Chapter 14: Those who are restricted by the standards of others, don't deserve to look towards the sky (1)

Chapter 14: Those who are restricted by the standards of others,don't deserve to look towards the sky (1).


The midday sun shone on the eastern coast.

In an area near the trees, a young man with black hair stood, his bloodshot eyes glimmering.

He seemed lost in deep thought.

Next to him were the bodies of 12 unconscious people.

"The others are supposed to arrive at any moment now," he muttered softly, staring at the fallen group helplessly.

"Hey! You, wake up!"

He moved towards one of the bodies and shook it roughly.


A low moan escaped his lips, the expression of the sleeping person became disturbed.

"It's not time to sleep now! I put you to sleep for a reason, wake up!"


He screamed in the young man's ear, and a scream of terror escaped as the boy stood up in panic.

What is happening!?

He glanced to his right and then to his left in fright, his body was in turmoil, as if it were a habit for him.

He finally stared at the person standing in front of him, before his posture settled, holding his sword.

"... it's you"

Although he didn't exactly understand what had happened, he felt danger coming from the boy — who stood comfortably — in front of him.

His mind couldn't catch up with his body, his instincts screamed at him to run, but he felt intuitively that this was impossible.

The hand holding the sword trembled, but he gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on his sword.

"Look at this?"

The boy's voice in front of him was cheerful, seemingly enjoying himself.

He took a step forward, and instinctively, the boy — who is Fernando — stepped back.

The boy said nothing and took another step forward.

A feeling of fear engulfed the heart.

When you are in danger, when a predatory beast is in front of you.

You will always feel a sense of helplessness, your limbs become numb, cold sweat pours through your pores.

More than anything else, the irregular heartbeat, that is all you will hear.

The creature's mind becomes empty when it is afraid.

Fernando felt his blood dry up.

That was because he felt a hand touching his back.

"... ah...?"

A voice of astonishment escaped his lips.


The sound of swallowing echoed in his ears.

His mind was empty, and he didn't understand what had happened.

For some reason, as long as the hand touched him, he couldn't move.

He tried to move, but his body refused and did not listen to him.

He held his breath as if he had forgotten to breathe.

"There's no need to be afraid, I'm not interested in doing anything to you"

A voice from behind him, and his red eyes glimmered as he withdrew his hand.

After the hand disappeared, Fernando quickly moved forward as if he were escaping, before stopping at a distance.

"Hah... hah... hah..."

There wasn't much physical effort, but the feeling of fear exhausted his mind, he felt helpless, as if he were a rabbit facing a tiger.

His held breath was forcefully exhaled, after escaping from the grip, the boy's thoughts raced.

"Now... how did he get to..."

He didn't understand any of what had happened, the person in front of him was taking slow steps, when did he reach his back?

He instinctively tried to grab his sword again, but his hand only grasped air.

"Hmm, oh? I can see the numerous scratches on the sheath, not to mention the blade! A good sword!"

"This is how it should be used! A sword is not a sword unless it has scars and scratches like these!"

While ignoring Fernando's astonished presence, the boy stared at the sword in his hands with bright eyes, examining it carefully.

As he watched what the boy was doing while holding the sword, his previous confusion turned into terror.

When? How? This... this...

Fernando became speechless.

"... the sword was in my hand, when did he take it from me?...?"

He felt a chill penetrate his being.

There is often that feeling of fear and confusion when one faces the strong.

But this feeling, it was deep, deep to the point that Fernando had never felt it before.

The boy in front of him had no intention of killing, so why? A strange feeling touched his heart.

Was it just a natural instinct? His mind felt a prick at that moment.

"He is... he is strong"

Has he met someone his age who possesses such absurd speed? Or has he ever felt fear and helplessness before?

Shaking his head in denial was all he could do.

And not once, not once had he met someone like this.

At least, that was until today.

"You look scared, boy, but as I told you, I don't intend to harm you, as you see... it's very easy for me"

The boy's voice pulled him from his daze, he was walking slowly while holding his sword.

"Honestly, I like you, instead of screaming meaningless words, the first thing you did was point your sword at me, and when you felt the difference in power, you left a distance between us instead of running away, which is futile"

"My decision to knock you out was sound, you are good at making decisions"

"... what?"

Fernando was astonished: "Is he complimenting me?".

"Well, that's not important, now, help me"


What is this person thinking? Since Fernando woke up, the confusion had not left his mind.

"Surely, you are not unaware of my power, so there's no need to say, do you really think there is anyone who can catch me in this academy?"

Unconsciously, Fernando shook his head from side to side.

Only now, after thinking about it, is there a chance for others to catch him?

Fernando is not very strong, but certainly, he has excellent judgment of others, not to mention that he has witnessed many strong people himself.

When he came to this academy, he gathered information about all the prominent talents here, so he was aware of them and their strength.

Still, could anyone match the speed and strength that Leon displayed?

It was impossible, there is a big difference between a tiger cub and an adult buffalo.

In a calm voice without a doubt, he said: "It's impossible, at least for me, I can't imagine anyone among the new students capable of that"

His calm tone and confident expression made Leon praise him internally.

The initial confusion quickly disappeared, adapting to changes, this was the trait Fernando was most proud of.

He didn't know what the red-eyed boy wanted from him, but he knew that since the students couldn't do anything to him, it was better to take his side.

Of course, he would be cautious not to get swept away with the flow and get into trouble with the faculty.

With such thoughts, he spoke firmly.

"What do you want me to do?"

As if guessing his thoughts, Leon opened his mouth.

He said in a deep voice: "Not much, before that, I have a question, that will determine your answer's value to me"

"... ask whatever you want, this little one will answer as much as he can"

He quickly changed his way of speaking and took a submissive posture.

"Hehe, what a flexible one" Leon laughed in his mind, as he said: "Do you want power? From what I see, you are a talent of grade D, will you submit to this setback? Or do you want to rise, even so?"


His voice came out like a scream as he jumped in fright.

"A- you... h-how?!"

It's impossible for him to know what his talent is, that's not possible.

When he came, his talent was not announced to anyone except the teachers, the student had the freedom to choose whether to perform the talent revelation ceremony publicly or secretly.

In the end, it didn't matter, because the person's results would be announced on the first day of class division.

It was a given, one should not mix wolves with sheep, after all.

Thus, Fernando chose to perform the talent revelation ceremony secretly, he was precise and not arrogant as he showed to people.

If it happened that his talent was meager, and then he showed weak behavior, wouldn't his family's enemies take advantage of that? He wanted to wish for good news to appear, but he must not get carried away, he must always be cautious.

And yet, his talent was the worst of all, and thus, he completely lost his composure, his choice was wise.

At least, he had time to build relationships and keep himself calm until the day of revealing his talent publicly.

He had not given up hope of taking full control of his family, after the day he waved his sword — and that was the day he felt he was a true swordsman — he felt a little hope.

He would not simply give up hope, even if it was almost nonexistent.

This red-eyed boy in front of him, although he saw him for the first time, and surely he came to this academy just today, had revealed his talent so easily?

This, this...

"This is extremely absurd!"

He admitted to himself that he was strong, but to be that strong, and at this age...

This was unbelievable.

To be able to reveal your talent without verification, that means one thing.

That the difference in power is huge!

"No matter how you look at me, you won't reveal anything, so wipe that sparkle from your eyes"

Leon's annoyed voice came out as he stared at the boy in front of him.

Fernando's initial confusion disappeared, and what remained were bright eyes directed at Leon.

Although one can reveal the talents of others when reaching a certain level of power, the main reason is that every talent has a kind of aura unique to it.

Thus, one cannot know what kind of talent a person possesses before performing the talent revelation ceremony.

And with talent, the rank to which the person belongs becomes clearer, and their future prospects appear.

Before people know their type of talent, they steadily develop their rank.

Why do they do this when they are young?

For some reason, one cannot know what type of talent they have before reaching the age of seventeen, but that does not prevent people from knowing their rank types and how to develop them.

But the most important thing is to know a person's rank, that is to know how much effort they will exert, and whether they deserve to be showered with resources or not.

Thus, this talent system was simply a way for the higher-ups to hunt talents and make them their own.

Those with low talents have no value, and in some cases, having a meager talent can be a reason for the destruction of one's clan.

It is a merciless way to differentiate between people's status in society, but it was certainly effective.

"What nonsense" Leon laughed coldly in his mind: "Talent? Hehehe, this is just a means to tighten chains around people's necks, nothing more!"

What is called the talent system, it was just a clever trick, invented by the higher-ups in the world, to prevent any kind of creature from reaching high prospects without their support.

If everyone could reach high prospects without the governments, what would be their benefit? The main reason that makes people follow governments and officials, regardless of power and influence, is credibility.

If they had no credibility, how would they differ from the scoundrels of the demonic path? They must have something to monitor the people, and at the same time, suppress them under the pretext of providing benefits.

And the talent system was the solution.

Of course, not everything was nonsense, the rank of talent was significantly necessary, but the reason was different.

And that reason, Leon naturally knew.

"Come on, answer, in this unjust world, where no one recognizes you, when you have made countless efforts, you were given the worst talent, even so, do you still have a desire for power?"

As he stared at the boy in front of him with a noble gaze, he asked him, with his hands behind his back.

His voice was majestic, in his voice, there was a strange power that made one gasp in amazement.

For some reason, his words were precise, more precise than necessary.

For Fernando, he did not pay attention at all.

"Do I want power?"

Doubt flashed through his eyes, uncertainty, and even disbelief.

Who among us does not want power?

To be strong to protect others, power to not be bound by others.

To be strong to protect yourself, power to achieve your ambitions.

Whatever the reason, and however many ways there are, doesn't everyone do it to get the same thing?


Power, and more power.

This is what everyone strives for, but not everyone achieves it either.

In the first place, power is not something that can be obtained just because a person desires it.

If that were the case, there would be no conflicts over resources or differences and discrimination among creatures.

As long as there are the strong and the weak, the world will not be equal.

The concept of power has been deeply rooted in Fernando's being, since childhood, he wished to possess power.

Because with it, all his ambitions would be fulfilled, and all his regrets and pains would be buried.

It is not desire that determines your possession of power.

What determines whether a person possesses power or not, is the efforts made.

However, for Fernando Nicola, his efforts had never been useful.

If it was in intelligence, there were those who surpassed him, strength? He was not particularly strong in build.

What remained was his uncertain talent.

And now, compared to his sharp intelligence and above-average physical strength, his talent was the worst.

The only thing Fernando had compared to others was his stubbornness, he put in his utmost efforts in whatever he did, day or night, there was no difference, he was not satisfied with what he did until he completed it.

Even after putting in those efforts and receiving disappointment, what is the benefit of exerting effort? Does he still have a desire for power?

Determination flashed in his eyes, as he confidently replied: "Yes!"

"Even if everyone leaves me, even if no one trusts me and says that I am garbage, I don't care! I want to be stronger!"

"Even if it means the destruction of your body for that?"

Leon asked deliberately, seeing the boy's stubbornness, his eyes shone with brightness.

"Even so! Yes! If my body is to die for my goal, that's fine! If it takes me a decade, I will live a decade striving with joy, if it takes a lifetime, my life will be for my goal!"

The words flowed smoothly from Fernando's mouth, he didn't know why, but he wanted to express what was in his heart.

He wanted to scream to the world that he would not give up!

The efforts made were not enough?

That means one did not exert enough effort!

If there is, even a one in a million chance to become strong, what is there to lose?

"Therefore... I ask you—no, I beg you! If there is a chance for me to strive for, help me become stronger!"

As he hit his forehead with sand, Fernando said in a voice that did not tremble.

Deep down, he understood why Leon spoke of his desire for power, the reason was simple.

Either to mock him, or to give him the power he spoke of.

If the other reason is the correct answer, then he must prove that he is valuable!

Thus, Fernando hurriedly asked Leon to make him strong, to show him that he was quick-witted.

"Hahaha!" Leon laughed heartily: "That's it! Well done, well done! Raise your head, for a man to reach the heights of the sky, shouldn't he have this kind of determination? I like you more and more, boy!"

The sound of Leon's laughter echoed across the beach.

This boy is a precious gem!

Leon did not care about something shallow like talent, how can one determine a person's value by talent alone? That is what is called narrow-mindedness!

What Leon cared about was the mentality, how a person deals with their problems, and how they view life, this is what determines a person's prospects.

At least, this is what Leon deeply believed.

Physical problems can always be solved, but what is inside a person's mind cannot be done anything about!

Innate talent? It can be solved with some rare elixirs and numerous resources.

What about the mind? Haha, that is impossible!

Even if you brought someone with an A-rank talent, as long as they were a narrow-minded, arrogant, and overly emotional person, it would only mean sorrow for him and others.

At most, they would be worth a little more than rare elixirs, a person innately talented but mentally weak, they are like a child holding a gold ingot.

They are better off as material for polishing!

Innate talent, what was it? It is simple.

Innate talent is just the purity ratio of chi within the body, the purity of chi in a person's body determines the speed of its circulation within the body and its ability to absorb chi from the surrounding environment.

Thus, often, those with higher talents rise in ranks faster than others.

Rank determines everything.

This mentality is stuck in everyone's minds.

But there is always an exception.

And Leon, he was one of them.

As his eyes shone brightly, Leon spoke in a strong tone: "As long as you follow what I tell you, not only your ambition, but you will achieve what you have never dreamed of in your life!"

Leon laughed and roared in a loud voice: "I love people like you, as long as one grits their teeth, what can't be done? Hahaha!"

"Thank you! This little one understands!"

Fernando was trembling with happiness, even starting to call himself little, what is age? Power is what determines the difference between big and small!

It was impossible to ask for any support from the family anymore, after the news of his talent spread, the family would focus all their efforts on his sister.

Not to mention anything else, all his supporters would turn their backs on him, now, apart from his noble family name, what does he have?


Fernando was quick to understand his situation, he was not foolish.

His perspective on things was no longer the same.

After experiencing life and death when he wanted to commit suicide himself, his thoughts changed.

He saw hope in everything, as long as one exerted effort and gritted their teeth, is there anything that cannot be done?

It is just as Leon told him.

If Leon can make him as strong as he says he is, what won't he do?

It is already at rock bottom, what is left of its value to be exploited?