Chapter 18: I know that, but I couldn't care less (1)

Chapter 18: I know that, but I couldn't care less (1).


When facing many enemies, there is a basic rule that one should not overlook.

Never fight your enemies as a group.

In other words, never fight them as a gathered horde.

Rationality, it is always about using the circumstances to your advantage, not against you.

When they are in a large group, always confuse the enemy forces and scatter them without them noticing, and this is done through deception and misdirection.

When you scatter them, strike the enemy's weakest points with all your might.

Where is the weakest point in the enemy's ranks?

The enemies' weakness lies in the place they are most desperate to protect.

When you strike the enemy's weakness, change your strategies and confuse them forcefully, do not let them regain their balance.

No matter what happens on the battlefield, never let them gather.

Scatter and confuse them, so they do not know what is in front of them or behind them.

When your enemy thinks you will strike the right flank, strike the left flank; when they think you will strike the rear, strike the front.

This is the street fighting strategy, scattering the enemy into smaller groups to eliminate them.

This is the best way of war, and this is how battles are fought.

Adapt to the circumstances, and fight according to the circumstances, and you will be scattered because of the circumstances.

You can usually only face a large crowd with cunning and rationality.

This is natural logic, and it is also common sense.

Of course, such a strategic approach will only be reached by war and planning geniuses.

Nevertheless, it is still the best way to deal with huge enemy crowds, and more than that, it is the only successful method throughout the ages.

All of this was true.

Unless one possesses enough power and might to contend with these vast numbers.

In this world, that was not impossible.

You can contend with rabbits when you are a tiger yourself.

This is also called "adapting to the circumstances"; if you can defeat the enemy with overwhelming force, do it; if it is with cunning, then do that too.

The best military strategy is the one that leads you to victory, not the one that seems genius.

Fifty people are clearly visible before my eyes.

They all stood facing a lone boy holding a sword.

That boy was Dio Antarius.

As his red eyes flashed with the color of blood, Leon's gaze turned towards the people, who possessed such "hospitality" that made them come eagerly and welcome him warmly.

The greedy and ecstatic appearance of these people made him laugh.

His lips curled to reveal sarcasm, as he thought: "It seems I underestimated what this academy has to offer."

"Just looking at their enthusiasm, does that mean they have built an economy independent of other places?"

Or perhaps they have support from a source I do not know?

These rascals from the nobility and the well-known clans mostly understood the situation here in the four days he had not attended.

What advantages does this academy really have to attract the interest of those who lived with a golden spoon in their mouths?

Who controls this, who is above that, and what are the power balances here, he knew them all.

Before coming to this academy, Leon had built himself a source of information that regularly sent him important events in this academy for a year.

Even though he had only arrived a few hours ago, he was somewhat aware of the power balances in this place.

However, there were still things he could not confirm before coming himself.

Why is that? Why didn't his source of information tell him more than this?

For example, deeper information about the teaching system, or important internal information about this island?

If we take general logic into account, the purpose of a spy is to uncover all possible information.

But there are special cases where nothing can be done.

Of course, if he pressed the situation, he could obtain many important pieces of information.

But that is dangerous for the spy, and Leon's identity could be revealed if that happened.

The danger of death was not small for his source of information.

And not only that.

The fact is that it was not possible for people to disclose certain things about this place to outsiders.

The Runes of the Covenant.

They were oaths that everyone inscribed upon themselves had to adhere to.

What the conditions are, and what they stipulate, depends on who inscribes them.

Whoever is inscribed with this rune must adhere to it or face penalties.

The Covenant Rune was not something simple like inscribing mana in the environment; what made it an oath was its mixed nature.

The Covenant Rune was a blend of the magic of rune inscription and the magic of commandments.

That rune was extremely difficult to inscribe, and even harder to break.

The only thing certain is that the conditions are known only to the students there and the island's inhabitants.

Naturally, those conditions can only be disclosed to the bearer of the covenant, i.e., the island's inhabitants.

"The likelihood of it involving death is not great."

That was certain, and this was due to the children of the clans and the prestigious families.

Setting such extreme conditions means declaring war on these clans.

It may be a means of short-term extortion.

But this is nothing but short-sightedness; it has no long-term benefit.

"Most likely, it will only cause the destruction of this place if those are the conditions."

Leon's eyes became bloodshot.

This does not mean that the conditions are nice in return.

They are harsh enough to make a person not cross the line.

It is not as if the academy contains high-value treasures, so many did not really care about its rules.

The only strange thing is their desperation to protect their rules through generations.

This academy was very protective of its students and its teaching methods.

Leon, who lived differently, did not understand what the benefits were in protecting the will of the academy's founder with such determination.

Is there something like humanity behind this?

"A person like me will not understand this easily."

That is Leon.

In any case, this is what he knew from fragmented information and his own analysis.

Leon was not strong enough to protect his source of information from the Covenant Rune while he was not even near it.

Even he could not extract his source of information from that equation.

Thus, he did not know the value of the school points mentioned by one of the chatterboxes who came among the fifty people.

These rascals had only come a few days ago, so what was the reason for their high enthusiasm?

Are the benefits that enticing?

Or perhaps there is a more comprehensive motivator than the academy's advantages.....

These were things he had to understand for himself.

Leon's eyes glinted coldly as he watched Dio, who walked comfortably, without showing any emotions.

The conclusion of his initial plan would be in the hands of this boy and the sword girl.

The entire farce of the chase had several reasons, but the main reason was to alert the resident powers here.

The scoundrels of the Kingdom of Cairo and the State of Nanman were expanding their power within this academy, which is considered a neutral force, and not affiliated with anyone.

Whether it was the noble children of Cairo or the children of the well-known clans in Nanman, they expanded and shared power among themselves.

After the sudden disappearance of the fish and mermaids in the mainland, there was concern.

Currently, due to the stock that both states possess, there will be no quarrels.

But in the future, trade will become difficult; such a disaster had never been seen before.

With the depletion of one of the states' stocks, prices will naturally rise, and the relationship between the two states will become tense.

"According to the information, there are already some attempts at embezzlement by Nanman, and that was through pirates and bandits."

Of course, if it weren't for my knowledge of the matter and the information from my sources, I would have been in the dark indeed.

What benefit does the Moonlight Academy have in this matter?

It is the resources; unlike the mainland, which has dried up its water sources, the academy was different.

Its strategic location is far from the mainland; nevertheless, it still contains a much larger food source than the mainland.

Not to mention the beginning of rumors that there are ancient ruins a little away from the island's location.

What made traders come from all directions is not only that, but what is manufactured from within the island itself is a much greater temptation.

"Volcanic minerals, which are several times harder than steel, are found here, not to mention that they only form in a special environment."

There is no place that manufactures this mineral more than this island in the entire continent; it is indeed a rare mineral.

The greed of the two states for this place has risen in recent years, and they began sending their prominent heirs here, hoping to establish their foundations in this academy.

Thus, over the years, powers settled in this place, and there was a balance of power.

The reason for the lack of conflict was the academy director; he possessed such might that even the fiercest warriors in Cairo and Nanman retreated in fear.

However, his position was more of a shackle on his hands and feet than a benefit; even he could not attack carelessly and openly suppress the resident powers.

"Students will not be touched given how this academy excessively protects its students, but that is provided they are students worthy of protection."

Certainly, if he happened to make a wrong move, a bloody war would break out among the three, and needless to say, the island's inhabitants and the Moonlight Academy would suffer the most.

A triangle of power among the three had been established; no one could attack or retreat.

Thus, hope lay in the students; whoever took the initiative and led the academy would have the upper hand.

Unfortunately, no one could possess the balance on their side.

There was no bearer of high power to suppress the other factions.

The best strategy was to attract young talents who did not possess money or fame, hoping to break the balance.

They had already forgotten the possibility of an unknown variable entering to break the balance.

Moreover, such a possibility had disappeared from their minds.

However, the variable finally appeared.

It manifests in a disaster that will turn the entire world upside down.


Leon laughed heartily at the sight of the people before him.

His laughter echoed powerfully in the surroundings.

The crowds shouted something, but he paid no attention, whether to those close to him or far away.

"It is time for you to bow your heads, you scoundrels, for this esteemed one has found his ultimate prey."

"Only the strongest sits on the throne; isn't it better for me to take this exhausting role from you?"

Leon, oh Leon, how can you be so virtuous and righteous?

Oh, your nobility and the height of your piety and honor.

If there were two like you in life, wouldn't the world be a better place to live?


"What does he intend to do?"

As he watched Leon laugh loudly, Lloyd could only feel tired indeed.

This scoundrel! Not a single day passes without him causing trouble!

He did not need to think much to understand that; he did not know what he wanted to do, but after revealing his plans to them, he knew he did not intend anything good.

He sighed and stopped thinking about it; from the beginning, the matter did not really concern him.

He was just worried about others, a habit deeply ingrained in his being.

But he did not let that affect his judgment and actions.

While holding the sword close to her chest, the girl stood alone.

Directly in front of her, he walked slowly.

The boy's figure reflected in her eyes.

The boy walked quietly and carefree, as if he were on a stroll.

Only a few seconds remained before he would collide with the enemies, but in her consciousness, the passage of time was slow.

The entire world became foggy; the boy holding her sword was the only thing clear to her.

He radiated a confident and distinctive aura.

For some reason, the boy had a charisma that made him attractive to her eyes.

Was it because he was a better swordsman than her?

Or was it because of their conversation, which made her feel that way?

It did not matter.

Worry, hesitation, and uncertainty.

Throughout her life, these emotions had always haunted her.

Cut your doubts with your sword.

This is what he told her, but what does that mean, in the first place, how is that?

Naturally, there is one language that a swordsman understands more than the language of words.

The skill of fencing.

The blacksmith speaks with his hammer, and the swordsman speaks with his sword.

Instead of talking about her, it is better to show her.

This is what the girl wanted the boy to understand from her plea.

One might mistake her request to show her his fencing style as a confirmation of his words, but he understood this as she did.

This was a plea from someone in distress.

The girl, for the first time in her life, not to someone she had known for years, not to a dear close one.

It was a boy she met for the first time; she asked him for help.

When the girl was just a little one with no understanding of life, her mother had advised her on something to do if the opportunity arose.

"If there comes a day when you cannot bear loneliness and isolation, when you meet someone who fills your heart with no aversion, do not hesitate to ask for help."

"One does not live in the world alone, after all."

Unlike her, her mother had always been cheerful; she radiated an aura of wisdom and had never seen her make a mistake.

Sometimes, the girl lamented her birth and thought she was the cause of her mother's misery.

If it weren't for her, wouldn't her mother have been free from the burdens of taking care of her?

The girl did not particularly value herself; her life or death was not different.

Both were similar in her eyes.

Her survival was due to her love for her mother who raised her and her father whom her mother always spoke of.

If she ended her life, that would be ingratitude for what both had done for her, before birth and after.

One who lost their husband is a widow, one who lost their parents is an orphan, but what do you call one who lost their children?

There is no such name; that is because that pain is immeasurable.

What cannot be measured cannot be named; how could she end her life despite her mother's love for her?

That is impossible.

And the father was no different in her heart.

Although he left the world when she entered it, he was her role model.

Her mother had always told stories about her father.

The deep love shone in her mother's eyes every time her father's name passed her lips.

She loved his dedication to everything he did; she loved his kindness and integrity.

His only regret was not reaching the world he sought in the sword.

Yet, this regret was not comparable to his happiness at meeting her mother or the day of the girl's birth itself.

The father died leaving the mother and daughter, but he fought valiantly until his last breath for them.

Despite feeling like a burden to her mother, the mother firmly refused to abandon her.

Just as the mother loved her husband, naturally, this love extends to her daughter as well.

One day, her mother gifted her that will.

On that day, she told her about her father's regret and his love for the sword arts.

And that he wanted the sword to reach her hands if he happened to die one day.

He wished for her to love the sword as he did and for the sword to be a light for her in the darkness one day.

A few days later, the mother died of illness.

On the day of her death, the mother told her about her life as she had never done before.

From early morning until midnight, the sounds of laughter and crying and so on from someone telling their stories filled the dilapidated house.

They talked together until they were exhausted by sleep.

The girl finally fell asleep in her mother's embrace.

The mother's breath stopped while embracing her daughter with her dying body.

She died smiling.

Since she became aware of life, this was the first time the girl cried.

When she had nothing left, the girl did not end her life immediately.

There was work to be done; she took it upon herself to achieve what her father had not reached, to keep his will alive in the world.

The girl lived with the burdens of her mother's will and her father's goal.

This was the only way for the mother to let the girl live; the will and the sword were the only way to make the girl continue living.

The child was not foolish; she understood this deeply, and thus, she engraved her mother's will deeply in her mind and carried the sword at an early age.

She spent the rest of her days alone.

She had no friends or companions; her sword was her only companion.

A life of isolation and uncertainty.

This is how she lived, and this is how she thought she would end her life.

Step by step, the boy walked silently.

Whether it was the aura or the sheathed sword, the boy did not mature in any atmosphere that showed him as a person ready to fight.

Yet, in his deep silence, the hearts of the opponents felt an instinctive fear.

He walked towards his enemies with indifference.

Do not be afraid, without anger and without enthusiasm, walk calmly towards your enemy.

Never carry emotion in your heart.

Just carry your sword and fight.

The sword has no emotions.

This boy who walked confidently captivated the girl's gaze.

Did the girl care about appearances? Not at all.

It is true that she acknowledged his handsomeness, but that did not make her feel any interest towards him.

The heart.

When the boy previously pointed to his heart, then pointed to hers, she felt a strange sensation.

Her feelings surged in a whirlpool at that moment.

After living her life in isolation and loneliness while wielding her sword, her life's journey was nearing its end.

Why did she choose this academy as the last stop on her journey?

It was because it was the first place her parents met.

She wanted to see and feel the place that was the reason for their meeting, and when she satisfied her curiosity, she would achieve her last goals.

After that, she would end her life in a dark place.

She could no longer bear a life of solitude more than this.

Deep down, she felt sadness and fear.

Naturally, it was a sadness that envelops a person's heart when they live.

"Look at this scoundrel! He doesn't even draw his sword!"

"Does he think he is cool for doing this? What a mockery!"

"Hahaha! Get out of my way! He is mine!"

Seeing his calm walk and silence, the enemy groups suppressed their strange feeling of danger and bravely attacked.

No matter how strong he is, our numbers are greater!

Of course, there were those who reduced his speed and made others surpass him.

It is always necessary to test the waters before entering.

They wanted those in the front to fight among themselves.

This way, each would weaken the other, and then they would catch the prey from behind.

The cicada - which is also called the zizz - catches its prey in front, while the bird lurks behind them.

Whoever captures Leon and hands him over to Professor Dios is the winner, not the one who defeats him here!

The smart ones knew that, and thus they retreated a little to conserve their energy.

Those who attacked fiercely were either overly confident in themselves or afraid that someone else would steal their meal.

Thus, many of the enemy forces ignored their emotions that were gnawing at their heads from behind and charged towards the silent boy.


The sound of the collision was heard.

The boy's body was covered by nearly 30 people gathered together.

They smiled arrogantly at the sight, while Leon and Lloyd watched the scene with dull eyes.

The girl tightened the sword closer to her chest, while Fernando's eyes did not leave what was happening for a moment.

The result had been determined.

"My sword doesn't even need to come out of its sheath; you are all very weak."