Chapter 9: Organic Romance

Coming down the elevator they stop at the hangar. "It's my Martian BioShip." Megan explains as the doors open. Leading the now curious boy towards a red oblong shape in the hangar.

"Cute." Wally offers. "Not aerodynamic, but cute."

"It's at rest, silly." Megan smiles bright, reaching her hand out. "I'll wake it." as she does the oblong turns into a shape recognizable as a ship. She even spins 180° with just a motion of her hand. A small staircase comes off the back, showing off some of the insides. She walks towards it but soon realizes the boys aren't following. "Well, are you coming?"


the BioShip flies out at impressive speeds, only to slow just above the surface of the water and begin a near 90° upward flight, before barrel rolling to face towards the mainland once more.

"Incredible!" Robin tells M'gann, more likely impressed with the responsiveness and her piloting skills than anything.

"She sure is…" Wally agrees, but is entirely focused on M'gann, once she turns towards does he realize what he said. "I- I mean the ship, which like all ships, is a she."

Robin is the first to point out Wally's crappy attempt at covering up what he said. "Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth."


(A.N : not gonna lie...i kinda got hard while writing this part)

 as if on instinct, I reach out and touch the ship, running my fingers and moving my hands

(nooo! stop molesting this cute baby)

 ' Uuhh… cute little girl, ' I murmur, almost to myself. ' Has no one given you any attention in a while?! ' My hands start moving , not entirely sure what I'm doing, but definitely having too much fun doing it.

The BioShip thrums softly beneath my touch, its purring vibrations practically humming with pleasure. I can't help but revel in the way she's responding to me, a wide grin spreading across my face. M'gann, observing from the side, casts a curious glance in my direction, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

" Um, Wade, the BioShip is... sensitive. You should be gentle with her, " she advises, her voice tinged with concern.

I flash her a roguish smile, my fingers gliding over the interface with deliberate, lingering motions. ' Oh, trust me, I know exactly how to handle a lady~. ' Leaning in closer, my voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper. 'You like that, don't you~, A little tender loving care never hurts. '

M'gann's eyes widen as she connects telepathically with the BioShip. Her face flushes a deep shade of red, and she stammers, clearly taken aback. "I—uh—Wade, the BioShip… she's really responding to you. She's—she's enjoying this."

The BioShip begins to react intensely, its systems vibrating erratically as if in a state of overexcitement. The entire console shakes gently, lights flickering in a rhythmic pattern that suggests an almost ecstatic response to my touch. The scene is both impressive and slightly chaotic, like the ship is having its own version of a thrilling moment.

Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and M'gann watch with expressions of utter bewilderment. Robin's eyes narrow in confusion, Kid Flash's jaw drops in disbelief, and Aqualad exchanges a look of incredulity with M'gann.

I continue to lavish attention on the BioShip, completely absorbed in the interaction. 'Looks like she's come to appreciate my touch,' I say with a satisfied smirk, giving the console a gentle, reassuring pat. 'Don't worry, gorgeous, I've got you covered.'

The BioShip settles into a smooth, steady hum, its systems calming down into a harmonious rhythm under my command. I glance over at the bewildered team, enjoying their baffled reactions.

'Seems like everyone's a little stunned,' I comment with a playful wink, taking a final, contented pat of the console. 'Well, who knew I'd be the one to get her into heaven~?'

Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Megann remain frozen in their astonishment as the scene comes to a close, leaving me basking in the satisfaction of a job well done.

(A.N: i was watching the boys before doing if you want to blame soneone....blame this illogical superpowerd horny show!!) 
