Chapter 26: Category Determination Exams at the Academy (3)

Chapter 26: Category Determination Exams at the Academy (3).


Princess Lucia found herself in an unusual situation, facing a person with no information and no source.

An indifferent stance towards others, behavior oscillating between reality and fantasy.

Weird boy, a ruthless tyrant, the red-eyed demon.

Leon Evenius, she didn't know what would happen in the future with this person.

She watched him for a while, before her golden eyes became misty.

She felt her consciousness sinking, her state resembling that of someone entering a deep slumber.


"Your Highness!!"

Edward Harvey shouted anxiously and moved his body before his mouth.

The body staggered and was about to fall to the ground.

"Whoa~ it seems our dear princess is really tired~! You should take better care of her, son of the Harvey family."

"Let go of her, Leon Evenius!"

He gracefully caught her by the waist before she fell, his red eyes shining with a mysterious light.

After Leon moved first, Edward nervously drew his sword, fearing he would do something to Princess Lucia, making weak threats.

"Hoh?! Is this how the son of a prestigious family behaves towards benefactors?! Where are your morals, you scoundrel!"

As if feeling insulted, Leon scolded Edward in a harsh tone, glaring disapprovingly at him.

'Benefactor my ass! Just let her go! I'm scared, can't you see my hand shaking, you damn bastard?!'

This bastard knows how to drive people crazy, indeed!

Like everyone here, he did not dare to show complaints publicly, he just held his sword, watching every physical movement Leon made.

"Eww! This is disgusting!"

In a disgusted tone, Leon felt a shiver from his gaze and his face turned blue.

"You... you!"

"... What?! Who are you calling disgusting, you bastard!"

Naturally, Edward felt insulted!

Looking at someone makes you disgusting? Then let's blind all creatures!

"Why are you looking at me so sharply? Is it just your appearance that resembles girls?? Huh?? Keep your perverted gaze away from me!"

"Who's looking at you! I don't swing like that! Unlike you, I don't hit women! You're the pervert!"

"Huh?! What did you say, you bastard? You're the pervert!"

"No, you are!"


The two growled at each other like predatory beasts.

"Now now~ the princess doesn't seem well, can you both stop making a fuss?"

In a tense voice, Shin Soo intervened before another fight could start.

Unlike Leon, almost everyone here was on the verge of collapse and exhaustion; any more and there would be real injuries.

"Hmph! You've been saved, girl-shaped one!"

"Look who's talking, a barbarian who doesn't know manners!"

While there was grumbling from Leon's side, the girl in his arms fell into an unconscious state.

A unique pattern revealed by her golden pupils.

Lucia's eyes were sunken and hazy, she did not notice the environment or the person holding her.

"What's happening to our princess? Hey, Edward—"

"Were you about to say girl? You were definitely about to say that, you barbarian!"

"Hehe! How dare I say that to the son of a prestigious family like the Harveys? It must be your imagination!"

"... That bastard" Edward took a deep breath to calm his anger.

He no longer cared; for the sake of his sanity, it was better not to argue with him.

"... Vision" he murmured uncertainly.

Watching her condition, he remembered a situation he had seen once before.

Sunken eyes, a unique pattern shining through the golden eyes, a brief loss of consciousness.

He was almost certain, something was about to happen soon that would affect somewhere, whether in the Kingdom of Cairo or in this academy.

After saying one word, Edward fell silent; he did not intend to say more, and apparently, Leon did not intend to urge him to speak either.

Her consciousness was submerged in darkness.

Inside her consciousness, she was staring at a strangely shaped clock with its hands spinning, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

Her body floated through the black space, the only light in the void was the oddly shaped clock.

Information flowed into her mind.

Was it due to her lineage's ability? She had a hunch.

"Like the crashing waves in the seas hitting the shores, it is coming inevitably."

"A storm will descend upon this world."

The eye of insight, a power she could not fathom, she had lived with it for 17 years, yet there were still mysteries she had not uncovered.

Sometimes, it would come to her unexpectedly, words flowing into her head like a book, as if she were reading a story.

Following that story, those events became reality.

A storm will come to the world, sweeping it towards the ruin of chaos.

This boy of strange origin, with his unusual stance, would be one of the key pieces in that chaos.

She had only caught a few words about him.

An enemy you cannot rely on, a single ally like him and not a thousand after him.

As long as she remembers that, she will survive the chaos unscathed.


The clock disappeared with the sound of its hands ticking loudly.

With her emotionless face, her sunken eyes shone with an ethereal light, before the dark world sparkled with bright light.

The princess opened her eyes.

The first thing her eyes saw was black hair.

She saw his annoyed face, as he scolded and argued with someone.

As always, his red eyes were dark as blood.

There was a feeling of warmth at her waist; naturally, it was the feeling of someone holding her.

Leon Evenius was standing, holding the waist of Princess Lucia Hardian.

'It seems that when I fell, student Leon Evenius caught me.'

Instead of falling into confusion, the princess understood her situation well.

It may not be appropriate for her position as the ruler of the Kingdom of Cairo, but that was the least of her concerns.

Her consciousness drifted towards something else.

The world would enter chaos, Leon Evenius would be an important piece in the events of that chaos.

Mysterious and unclear.

She still remembered what the world looked like, people slaughtering as if it were common.

The screams of children and women, many cried in regret and blood.

A world stained with fire and blood, the source of that chaos did not appear in the memories.

Lucia barely understood what had happened.

Was it an urgent future that was not delayed, or a delayed future that was not urgent?

What was her role in that chaos?

Why were these memories more obscure than any memories before?

Unsolved questions with no answers, her face was pale.

Her eyes trembled from the horror of what she had seen.

As if he had noticed her shiver, Leon patted her back with a subtle motion.

[A scary nightmare, I think?]

A thought flashed in her mind, a technique used by experts to communicate, his clear voice reached inside her head, even though he did not open his mouth.

[You don't have to say anything, instead, I have something to say...]

She had previously been trembling a little, now she had completely stopped shaking.

Was it because of her feeling of comfort?

No, it certainly wasn't, not even close to the truth.

She no longer had an expression on her face.

An ingrained habit of the girl since childhood.

That was when she was first subjected to an assassination attempt.

Not by a stranger or an enemy.

The little girl in her sixth spring, that was the first day she revealed her unique eye ability.

All because of her mother.

A hatred she could not believe came from her relatives, all directed towards the little girl.

While she was soaked in blood, she stared blankly at the cold corpse of the woman in front of her.

The mother died while staring at her daughter with wide-open eyes.

She did not shed tears or scream; the girl just looked with empty eyes at the lifeless body.


That was the first deep emotion the girl felt in her life.

That shock of her life, for the first time in years, a similar situation repeated itself.

The girl Lucia, when she is afraid, her expressions disappear instantly, while she stares blankly at the source of that fear.

It was the same now.

To anyone who saw her, they would think she was looking at him with cold, emotionless eyes.

Scary eyes.

This is what everyone felt, everyone, without exception.

Of course, as if reading the situation flawlessly, Leon understood the meaning of her stance.

'It seems her fear has crossed the limits.'

Even when she felt the cold and shivers deep in her heart, she remembered the last thing in the memories of her eye's insight.

An enemy you cannot rely on, a single ally like him and not a thousand after him.

The nail struck her heart.

Now she understood why those words resonated in her heart.

Leon Evenius, a person who should not be taken lightly as an enemy.

Almost all doubts were resolved.

But the intentions of this person were like the fog that refused to dissipate.

[Hahaha! From your reaction, I can tell how cautious you are, no need for all this, I offer you a deal.]

[... A deal?]

She somewhat expected that, otherwise, he wouldn't have told her in a situation like this, where there were many eyes.

Naturally, he would either blackmail her with the information he had or offer her a deal.

Of course, she would not show him a reaction that implied her understanding; instead, she showed him a reasonable lack of understanding.

[You're really quick-witted, that's faster for me.]

Unfortunately, he understood her intentions and revealed them, as he said what he had to say.

It was truly a day full of shocks.

Her initial confusion was on the verge of fading.

She gathered her thoughts as she responded.

[Since it's a deal, I have my own conditions.]

She would not just take a negative stance; she had to establish a foothold for herself in this situation.

Leon had left the princess's body for a while, while they stared at each other, silence enveloped them.

That's how it appeared to everyone.

"It seems Leon Sahyung is having some conversation with the princess."

Trying to guess the course of events, Fernando attempted to discern the content of the conversation, but nothing came to his mind.

"Wait!... Sahyung??"

"Yes? Sahyung!"


"What about him? I call him Leon Sahyung."

Lloyd fell silent for a moment before replying: "... Him?"

You mean another Leon, right?


"Have you lost your mind, Lloyd Sahyung?"

"... I'll forgive you just because you're a cute little brother."

"What does that even mean?"

It seemed he was also affected by the naming.

Oh, Lloyd can really be shy sometimes.

"... Ahem! Anyway! I just hope he's not trying to blackmail her."

"Blackmail?? From??"

After saying that in an annoyed voice, Fernando asked, not understanding Lloyd's words.

"He, Leon, is blackmailing, her, the princess, Lucia."

Word for word, Lloyd said his words to Fernando, who looked puzzled.

"... Does he have the guts or means to do that?"

"I don't know about the rest, but..."

Staring at the princess and the person in front of her, while his orange eyes sparkled, he quietly wiped his spear.

Lloyd spoke with a truth as clear as the sun on a clear day.

"If he wanted to, he could even blackmail demons."

"That... is amazing!"

The image of Leon grew in Fernando's eyes with the passing seconds and the passage of time.

The deal between the two ended on solid ground.

[Looking forward to working with you in the future~ I don't know what you saw in your vision, but it must be related to me? I think so, given your change in attitude towards me.]

What made Leon particularly annoying was not his strength or intelligence, or even his provocative personality.

His deep understanding of others' hearts, as if he read them like a book.

Know yourself and know the enemy, do not fear hundreds of battles.

This saying did not come from nowhere; it was terrifying how he struck at the heart of the matter.

She neither confirmed nor denied his conclusion, so he took her silence as confirmation.

[It seems you don't know how to deal with me... so... there are doubts.]

After saying this, there was nothing more to say.

Leon walked around while humming a song.

"♬ Like the calm waves in the seas~ carrying in their blueness a hurricane~"

"Sometimes wearing the robe of the sky~ and sometimes angry, not caring~ no matter how dark the nights~"

"Like the crescent~ remains the brightness of beauty~ never fades~! Like the mountains~! never fades~ carrying the hopes~!"

Sometimes between seriousness and play, you see the wonder in his actions.

He did not carry the worries of others, singing a song as he walked.

The princess decided, like all those before her, on an important decision.

"For my mental safety, I must not put my mind with his."

After confirming her suspicions, there was nothing more to be done; she just had to wait for the faculty to decide the fate of this person.

Many had lost consciousness, while others stood in silence.

They could only stand helplessly, staring sometimes at the strange waves around them, and sometimes at the cause of that.

In his song, he sang, his feet danced across the beach sand.

"Hah~ this is refreshing, the first time I dance on the beach, a satisfying experience!"

As he continued his steps and the sand flew, Leon laughed heartily.

He had always lived a gray life, the world was uninteresting.

Trying to survive, win, and crush others.

There was nothing else important.

At some point in a person's life, they will have to go through turns and learn.

While the frightened crowd watched him, Leon was enjoying his time.

His dance was like a beginner learning to dance.

Yet, his movements improved at a terrifying speed.

From time to time, he would mutter things like "like this and that" or "I should do it like this," as if correcting his dances.

Over time, his movements became captivating, of course, that was for the female side.

If a male found his movements captivating, it meant he was gay.

As a wise man once said, don't be gay, be better.

This wisdom is worth a thousand wisdoms.

Ahem! Anyway, the eyes were bright as they watched him.

His black hair was as dark as the night, red eyes darker than blood.

As he danced around, the sand moved through the air as if it were chasing him.

Was it because they were in their youthful spring? Some girls imagined themselves dancing beside him.

Not only were his movements stunning, but the boy was truly handsome.

Unlike Edward, who rivaled even some women in beauty, Leon had matured in a masculine and harsh atmosphere.

In line with his title in their minds.

The red-eyed devil.

His scary eyes had something attractive.

He was like a black hole; even though he was a killer, your body would inevitably be drawn to him.

"Lloyd Sahyung... why did Leon Sahyung suddenly start dancing and singing??"

"No convincing reason really."

"He did that for no reason? At a time like this?"

I don't quite understand this; shouldn't we avoid what's happening now before falling into trouble?

"Yes, in fact, he's the type who would be in a deadly battle, and suddenly without warning, starts doing strange things."

"Leon Sahyung... a unique person."

Fernando said, scratching his head, unsure how to respond.

"Don't be surprised; you'll get used to it in the future."

Lloyd replied, laughing at Fernando's confused response, before his mood suddenly soured.

First, the treacherous bastard, and now this dancing bastard, isn't this too much?!

After seeing the girls staring at Leon with dreamy looks, he could only remember the treacherous bastard Dio, who was undoubtedly enjoying some one-on-one time with a beautiful girl!

Even Leon gets admiration?? What is this, masochism!

Didn't he just beat you all up moments ago? Huh? That's not fair!

He was reminded once again of a painful truth, that he was the only one sitting next to a "boy."

"For some reason, I feel uncomfortable? Keep your eyes away from me, Lloyd Sahyung."

As if reading his thoughts, veins appeared on Fernando's forehead as he said in annoyance.

Use your damn handsome face and go do something, you bastard! Don't direct your displeasure at me!

Lloyd was not alone; many suddenly found Leon ugly to the eye.

Look at him flaunting while strutting, damn you!

Many tried to hold back their tears that were about to fall.

Truly, life in different ways is completely unfair.

He didn't just strike their bodies; it seemed, and unintentionally, Leon dealt a harsh blow to the pride of the males here.

Of course, fortunately for them, he was unaware of it.

The winds were singing, as if it were a melody.

He heard its sound clearly like a tune in his ears.

Many turns.

This is the best description Leon could give of his life.

Although he lived most of his life as if looking at a blank sheet of paper.

There was a time when drops of ink fell on the paper.

After it became stained here and there, the boy felt some curiosity.

Is there more than what he sees and believes?

The curiosity was small at first.

As days and months passed, the curiosity deepened.

In the end, curiosity became a desire.

The little boy had a desire for discovery.

He enjoyed the sight of the flying sand while singing and dancing.

"Oh all students of the Moonlight Academy, you are here detained, unaware of what fate awaits you~"

Naturally, the enjoyment of his life had just begun.

There was still much to experience.

"Instead of remaining helplessly still, isn't it better to do something about the problem~?"

He spoke while dancing like a drunkard, his voice calm, but everyone heard him clearly.

It was as if someone was whispering in your ear.

"What shall we do? Should we wait until the faculty arrives? Or should we resist until the end? But this person is crazy... we might get killed."

"Such thoughts will haunt the mind, so you will become confused, and thus, I give you a suggestion."

As if finishing his dance with a final move, Leon created his own movement.

The grains of sand floated through the air, as if forming harmonious rows.

With every move he made, the grains of sand flew and followed their predecessors.

"Will you accept it?"