Chapter 27: Category Determination Exams at the Academy (4)

Chapter 27: Category Determination Exams at the Academy (4).

On the eastern coast, the red-eyed boy danced across the sands.

In his many movements, the grains of sand followed him and floated in the air.

Before everyone's eyes, he walked around and hummed.

His steps stopped in front of a beautiful girl with golden eyes.

Suddenly, he turned his body and grabbed Princess Lucia by the waist.

"... Huh??"

He held her hands with a professional move before moving with her, the princess instinctively matched her body to his movements.


The crowd opened their eyes wide, their mouths agape like a gate.

Ignoring the environment, Leon continued his dance with the princess, the swirling sand began to take shape.

[... What does this mean? Why did he suddenly grab me and dance?]

[I heard that to perform the dance perfectly, one must find a partner, and since you are the only one not afraid here, you were the most suitable for the role.]

The princess's face showed confusion, not grasping the meaning of Leon's words.

Isn't that something obvious and known?

There are few types of dances that one performs alone; most dances are done by couples.

Yet, he said he heard that, as if he were unaware of common knowledge.

Not to mention anything else, his initial dance, which was clumsy, contradicted what he was doing now, as if he were aware of what he was doing.

[Don't tell me... Is this your first time dancing?]

[No, it's not.]

[Then what's with your vague terms? As if you were unaware of what dancing is...]

[It's actually my second time.]

As he communicated with her telepathically, Leon smiled gently.

[What? Impossible...?]

His second time dancing? This... is unbelievable?

Does he have a talent for dancing or what?

Leon wasn't lying, but that wasn't all.

How many people had he used the nightmare call on in his life? There was no specific number in his mind.

It was only certain that he had learned a lot from their experiences.

So much that one life wouldn't be enough to count them.

Many stood watching a young man and a girl dancing on the beach.

In the eyes of others, this sight was not beautiful, not even a little.

The reasons were the same; only the person was different.

He chose her to dance with instead of them.

He stole their first dance with her.

Males and females felt more attracted to Leon's sudden proposal; of course, the reason wasn't exactly as he said.


An emotion that strikes you when you want a situation to happen, but it happens to someone else.

When you want to sway someone's emotions, but someone else gets them instead of you.

I remember many situations, and you will never finish mentioning them.

This emotion now overshadowed their previous fear.

They could only wait impatiently for Leon to finish his dance.

Trying to annoy him or complain?

They were young, not stupid!

It was obvious what would happen if someone annoyed him.

He wasn't noble from a well-known family.

He didn't have the fame that made his name heard in the highlands and its depths.

Unknown, a stranger who appeared suddenly.

He didn't just show off his immense powers.

Here he was now, before the watchful eyes of everyone, performing a dance with the princess of the Cairo Kingdom.

"Let's announce the conclusion of our play today, shall we?"

As he said that, he spun the princess around by her hand before grabbing her waist.

The princess's body leaned back as if she were falling, before Leon caught her by her hand and waist.

This movement meant one thing.

The dance had ended.

The sand began to form above Leon.

They were single letters, merging together into words.

After finishing his dance, he politely released the princess and thanked her as a nobleman would.

His image was splendid now.

Before he put his hand in his nose and rubbed it.

It's funny how one movement can ruin a person's image in someone else's eyes.

The princess shook her head in disappointment, as if her head had started to hurt.

Did she enjoy the dance? The answer was unknown.

At least, she didn't hate it.

Everyone watched the words form, in slow motion, the words became clear.

"Do you accept the challenge? Hehe, your image in my eyes suddenly became more beautiful!"

Leon laughed as if he were enjoying himself.

[{ Here and now, if someone can touch me, even if it's just my clothes, I will surrender myself to them.}]

Words hung in the air.

Their content was clear and simple.

"No need to worry, all I will do is avoid you; if I touch you myself, wouldn't that be a win for you?"

Seeing their hesitant expressions for a moment, he answered their doubts.

Many sighed in relief, it was reassuring that he didn't do something like hitting.

That was their biggest fear.

"Not only that!" A glimmer of amusement appeared in his eyes as he laughed, "I will answer three questions posed by the winner, and I promise to provide one service to that person, no matter what!"

His voice was booming and tore through the air.

A hit right in the target.

The air changed in an instant.

Whether they were male or female, noble or commoner.

Greed appeared in their eyes.

"Princess... remove that look from your eyes! It's scary!"

As Lucia deftly avoided, Leon screamed as if in panic.

Unfortunately, his appearance fooled no one.

The princess's eyes sparkled, the answer to three questions.

Even the girls set their greedy eyes on Leon.

Doing one service... no matter what.

Getting a service from a handsome, strong, and talented person, not to mention that he was fierce... was that a dream?

Whether to satisfy the girls' desires.

Whether to make him answer the princess's doubts.

Whether to escape from here.

Or even to receive the reward for catching him and gain honor.

They had to win!!

"Catch him! Even if it's just one touch! Even a brush of hair is enough! Go grab him!!"

A final battle began to unfold.

An unprecedented battle.

These scoundrels? Weren't they like sheep waiting for slaughter just moments ago?

Leon looked at them with a slightly confused gaze.

He knew they would be somewhat excited, but not to this extent.

It didn't matter; what mattered was that the results were good.

While they ran at full speed, Professor Deus and his companions headed towards the eastern coast.

The atmosphere was silent.

Everyone had their own intentions in mind, so there was no special need to talk.

They were immersed in their thoughts, trying to process the information they had just received.

A tyrannical, merciless, and unparalleled demon.

It was ridiculous to even imagine that.

Fifty people against one.

It was obvious he would lose.

Let's assume for example that he was a genius and won, would he overwhelm them by a large margin?

Let's say after accepting the unreasonable, yes, would he do it easily? Especially when there are prominent figures?

Would he surrender and receive the reprimand, or would he fight them?

It was unlikely.

Yet, what was impossible happened.

He didn't just escape easily, did he?

No, no, he was like a merciless tyrant.

The fifty students, including Princess Lucia, Edward Harvey, and Shin Su, he crushed them all.

A strange force like a magnet pushed them to the ground and submission, inhuman physical speed, a personality that showed no mercy even to women.

Not to mention everything, he didn't consider anyone, not even the princess of the Cairo Kingdom.

The fleeing student still trembled; every time he remembered that murderous intent, his blood ran cold, and his breath became heavier.

A terrifying experience he didn't want to repeat.

The professors felt anxious.

They didn't know that the situation would escalate to this degree.

With the princess's intervention, depending on how they dealt with her, it would be either big or small.

The hopes were leaning towards it being small.

With such anxious thoughts, they unconsciously increased their speed.

Firon watched their reactions while laughing sarcastically a bit.

From what he heard, it seemed that what Leon did was within reason.

'I was expecting something like explosions and environmental destruction.'

But nothing happened yet? Did he really do enough?

"Hmm, it seems just like him, but this..."

"Nicer than usual."

As Firon said something, Loki interrupted him with a smile.

"Don't interrupt me, you scoundrel!"

"Guess what? I did that, do you have a problem with it?"

"Huh? Are you looking for a fight?"

"Accept it if you want!"

"White-haired scoundrel!"

"Shut up, cat-eyed!"

"Young master, umm..."

While the two were arguing, someone approached them.

Her white hair was as bright as snow.

Her clear skin reminded one of purity.

However, the most striking features were her eyes, which looked like the galaxy.

The blue and purple intertwined in her eyes, forming a unique field.

The eyes sparkled like gems in the middle of the night.

A trait that was unique.

Loki could only remember her as soon as his eyes saw her.

The only daughter of the head of the Kronos family.

The family that monopolized the title of the first trading guild across the Cairo Kingdom and Nanman.

Despite the fierce competition between the two states, those disputes were merely a source of income for the traders.

Naturally, to mediate between the two states and not interfere in wars, there were trade guilds representing both states.

Even so, without being under anyone's authority, they stood alone at the top.

The Kronos trading guild monopolized a position that would allow them to build their own army if they were pushed hard enough.

The genius of pen and sword.

Whether it was magic, whether it was racial studies or alchemy.

Fighting and talking.

Was it about managing foreign and tense relations or manipulating the market?

The girl could be kind, she could be harsh.

Enemy or ally.

All of that depends on your actions.

That was the girl named Lilith Kronos.

There was almost no one who didn't know her across the entire continent.

And at the same time, what her true nature was, that was a mystery without a solution.

That girl now was talking to Loki, in her calm and gentle voice as she did with Leon the first time.

"Loki, just Loki."

Loki replied in his usual cold tone.

"Young master Loki, I have some questions, may I ask you?"

Ignoring his cold tone, she continued her conversation with a smile.

'Why do I feel a pain in my stomach?'

That just reminds me of that scoundrel Leon... that's scary.

After hearing her gentle voice, contrasting with her hollow eyes, Loki felt a familiar feeling.

He wasn't the only one, in fact.

"I suddenly feel an unpleasant feeling."

"You're not the only one, Vair."

"The same thing with you, huh, Lok?"



Watching their argument, Lilith didn't interrupt them; she just kept looking at them.

"Ahem! Anyway! Accept and ask, daughter of the Kronos family."

"Young master Leon... what kind of person is he?"

First of all, this question was roaming in her mind.

So this is the first thing she asked.

Who is Leon Evinius? What kind of person could he be?

"I expected that a little given my knowledge of him, but... did you communicate on the ship?"

"Not exactly... you could say that."

"What kind of person is Leon... hmm, there are many words to describe him, what do you think, Vair?"

"Scoundrel, vile, despicable, foolish, violent, a foolish scoundrel... did I say scoundrel? Well, he's more of a scoundrel than scoundrels."

"Short, short, and short."


"Heartless! Maybe he's not an earthly creature, but an alien!"

"Very possible!"

The two immersed themselves in their insults and forgot the world.

It was funny how your best friend could be your worst enemy.

"Umm... it seems he's not much different from what I saw on the ship or the story of the student there, but that's not what I'm asking about."

A calm voice interrupted the two; instead of confusion, she asked the essence of what she wanted.

"What kind of person is he really, if there were no difficulties, I hope you can answer my rude question."

'Even her way of coaxing an answer from you... is similar.'

'Is she his lost sister or what?'

The two looked at each other before each answered in their own way.

"Despite all those previous traits, words are not enough to describe him."

"Leon... if I say he's violent, he is."

"If I say he's the opposite of violence, that's true too; he acts impulsively at times, and at other times calmly."

"If he fights you, suddenly without warning, he'll say that fighting is boring and run away, and in another second, you might lose consciousness without realizing it."

"He has so many traits that a person would think Leon is not one person; he's just eccentric."

"This... seems to me like a unique person."

Fernando's words exactly came from the mouth of the white-haired young woman, in an uncertain voice.

"... However," Firon spoke with certainty, as if stating a fixed fact in the world.

As if reading his thoughts, Loki spoke in sync with Firon.

"He has all the traits, but there is one trait he is far from."

Why were they answering her so easily? There was no significant reason.

It wasn't important to know what kind of person Leon was; that wouldn't really protect you from his harm.

Not to mention everything, after knowing her previous interaction with Leon, they already expected that Leon would most likely want them to answer her.

Why would Leon want that? They didn't care even a little.

"Leon, he's not weak at all."

Their voices were literally synchronized.

"If two beasts like you say that... he's really strong?"

A voice suddenly came from behind them; it was the head of the relief department, who came with Lilith.

"That's rude! Don't call us beasts! We have our dignity, as you know, maybe not Leon... but we do!"

"He's right! Who are you to call us beasts anyway!"

Firon and Loki looked at the source of the voice with fake displeasure.

"Hmph! Lower the scattered magical energy in the air first before starting to complain, you rascals!"

The old man replied in a similarly annoyed voice, as he noticed the auras surrounding the two.

They had hidden them before, but suddenly a purple aura like darkness and another red like lava spread in the air.

A dominating aura.

Even Lilith, who was dubbed the genius of pen and sword, could only feel awe.

"Damn! I couldn't hide it any longer!"

"I wanted to appear in my grandeur later, damn you, old man!"

"Shut up, you rascals! Do you see it's playtime when we're almost there?!"

The aura of the white-haired boy covered one side of the area; it was like ice a thousand years old, a piercing and pure cold.

His cold eyes sparkled with icy light, as if he were dropping his mask.

The other area was red like the flames of lava, the fires of hell in the depths.

As he jumped through the trees, his aura dominated the air and made the environment hot.

Eyes were burning with fierce flames.

The contrast between cold and heat was overwhelming.

Their stoic appearance disappeared for a moment.

Though it was just a few breaths, they all saw them.

King of winter, king of summer.

The two were the embodiment of those words.

Ice and frost, a cold that cannot be described in words.

Burning and flame, hotter than they had ever felt before.

It wasn't just on a physical level.

That feeling penetrated deep into their souls.

That was before the two returned to their nature, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Was my answer satisfactory, daughter of the Kronos family?"

"Yes, it satisfied this little one's curiosity."

To break the existing silence and awe, Loki spoke to Lilith, as she answered him after a brief pause.

"Don't ignore me, you scoundrel!"

"Don't talk to me, you old man! Especially after ruining our moment!"

"Enough chatter, we have arrived."

Professor Deus spoke in a cold voice when he saw the horizon ahead.

His initial shock had disappeared, replaced by a firm and cold look on his face.

From the beginning to the end, Olivia had been watching Loki from behind, not caring to shift her gaze from him.

Her brother, whom she thought was dead, her brother, whom she couldn't protect.

Her younger brother, who was abandoned for the future of the clan.

Before her stood in good health.

Not only was he in good health, but he was in the best condition.

The previous cold of ice, which she felt deep within her... what was it?

A breaking monster.

This was the only label she could think of.

Even she felt fear from that monster.

He had become stronger.

But that wasn't important now; that was something for another time.

Feelings of guilt weighed down her heart.

She still remembered him as if it were yesterday.

His image while fighting hordes of humans and monsters alone.

His appearance at that time reflected loneliness.

After eliminating most of them, a huge explosion occurred in the area.

Those were her father's orders.

He made his son lure all the enemies to an area prepared for the explosion; that was to protect the clan from extinction.

In the end, everyone could be abandoned, and everyone could be left behind.

That depended on the situation first, and the nature of the person second.

For the sake of the clan, Leon's father saw no big problem in abandoning him; that was his duty as a member of it.

At least this way, he showed his family's benefit, and those were the words of Olivia's father.

The day of her greatest regret.

That was the time of her brother's death.

Or so she thought.

Unlike his lonely appearance at that time, strong, determined, and relaxed.

Loki now and Loki before were slightly different from each other.

Everyone arrived at their destination, the eastern coast.

Lilith, excited to meet Leon more than before.

The professors and student council members worried about the overall situation.

Loki and Firon, who had been mysterious until now.

They were all witnesses to the tragic scene before their eyes.

He stood alone in the area.

Almost everyone had fallen to the ground.

Only three were standing, panting before him.

The sounds of muffled groans, the bodies strewn on the sand.

With his hands in his pockets shamelessly, his face showed a sarcastic smile.

Princess Lucia was panting and covered in sand.

From the tips of her hair to the soles of her feet, Edward Harvey and Shin Su were covered in sand.

A transparent field rippled through the space covering the area.

The three lost their strength and fell to their knees.

His cold image while standing alone against one of the continent's best talents was deeply engraved in the hearts of the attendees.

Not a weak person.

Lilith remembered Loki's words and the young boy beside him.

She now understood in the clearest ways the meaning of those words.

He was not just far from weakness.

Leon Evinius, he is a monster.

"Time is up."

He said that with boredom before turning towards the new group.

Tick, tock.

The sound of footsteps reached the ears; he was walking across the sand, but the sound of walking on glass flooring came to mind after hearing it.

He snapped his fingers, and the field covering a massive area disappeared.

Even the field hiding Dio and Chai Naion had disappeared.

Dio suddenly appeared while holding Chai Naion as if he were carrying a princess.

No confusion showed on his face; he walked silently towards Lloyd.

In fact, Fernando was sprawled across the beach as well, seemingly gasping for air.

"... I'm still very weak."

He muttered with regret as he tried to organize his frantic heartbeat.

"Your Highness, your effort was impressive, but... unfortunately."

He spoke to the three behind him, who tried to stand up in a quiet voice.

"You have lost."

His voice was cold.

He looked towards the new group, while his red eyes sparkled with a mysterious light.

"Now, shall we begin the end of our night's revelry?"

"It's noon."

"Just shut up, you disgusting smile machine."

"You shut up, short-chan."

After Firon ruined his moment, Leon could only curse him immediately.

The long event was about to end.

Professor Deus ordered the others to check everyone before staring at Leon with cold eyes.

"Explain what's happening... now."

The magical energy in his body was rising.

When he saw the students sprawled like this, unintentionally, a subconscious killing intent emerged from his eyes.

Somewhat fitting.

Professor Deus was truly living up to his reputation; he was strong.

For the standards of others, this is it.

"If I don't want to answer, no one on the face of creation can force me, Professor."

His voice was like a whisper.

But Deus heard him clearly.

Was he using telepathy or some other means?

None of that; you didn't need such means when you were near someone, right?

Right behind him.

While his back faced the back of Professor Deus, Leon spoke coldly.

Killing intent?

There was no need to mention it, as it had already dissipated.

The boy was definitely far away.

He took one step.

And now he was in their midst.

That wasn't speed.

What is called speed had nothing to do with it.

It was just frightening.

Professor Deus felt that.

A danger lurking behind a person.

From a seventeen-year-old boy, he felt danger coming from a monster.

"So it's better to be polite, shall we?"

His words became colder as a smile appeared on his face.

The swords pointed at him were quite amusing.

Their cautious appearance, the rising magical energy on their bodies, and their sharp eyes.

All those things were funny.

Desperation to protect the students, huh?

A mysterious smile was on his face.

"Leon, stop joking around."

Loki laughed at the show before him, but he knew things would escalate if he didn't intervene, or maybe they wouldn't escalate; that didn't matter.

"Tsk tsk, Lok, you're interrupting my moments of glory!"

"Glory my ass! Is bullying others your glory? Huh?"

"Of course it is! Who do you think I am? I'm not a saint!"

"Shut up, you foolish scoundrel! Explain what's happening so we can go eat! I'm hungry, damn it!"

"I'll ignore your insults since I'm hungry too."

"Ahem! Accept and ask me whatever you want, Professor!"

The serious atmosphere... collapsed quickly.

Lilith couldn't help but laugh a little.

She understood some of the young master Loki's words.

Leon is truly a unique person .