chapter 5:Fighting hulkstien

i am really sorry for the language mistake :)

As the group ran through the corridors, the sound of their footsteps echoed off the walls. Suddenly, our mercenary appeared out of nowhere.

Wade was hopping alongside them, full of energy despite the chaos. 'Hey, hey! Did I miss something? I took a quick nap and—whoa! You guys really know how to party without me!' he said cheerfully.

Kid Flash was startled by Wade's sudden appearance and looked at him in surprise. "Where have you been? We were in the middle of a fight!"

Robin eyed him suspiciously. "Yeah, you just disappeared. Why didn't you help us?"

Wade's expression turned serious, but his eyes sparkled with mischief as he paused for dramatic effect. 'Oh, that! Well, you see… I was just about to jump in, but then I remembered… I, uh, have this condition!'

aqualad looked confused. "Condition?"

Wade nodded earnestly, 'Yeah, yeah! I'm allergic to fighting super-clones. If I throw even one punch, I might get uncontrollable diarrhea! And trust me, you don't want to deal with that. It's really embarrassing and kind of dangerous.'

robin replied with disgusted face, "Diarrhea."

Wade's smile widened. 'Exactly! So, I decided, for everyone's safety and my dignity, that it's best I stay out of it. But hey, I was cheering you on from the sidelines! Go team, and all that!'

Kid Flash rolled his eyes. "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard."

Wade looked genuinely hurt. 'Wow, I can't believe you'd say that. You think I'm lying? That's harsh! What really matters is that I'm here now, ready to be your unpredictable savior. So, what's next? More running? I'm all set. Running makes me feel like one of those super-speed cartoon characters'

Robin looked tired of this talk, his patience clearly wearing thin. "Let's just get out of here."

Wade's enthusiasm didn't wane. 'Lead the way, Captain! And if any more super-clones show up, I'll be right behind you . waaay~ behind you. Safety first, right?'

As the team continued their urgent dash through the corridors, Wade followed,with a cheerful running Despite his ridiculous excuse, he was always ready to jump in—when needed or when it suited him best...


Meanwhile, as Aqualad forced the elevator doors open using his strength, the metal groaned under the pressure. Kid Flash and Robin joined him, looking up at the towering twelve floors and the seemingly endless darkness above.

Kid Flash, running in circles upwards, while Robin quickly fired his grappling hook, aimed at a higher floor, and pulled himself up.

"Hey guys! What about me?!" Wade called out urgently.

The tension escalated as a huge troll entered the underground room.

'Oh! Don't worry, guys, I think my elevator has arrived… oh...'

(Oh, crap, this is going to hurt.)

The G-troll, with its massive fists ready to deliver a powerful blow, targeted our entirely human with a death level cancer. The force of the punch sent him flying upwards toward the sidekicks.

"Well, that's one way to catch an elevator!" he quipped, despite his rough landing.

Aqualad approached him, clearly concerned, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Wade winced as he adjusted his dislocated hand. "I'm fine, but it's going to be hard to, uh, you know, masturbate now~~" said in a sad tone

(i miss my cute unicorn....)

Kid Flash pulled Robin aside and whispered, "Hey Robin, have you ever noticed how one of them seems one step away from a breakdown, and the other has anger issues? This team's getting less predictable by the minute."

"And how he heals so quickly!... Let's just focus on getting out of here."




SO~ … How the hell are we here, facing this giant monster that looks like the Netflix adaptation of Hulk, with a rocket launcher?

Wade mutters to himself, 'I was really useless while we were escaping… really, like A princess in a romance novel, so I just skipped this part, tehee~'

(A.N: I couldn't think of ways to put him in the rest of escaping without feeling cringey, so I used the almighty skip by breaking the fourth wall. Sorry 🙏)

"Wait!, don't shoot or the whole building will collapse on us!" Robin yelled, clearly frightened."

Wade's inner voices responds, Too late…

The launcher sends Desmond crashing into a pillar, and the entire building starts to collapse.

'Whoops… sorry~'