chapter4:popcorn in the shadows

Hello i am the fan of this story , kinda want to try and continue... Give me ideas in comments please🗣️

Ah... And i will use ' for youngpool in his head comments'


"Dr. Desmond, you seek an audience with the Light?" a man's voice inquires, anger evident in his tone.

"Yes. My apologies for disturbing you at this late hour," Desmond replies, his demeanor shrinking to that of a timid mouse compared to the lion like attitude he displays toward Guardian and the others.

"Just give your report," another man's voice interjects, irritation clear in his tone.

"Of course," Desmond responds quickly. "Ahem." He clears his throat, stalling for time. "Well, there was a small fire here at Project Cadmus. The origin of the incident is still unclear, but it seems to have drawn some... unwanted attention."

As he continues speaking, the scene shifts to show Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad unconscious in pods, with Superboy standing guard over them.

"The three sidekicks—Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash—breached security. They discovered and released the weapon, the Superboy. Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control and, as ordered, turned against his would-be liberators. The three are contained, and we don't believe the League knows they're here," Desmond concludes, omitting any mention of their mercenary.

"Uh... what should I do with them?"

"Clone them," the second man replies.

"The substitutes will serve the Light and only the Light," the deeper voice concurs.

"And the originals?" Desmond asks.

"Eliminate them," the voice commands without hesitation. "Leave no trace."

Desmond responds with a cruel smile.

shouldn't we kill him now?

" Naaah if we do we will miss the big fighty~"

" Munching sounds🎶"

We can't let super lite join the light too

"Damn since when can you rhyme"

..... I can't, that's our new third rate author trying to mimic us

(A.N: F*ck you two i left my damn studies and skyrim but fu*cking trying bitc*h as*s deadpool cheap knockoff)

..... "Jeeez, i guess we shouldn't talk to him untill he gets self steem(A.N:🖕)


Back to young justice .... 🍿

"We only sought to help you." Aqualad tells the clone, calmly

"Yeah. We free you, and you turn on us." Kid Flash pipes up, clearly still annoyed at the minimum. "How's that for grat-"

"Kid, please, be quiet now." Aqualad firmly says to the younger teen. "I believe our friend was not in full control of his actions."

'holy shit they using conscience ra*pe technique'

Whats that?

'beggars ultimate move to gain food!'

With the conversation gaining ground Robin activates a lockpick in the pointer finger of his glove and begins to work on his restraint.

"Wha- what if I…" he trails with an annoyed huff, his voice never been used so his words don't come out quite right and his tone is slightly scratchy. "What if I wasn't?" he manages.

"He can talk?" Kid Flash questions shocked.

Superboy's hand clenches into a fist again as he practically growls his words at Kid Flash. "Yes, he can."

The two look at Kid Flash who looks rather confused back at them. "Not like I said, "it"."

"The Genomorph taught you telepathically." Aqualad realizes.

"They taught me much." Superboy admits. "I can read, write. I- I know the names of things."

"But have you seen them? Have they actually let you see the sky? Or the Sun?" Robin asks, knowing how much all three of them take those things for granted.

"Images are implanted in my mind," he admits, then looks down as if ashamed, "but no. I have not seen them."

Aqualad turns towards the more pressing matter. "Do you know what you are, who you are?"

Superboy stands tall. "I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish… to destroy him should he turn from the Light." the last bit gets worried looks from all three of them.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but, like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." Aqualad tries to approach it calmly.

Once those words leave Aqualad's mouth Superboy gets angry. "I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!"

"Your home is a test tube." Robin says rather simply. "We can show you the Sun."

"Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight, but we can show you the moon." he offered as a substitute. 

"We can show you, introduce you to Superman." Aqualad agrees with the young speedster, knowing how much that would mean to the teenaged clone before them. Superboy's eyes widen slightly at the prospect.

'haaah ... So even a a brainwashed person cannot escape from the holy talk no jutsu'

wade says while finishing his imaginary popcorn