Chapter 17: Those who are restricted by the standards of others, don't deserve to look towards the sky (4)

Chapter 17: Those who are restricted by the standards of others, don't deserve to look towards the sky (4).


People live their lives according to their connection to the world and their environment .

Her father's will and dream, her mother's gaze towards her father in turn.

This is her only connection to the world.

For the girl, this is her life, and most likely this is how her death will be.

Even what she aspires to was not for her; those were fleeting dreams for her.

But for her father, that was the meaning of his life.

Therefore, after she fulfills his will, there will be nothing left for her.

And yet.

For the first time in her life, doubt arose in her mind.

Was it because she felt close to her goal?

She became hesitant.

A sword that cuts everything.

This phrase flashed in her mind, over and over again, this word pricked her heart.

She felt the echo of emotions every time she said the word in her mind.

Her indifferent expression melted away, what remained was a vacant face.

Her eyes were misty, not due to crying or sadness.

It was confusion.

Her hair fluttered as she stared blankly at the sky, yet she did not utter a word.

Everyone stood in silence, waiting for her.

What were they waiting for? They did not know.

They just felt the need for it.

This is how instinct usually works.

Everyone here knew what the expression on the girl's face meant.

It was an expression carried by someone who had lost hope in life.

After all, everyone here had lived moments like this in life.

Sometimes, when a person has nothing to look forward to in life, to continue living, they set goals for themselves to achieve.

What then? After achieving these goals, only emptiness remains.

Why was Fernando desperate to become the head of the family?

It was to fulfill his ambition, but the greater reason was not that.

The greater reason was something deeper.

That is because he was afraid.

Death is a frightening thing, but there are things more terrifying.

You will die once, but this feeling remains with a person throughout their life until death.

What is that feeling?

"The feeling of emptiness and loneliness, I am much more afraid of that than death."

You may live your entire life healthy, safe, and also prosperous, but is there any escape from emptiness and the feeling of isolation?

It is always watching you.

It is like a predator, that feeling lurks on a person in their ignorance and false security.

All of that until the time comes when it completely lowers its defenses.

And one day, when you do not notice it, it will pounce on you violently.

This is what emotions of loneliness and emptiness are like.

It is frightening.

Living without meaning and without a goal to aspire to.

And so, to escape from this feeling, Fernando set a goal for himself to aspire to, so that fear would not strike him.

But what then?

He did not know.

This is what he always avoided thinking about.

However, just a few days ago, everything changed.

"My goal has not changed, but what has changed are my horizons."

He saw that it was logical to strive for what one can grasp, but is that really true?

At some point in his life, he doubted the general logic of society; the world is a deceptive place.

Blindly following the norms and ideals of others, conforming to the world.

Walk as everyone walks, and you will succeed in society.

The upbringing and teachings of the family flashed in his mind several times, but each time, there was a seed of doubt growing in his heart.

When he waved his sword on the day of his greatest failure, he felt freedom.

His mind became clear; when the burden of escaping from his fear and the weight of his dream no longer weighed on him, how did the boy feel?

He felt light.

A feeling of euphoria that makes a person clear-headed.

Sometimes in life, days like that come.

When a disaster strikes you, you think that misery and sorrow await you, but that is not the case.

On the contrary, a person feels liberated and their mental presence becomes stronger.

This is what is called mental clarity.

That feeling has always existed within us, but due to our preoccupation with our worries in life, we forget such an obvious thing.

For Fernando, the day he revealed his talent held great meaning in his heart.

It was not just the day of his failure, but that day had a deeper meaning.

Many times, our peak moments in life are not our days of success.

Those were just fictional stories written by people to tell about their emotions.

Real life was not just chaos.

A person must also look at the bad days.

And so, in what he thought was the worst day of his life, a new door opened for him.

A path he sought to walk, but did not know where to start.

Fear is not a bad feeling as we think in reality.

A person must strive for what they fear to delve into.

If they do not, that fear will swallow them.

The more you run from your fears, the faster they will catch up to you.

Facing them is the best thing a person can do.

And that is what he must do.

Fernando's eyes shone brightly.

He had walked in the dark alone for many years, and finally, this journey of isolation came to an end.

That is because in the end.

"I have found what I live for."

Instead of worrying about whether it is possible or not, it is better to walk the path.

That way, he will not feel regret.

The heart of a person is not just one feeling.

Not only Fernando understood this truth.

"Do you know? I am well aware of this look of yours."

A calm voice came from Dio's mouth.

Lloyd tried to say something to him, but Leon stopped him.

He gestured with his mouth for everyone to be silent.

The two nodded their heads.

A young man and a girl stood on the beach.

The vast deep sea was what could be seen on the horizon.

The girl directed her empty gaze towards the boy, his eyes filled with a strange light.

The girl felt drawn to his eyes.

Unlike her, there was absolute certainty in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

She opened her mouth, a hollow sound came from that mouth.

Unlike her previous tone, her voice was tired.

Leon pressed certain energy points in her body to temporarily restore her body's vitality, but that does not mean her mind was the same.

Her mind had been tired before she came.

And even while staying here, she did not rest for a moment.

Not to mention that she faced Leon and fought against ten people.

If we add to that the turmoil of her emotions from meeting powerful people of her age, it was a miracle that she did not fall unconscious for days.

She had now reached her limits; fatigue drained her mind and slowly gnawed at her heart.

But what she focused on was not this.

It was one thing.

The girl focused her eyes to face the boy in front of her.

His eyes resembled the sharpness of a tiger's eyes.

"The sword... that wants to cut everything... what is that sword?"

The girl asked, each word requiring high effort from her.

Noticing the girl's appearance, he stared directly into her eyes: "It is exactly as the words state, whether it is the seas or the mountains, matter or void, whether the enemy is far or near, I aspire to a sword that can cut them all."

"This thing... isn't it impossible?"

Her eyes were confused; she understood that the boy's words seemed unrealistic.

Cutting mountains and seas is not something a creature actually thinks about.

But cutting the void?

It was like trying to cut the essence of what exists in the world.

Cutting the void means cutting power itself.

The essence of all existing power, that was mana.

But why?

Why did his eyes not carry any doubt?

What could be seen was confidence and certainty.

No matter how deeply you looked, you would never see worry or uncertainty.

And that was what the girl wondered about.

Dio laughed heartily: "So shouldn't I cut the impossible itself? That's just how it is!"

"... What?"

"Did you not understand? It's simple, I do not want to be a swordsman who only boasts about the way of the sword; striving for the best in the world is not everything, is it?"

The girl remained silent; she did not know how to respond, but for some reason, she could not take her eyes off the boy.

A strange feeling pierced her heart.

As she watched the scene unfold before her eyes, Leon smiled lightly: "My plan succeeded."

He had anticipated her reaction from the beginning; moreover, he made the situation turn into a one-on-one conversation between Dio and the girl.

No one understands a swordsman better than another swordsman.

By exploiting his understanding of the girl and swordsman Dio, he made the situation this way.

This is the best way to showcase Dio's talent, and after the long separation, Leon also wanted to know how much he had grown.

There is another aspect of the Nightmare Call that made Leon use it despite its risks.

"Through it, I can intervene in the emotions of others and understand their feelings, not to mention their memories."

The deeper the negative emotions of others, the more Leon reveals.

Of course, Leon must be stronger than them to have an effect.

Either that or it will be the opposite; if the person is stronger than Leon, their memories and emotions will transfer to the other person.

Not to mention that, depending on the extent of the power difference, as long as it is large, Leon's mind will become empty and he will become a puppet for the other person.

There is one rule in the Nightmare Call that must be followed for its effect to take place.

"The person I use the technique on, depending on my intentions towards them, I must achieve it; if it is hatred, they must die, or I will die, and the one I want to help, I must do so, or I will become a slave to that person."

But if Leon has no emotions towards the person the technique is used on, the effect of the skill will only be on the other person.

The problem was that Leon could not empathize with others, so he made understanding emotions and memories his focus.

Thus, even if he did not fully empathize with the other person, he would understand their feelings and empathize with them, even if just a little.

Naturally, the help must come either from Leon or another person.

When he activates it on someone, as long as Leon is nearby, that person's mental presence will become weaker.

This is how the Nightmare Call technique worked.

He was not only trying to untie the girl's knot but also the boy Fernando.

The matter is now in Dio's hands; Leon has done what he could do.

It started with the sword, and it will end with the sword.

As his eyes sparkled, Dio raised his sword towards the sky.

Then he directed the sword towards the girl; in his eyes, he saw nothing but the girl.

And for her, Dio's appearance holding the sword was all that attracted her.

The red eyes of the girl and Dio's tiger-like eyes clashed in the air.

"Just by looking into your eyes, as a swordsman, I can tell that feeling is also haunting you, isn't it?"

"What feeling?"

She deliberately responded; she understood his intent. As someone who has waved a sword all her life, how could she not know?

Even if it was to revive the memory of her deceased parents, after practicing the sword her whole life, it was impossible for her not to have even a small desire to strive for higher.

Humans are creatures born with emotion, not puppets without feelings.

The matter is just...

"I am afraid of living alone."

She continued to live in isolation because she was burdened by the goal her father had placed on her.

There is a big difference between living with the worries and goals of others or living burdened by one's own fears.

When she finishes fulfilling her father's aspirations, there will be nothing left for her.

This is what the girl thought.

Dio did not need words to understand what the girl wanted to convey.

"The feeling that something is missing, do you know? Since childhood, no matter how much I reached a new level in the sword, I have never felt satisfaction."

"I surpassed others after countless efforts, but the feeling of emptiness remained in my heart."

The boy pointed to his heart.

Then, his fingers naturally directed towards the girl's heart.

"... A feeling of emptiness... in the heart..."

I understand this feeling.

She wanted to say this, but for some reason, she could not complete the sentence after the word heart.

The word echoed in the girl.

"I felt deep sorrow and sadness; in this world where I have not much left, how can I live with a heavy heart?"

Whether it was the swordsman or the boy, they felt a connection for some reason.

This is a feeling that only someone who has always carried their sword will understand.

"Do you know? What can be achieved is a false dream; why does your dream seem flimsy? This is because you are confident in achieving it!"

Dio did not need much information to understand the girl; a few words were enough.

The blacksmith's hammer reveals what kind of person he is.

And like that, the sword reveals the nature of the swordsman.

Even though she held her sword tightly, the grip on the sword trembled.

This tremor did not come from fatigue.

It came from the hand of someone who does not know certainty.


For the first time in her life, the girl's voice came out weakly.

She already knew everything the person in front of her said.

She wanted to scream at him that he was wrong, but her mouth could not produce a sound.

"Your sword lacks the will to break the certainty! You said earlier that cutting everything is impossible? Then I will cut that impossibility in turn! This is my sword!"

And this is the path that Dio decided to walk.

In his life, he had lived many moments of pain and countless days of uncertainty.

But did he ever give up or run away? He did not!

Not once, not a single damned time did despair overcome him!

Even when he saw no hope in wanting to wave the sword again, he did not abandon it.

Was it because of fear?

That is impossible!

It was just an instinct for him; he wanted to cut his fears and tension.

As long as I have my sword, as long as I aspire to it without stopping, will I have room for regret?

The boy took a step forward; the girl wanted to retreat, but she could not.

Her body refused to move.

"Understand this, when a person lives for a goal they cannot see a path to, it is natural to be afraid, but do you know something?"

A second step, a third step.

The boy advanced towards the girl as if possessed.

She just stood still; she did not feel repulsion or the desire to escape.

Standing there and waiting for him, that is all she did.

"When a person walks a dark path, they will naturally look for the light at the end of the road; that is how life is."

The eighth step, the ninth step, the tenth step.

After exactly ten steps, the boy stopped in front of the girl.

He was close to her, but not too much.

In the distance between them, the boy could clearly see the girl's trembling body.

"If you strive for what you can do, where is the fun in that? Life is about living the impossible; when a person has something difficult to devote their life to, every day will be a new experience."

The boy stood facing the girl before a bright smile appeared on his face.

This was a sincere smile that carried all his feelings.

"To be angry because you have not reached yet, the feeling of joy when you achieve a feat, and putting in effort every day because the goal is still far away, and even the uncertainty that you must cut through with your sword every time."

He extended his hand forward as he continued speaking: "Such things will become the fuel that makes you live every second of life; that is how the way of the sword is; it exists to cut."

His hand was extended forward.

It looked close, but it also seemed far away.

This is the hand of someone who came to help.

Will you hold it, or leave it in the air?

"Why are you looking at me with those eyes?"

Eyes as clear as the sea.

His intentions were not evil; the boy wanted nothing from her.

It was a pure desire to help.

These were the eyes of a noble and honest swordsman.

And they were eyes she had never seen before.

"... I"

The girl bit her lip.

The smile on his face did not fade; on the contrary, it seemed warmer as he kindly replied: "It's okay."

"I am here with you."

She faced him with her eyes before the girl turned her gaze away.

For some reason, she could not face his eyes.

The girl remained silent, and the boy's hand remained extended, but he did not lower it.

It was as if the girl was finally determined.

She opened her mouth; she was overcome by an unfamiliar feeling of embarrassment.

"I want..."

He tilted his head in confusion: "You want?"

She avoided his gaze as she said weakly: "If it is okay with you, could you show me your sword?"


He did not mind; he took his sword and handed it to the girl.


Is this the Dio I know?

Lloyd opened his mouth in shock.

Dio giving his sword to someone else? This is unbelievable!

"You don't need to be surprised; one day, when you find someone similar to you and feel close to them, you will do the same; exchanging swords between swordsmen means exchanging trust; Dio does this to show her that he has no ill intentions."

Lloyd and Leon spoke while watching what was happening.

"I don't know if this will ever happen, but who knows? Life's twists and turns are always unpredictable."

Lloyd replied in a calm voice; his tone had always been like this.

"You are right, especially because life is intangible and has no clear path; it is worth living; life with complete certainty is like slow death; it slowly gnaws at a person's soul."

And this is what struck the girl.

She had lived her life in the same monotonous way every day; her goal was not beyond her expectations, and she did not strive for higher.

She thought that this way she would be able to reach satisfaction on the day of her death, but she never noticed.

The girl was dying every day.

"And this will end today."

As he gazed at the two people standing next to each other, Leon's eyes shone.

There was not much time left for the illusion to wear off.

Dio must succeed, or Leon will suffer terrible side effects!

"You better succeed, you rascal!"

The girl's trembling hand gripped the sword.

He drew.

She slowly pulled the sheath off the sword.

It is shiny.

This was the first thought that crossed her mind.

And it is beautiful.

This was the second thought that crossed her mind.

But more than anything, it makes me feel safe.

This was the third thought that crossed her mind.

The sword she held in her hands carried a sense of danger for the enemy, but when she held it, she felt safe.

Was it because of the sword?

No, it was not.

"It is the will."

The will of its owner matured from the sword even when she held it.

The will, unwavering to cut the enemy.

The will, to place all hope on the sword.

The will, to have complete trust in his sword.

This is what the girl felt.

It filled her with indescribable feelings.

Safety, warmth, and uncertainty.

The emotions mixed in her heart.

"It is beautiful..."

Her voice came out like a whisper.

But for Dio, who stood directly in front of her, her voice was clear.

For some reason, the girl felt a bit embarrassed.

And so, she returned the sword to him, her head down.

Her blonde hair swayed with the wind.

Her cheeks were slightly tinted red.

"H-Can I ask one last thing?"

As if she felt hesitant, the girl coughed a little before saying calmly.

He replied with an unwavering smile: "Sure, as long as it is within my ability, I will try to do it."

"Tsk, look at him acting all cool."

"When did he learn to treat women with courtesy?"

Leon and Lloyd grumbled quietly as they whispered to each other.

Fernando could only smile bitterly at their actions.

"Those rascals..." Dio smiled brightly.

You can't stay quiet without ruining the atmosphere, can you?

Damn you both!

He placed his hand over his mouth as he coughed lightly: "Ahem, anyway, ask what you wish."

The girl could not help but feel a bit relieved.

This slightly comedic situation made her feel better.

"Well... you said your sword wants to cut everything? Please show me."

"Let me see what a sword that aspires to the impossible looks like, compared to a sword that only aspires to the heights."

"Is this it? And I thought it was something else!"

"A master should show off in front of their students, right? Hahaha."

"Tsk, look at him now; he was complaining about it before..."

"All this because she is a girl, tsk tsk tsk!"

Instead of being affected, Leon and Lloyd complained about Dio's attitude.

The boy did not pay them any attention.

Dio laughed heartily, gazing at the sky.

That's right, it is very simple.

It is always better to see than to hear.

That's just how it is.

"Alright! Today you will see how high the sky is! My sword that aspires to cover the whole world! I do not aspire to be the strongest! I only aspire to reach the sword I long for!"

"It does not matter if everyone else excels in other things, but my sword will challenge everyone!"

Dio's roar echoed throughout the place.

"If you allow me, can I use your sword for this? I will give you my sword as a guarantee if anything happens to it."

The boy extended his sword as if confirming his words.

There was no hesitation in the girl's expression; she immediately handed him her sword.

After exchanging swords, the boy did not hesitate much.

He walked confidently towards the opposite direction of the beach.

Time was up.

"Hahaha! I finally made it!"

"I hope they didn't catch him!"

"This person will be mine! Even if I have to steal it from others!"

The voices of people echoed as many rushed towards Dio, who was walking forward slowly.

His eyes showed no concern, even in the face of enemies.

The girl gripped the sword tightly in her hands.

She embraced it and felt warmth fill her body.

This feeling of safety.

For some reason, she did not want to lose that feeling.

"A person does not live according to the will of others; those who live according to the wills and standards of others do not deserve to carry the sword."

As he walked forward towards the enemy, everyone heard his voice clearly.

His words were especially directed towards the girl.

"I will prove this to you, so watch closely."

His voice became cold as his fierce eyes pierced through his enemies.

When he raised the sword forward, a fierce aura erupted from his body.

A strong swordsman.

The owner of an unyielding sword and an unparalleled will.

This person overwhelmed the girl's sight.

The environment was dark, but he appeared as a bright light within it.

"My sword that cuts everyone."

To cut through all her doubts.

To break the beliefs built over the years, to open a new world before her eyes.

To overcome the pains of the past, one must achieve results in the present.

One must look towards the future.

That is why....

The girl wished with all her heart.

For the young boy to prove what he says.

To prove the reality of the world he sees as a swordsman.

To show her the world she had never seen before.

Once is enough.

She wanted to see what it means to be a swordmaster.