faint smile as he said sarcastically.

"That bastard... I knew it!"

"Enough chatter! Tell us, what do you intend, Leon!"

The sand completely cleared, and two handsome individuals appeared with signs of annoyance on their faces.

One carried a sword, while the other stood with a spear.

They scolded sternly, their eyes glaring fiercely at Leon, who stood between a beautiful blonde girl and a boy with a well-built physique and a somewhat handsome face.

Amusement flashed through his eyes as he replied, "Oh? I don't know what you are talking about, though?"

"Words won't work with him."

"Yes, you are right!"

Instead of talking more, everything would be confirmed in battle.

Let's talk with our fists instead of our mouths!

Leon laughed fiercely as he said, "Hahaha! That's the spirit!"

The two beside him had already drawn their swords from their sheaths.

They were ready to fight.

"You two, stay back."

Leon's cold voice came out as if bringing them back to reality.

"He is right, I really don't want to hurt you."

"The weak should stay as spectators."

Lloyd and Diu spoke in harmony.

These two would only get hurt if they fought.

So they shouldn't interfere.

Fernando was about to respond when Leon interrupted him.

"Just watch, he is faster than expected, but today I will show you what real fighting is,"

"Not to mention, you should see with your own eyes the person you will follow, right?"

He looked at them with a smile, not afraid of Lloyd and Diu attacking him while he spoke to the girl and the boy behind him.

There was some hesitation in the eyes of the two, but they reluctantly agreed as they stepped back.

"Now, shall we begin? As you can see, my muscles are very stiff!"

Leon cracked his fingers as he moved his neck from side to side.

Diu laughed heartily, and his voice became fierce: "Kahaha! So that's it! I hope you can make me sweat even!"

"My spear is used for killing, so I will fight with my fists."

Lloyd replied calmly as he wrapped his spear in cloth, Diu followed suit.

Leon took the sword and spear from the two, making Fernando hold the spear while the girl held the sword.

Question marks flashed through the girl's and Fernando's heads, aren't they enemies...?

The three laughed at their appearance before glaring at each other fiercely.

The battle would begin at any moment.


The cold wind passed and touched the skin's pores.

The atmosphere was silent, and no one moved.

Thump! Thump!

The atmosphere was calm, so calm that one could hear the sound of a heartbeat.

Fernando and the girl felt a cold sweat trickling down their faces.

Although the atmosphere was silent, there was a suffocating sense of danger in the silence.

The three did not emit any aura or intent to kill.

Yet, what is this feeling?

As if one were witnessing a battle between predators?

The three stared at each other, without any movement.

But the atmosphere around them was terrifying.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before the eye could catch anything, the ear heard a loud bang.

The three disappeared from their places, a cloud of dust and the sounds of collision were all that could be felt.

Pits filled the area quickly.

There were shadows appearing and disappearing from time to time!

The entire beach became a battlefield between the three!

Oh my God!

Fernando opened his mouth in disbelief; he had witnessed some battles between experts in his life.

But was there something like this? He hadn't seen anything like this since he was born!

They were literally disappearing from one place and appearing in another.

The only indication of their battle was the sound of the bangs and the pits filling the area!

He couldn't even catch them with his eyes!

The fear of being caught in the aftermath of the battle overwhelmed his being!

Bah! What was I thinking! Participation?

Participating my ass! I will run if I intervene in this!

The shock was no less for the girl; her expression did not change, but her eyes widened!

The flashes of strikes in the sky and the ground could be seen.

This is brutal power!

At the moment she was about to instinctively retreat...

The three appeared in the field of vision suddenly.

Ten seconds.

That is how long the battle took.

No more, no less.

More than that, their auras would have spread more clearly; they fought with the strength of their bodies while suppressing their auras as much as possible.

If they fought more, perhaps the battle would reach the boy Fernando and the other girl beside him.

Not to mention that the incoming people behind would be scared if they saw the battle.

They had forgotten to hold themselves back a little.

Yes, a little!

After these years of separation, they wanted to test each other a little.

Although the battle was apparently two against one, in reality, the three fought each other.

The only ones aware of this were the three of them, while they fought in the air and on the ground, they were evaluating each other's skills.

In one second, perhaps dozens of strikes were delivered, that is if we added their number of strikes together.

"What a performance, you were fast, Lloyd, I could barely keep up with your kicks!"

"You are amazing too, Diu! Your fighting style has become more comprehensive!"

Lloyd and Diu were praising each other, laughing happily!

"Aside from that..."

"That bastard..."

Their mood soured at the sight of the arrogant smile on Leon's face.

"Hahaha! As expected of me!"

He laughed with his face towards the sky.

"Tsk, his performance is much better than before!"

"That's good and bad at the same time."

"On this point, I completely agree with you."

During the short battle, Leon used the moments when the two were about to collide to ambush one of them.

More than anything else, what really angers a person is how one uses the other as a shield when attacked by the other!

They were distinguished by their immense speed, so both quickly grasped the situation.

But he managed to keep up with them even with that.

All in all, the battle ended in a draw; if we set aside the two's slight resentment, the results were satisfactory.

"What are they talking about?"

"I don't know."

As the two swallowed their saliva, they spoke to each other in confusion.

Ignoring their confusion, Leon shouted to them: "You two, come here!"

The two approached hesitantly.

"Look closely, Diu, these two are rare talents I found by chance!"

Leon shouted proudly.

"What what? I don't see what you mean?"

Diu stared at them, but he didn't sense anything strange or out of the ordinary.

"In fact, these two... tsk!"

He was speaking when he felt something and clicked his tongue.

"Those rascals, they have come, we will continue the conversation later, you two, take your positions!"

Leon pointed for the girl to stand next to Diu, while the boy Fernando stood next to Lloyd.

Leon stood in the middle, with four people behind him.

The four felt the auras of several people coming from the forest.

The battle would begin in seconds.