Chapter 10: mister original

"Hey, how 'bout showing us a little bit of Martian Shapeshifting?" Robin asks, changing the topic. M'gann nods subtly, thanking him for the change, before stepping up and gaining Kaldur and Superboy's attention as her clothes begin to change. Making her look like a feminine version of Robin, costume included. Catching Wally's smirk she turns into a feminine version of Kid Flash.

"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Wally questions.

No one responds to him, and Robin applauds M'gann. "Impressive," she turns back into herself. "but you know you're not exactly going to fool anyone with those."

M'gann smiles softly as she sits down. "Mimicking boys is a lot harder."

"And your clothes?" the Atlantean questions.

"They're organic like the ship. They respond to my mental commands." M'gann explains, pulling on her jacket slightly.

"As long as they're the only ones." Superboy says darkly not caring that he's heard by all of them.

(do not spoil it!)

' So, your suit's organic, and the ship too? That's... honestly, that's incredible. I mean, you're like the ultimate combo of amazing tech and style.' wade says like the mood didn't get dark....

M'gann raises an eyebrow, unsure of where this is going.

"And, uh, I was just thinking," Wade continues, glancing at the BioShip with a playful smile. "Maybe I could get one of those suits too? You know, for scientific purposes....Ahem." He then puts on a shy smile, doing his best to look genuinely bashful as he shifts his gaze back to M'gann.

(what a crossdressing mf)

(A.N : what? you thought i would make him want it so he can get the best organic onahole in the world?! I am not a horny better ! )

"anyway! Can you do that ghosting through walls thing Manhunter does?" Wally asks quickly to get her attention

"Density shifting?" M'gann questions, though her smile doesn't return. "No, it's a very advanced technique…"

Robin leans forward. "Flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall." Then chuckles before gesturing to Wally. "When he tries it, bloody nose."

"Dude!" Wally snaps, annoyed that he would tell her that.

"Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending coordinates."they all on high alert as the ship bings.

"Received. Adjusting course." M'gann says.

Robin scoffs. "Tornado's keeping us busy again."

M'gann replies optimistically. "Well, a simple fire led you to Superboy. We should find out what caused the alert." as she takes the BioShip down and mere feet above the surface of the parking lot.

(why do i feel she only sees supps~)

'naaah~she is just a pedophile,her first crush is a baby and i don't think if others exist it would be much different~'

(A.N: completly bold lines is in mind~)

Superboy turns out the side window. "I think I know the cause." he says, right outside the BioShip is a tornado. Heading right for them. M'gann attempts to alter their course so not to be swept up but is unsuccessful and the BioShip glitches out of Camouflage Mode as they get fully entangled in the tornado.

Trapped inside the tornado all of them hold on and grunt as the wind whips them around. M'gann manages to open her eyes and reorientate herself, as she does her brow drops in concentration and her hands firmly press on the control towers, illuminating them as she gets them out of the tornado and to the parking lot . they all drop out of a door created in the bottom of the ship.


As the workers flee the Power Plant in panic, Wade surveys the chaotic scene with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Robin, are tornadoes common in New England?" Aqualad asks, his voice steady despite the growing tension. When there's no answer, he glances back, only to realize Robin has vanished. "Robin?"

Wade chuckles, casually leaning against a nearby wall. "That little ninja's good at disappearing acts, huh? One second here, next—poof!"

M'gann's eyes widen in confusion. "th-they were just here ! "

Wade tilts his head, watching the windows of the Power Plant shatter from the force of the wind. "Looks like we're in for a fun ride. Anyone else getting that 'bad weather' feeling?" he saus, clearly unfazed by the chaos around them.

(man~ even we didn't laugh.....)


The team rushes into the Power Plant, their eyes locking onto the red and black exo-suit figure standing amidst the chaos. Blue tubing runs from his shoulders to his lower back, with a brown scarf covering his mouth. From each hand, tornado-like funnels whirl menacingly.

Before anyone can react, one of those funnels hits Robin square in the chest, slamming him into a support pillar nearly eight feet off the ground. He crashes to the floor, groaning in pain as he struggles to sit up.

Superboy leaps down the stairs, landing beside Robin just as he rises. "Who's your new friend?" the clone asks, his eyes narrowing at the mechanical figure.

Robin winces, rubbing his bruised back. "Didn't catch his name," he mutters, watching as Superboy prepares to charge. "But he plays kinda rough."

The villain, his exo-suit gleaming in the dim light, stands ready with air pulses still emanating from his wrists. The bright blue tubing now clearly connects to the tops of his wrists as well. "My apologies," he says in a cold, robotic tone. "You may address me as Mr. Twister."

Suddenly, Wade drops from above, having seemingly come from nowhere. He clings onto Mr. Twister's head, his arms flailing for balance. ' Let's see how your neck will twist !! ' he yells, kicking the villain in the head.

The impact is less than effective; Wade's leg snaps with a sickening crack as he lands awkwardly. He grimaces in pain, hopping on his other leg and holding the broken one. ' Ow, ow, ow! I swear, in my head that was a flawless move! ' he complains, his voice a mix of frustration and pain.

(This was embarrassing.....)

Mr. Twister remains unfazed, the air pulses from his hands continuing unabated. Wade, still hopping on one leg, decides to press on. He leaps up, aiming to punch Mr. Twister in the face. The punch lands, but the impact does little more than slightly shake the villain.

' F***ing metal!

(Wade, please.)

' cock shot~'

' Ohhh! , your poor wife! '

(You really should stop....)

while holding his broken hands in front of him ' All the dinosaurs feared the T-rex. '

He flips up into the air, breaking his foot upon contact with twister's head. 

' Oh, Canada! That's not good,' Wade mutters, rolling on the ground and holding his broken leg. 

Mr. Twister stands over him, unimpressed. "Do you have an off switch?" he asks, his voice steady.

Wade, still rolling replies, "Yeah, it's right next to the prostate. Or is that the on switch ? "

Without further comment, Mr. Twister uses his funnels to send Wade crashing into a nearby car. Wade moans in pain as he slumps against the vehicle, his limbs battered and broken.