Team Go! Go! Go!

Okay, so here's the deal—I just got thrown into a car by Mr. Twister. I mean, really, a car? I thought we were past that, but whatever. While I'm here nursing my bruised ego and everything else, let me catch you up on the chaos.

Mr. Twister throws both his hands up, creating two more tornadoes that Superboy struggles to withstand. Twister redirects one tornado, grabbing Superboy and launching him into the wall from fifteen feet up. Superboy hits the wall with a loud crash and falls to the metal floor, unmoving.

Then, the rest of the gang decides it's time for a coordinated attack. M'gann, Aqualad, and Kid Flash look like they're about to pull off something epic. Kid Flash even pulls out his goggles, all serious-like, and charges in with a handspring, aiming for Twister's chest. But nope! Twister just spins him right out the door like a mexican bull

Twister then creates twisters beneath M'gann and Aqualad. M'gann is thrown into the raised grated walkway, while Aqualad crashes into a support beam.

"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero," Twister taunts as Robin readies a disk and a small bomb. "I was not, however, expecting children."

"We're not children!" robin said in anger!

(thats what they said!)

 "Objectively, you are." only then does it explode. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing."

Well, we hate to see you disturbed." Robin bites back, bringing Twister's attention back to the standing five members of the Team. "Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!"

aaaaaaand~ they got kicked proving he is right!

( i know right, what a bunch of losers) 

"... fuck you "

"Indeed." the villain says, rising off the ground. "That was quite turbing. Thank you." then leaves as the Team groans back to consciousness.

(i am bored~when well this canonn ends)

' soon my friends...some voices is hitting my prostate with a spoilers~'

"Read his mind, find his weakness," Aqualad instructs, tossing a glance back at M'gann.

M'gann hesitates, looking a bit unsure. "I thought I wasn't supposed to do that."

Robin reassures her, "It's okay with the bad guys."

Wade pops up from the sidelines, fake tears in his eyes and a hand dramatically over his heart. " Oh, my heart! I'm so proud of you guys! I wish Professor X could see this ~"

Determination sets in as M'gann sets out to do just that. "Nothing. I'm getting nothing." then she breaks her concentration, knocking her head slightly. "Hello, Megan. Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise." 

The team looks up at the 'villain' in shock and a hint of betrayal.

"He's inorganic, an android," M'gann explains confidently.

Aqualad turns to her, skeptical. "And how many androids do you know that generate tornadoes?"

Robin and Kid Flash exchange glances before nodding in agreement.

"Red Tornado sent us here," Aqualad continues, the pieces starting to fit in his mind.

"After saying we'd be 'tested soon enough,'" Robin adds, his eyes narrowing as he pieces it together. "This is his test, something to keep us busy."

"Speedy called it," Wally says, his shoulders slumping as he hangs his head sadly. "We're a joke."

wade stops them, leaning in with an exaggerated whisper, "Yes, you are~ but I don't think he is…" Wade suddenly clutches his stomach, his expression turning from mock seriousness to feigned distress. "My insides are clenching, and not in a good way! They're telling me he's not ! "

he straightens up, wiping away the fake worry from his face, and gives them a dramatic, over-the-top serious nod. "But hey, it's your decision… and I trust you..."

He pauses, then adds "Just, ya know, from afar... a very, very far afar."

Aqualad makes a noise of frustration before slamming his fist into his hand and turning back towards the 'villain'.

"This game," Wally vocalizes as he and Robin step up to join Aqualad, "so over." The three stand alone before Twister.

"We know who you are and what you want," Robin accuses.

"So let's end this," Aqualad confirms.

"Consider it ended," Twister says darkly, raising his hands over his head as the two funnels begin creating dark clouds and a massive full-sized twister. As this happens, Robin's resolve wavers slightly, his lip quivering with worry.

"An impressive show," Aqualad calls out, before exchanging glances with Kid and Robin. "But we will not indulge you." All three face back towards Twister. "We will not engage."

Lightning cracks into the eye of the storm, Mr. Twister. Kid Flash turns towards the other two, now nervous. "Uh, can Red Tornado... do that?"

"You think I'm Tornado?" The lightning gains intensity. "Ironic," Twister says darkly before the lightning strikes the ground, hitting just before the young heroes.

As the storm rages, Wade Wilson, who had been unceremoniously tossed aside earlier, is trying to hide himself in a trash pin. but the ten thousand years of pain hits him . "Why always me? I swear, it's like the universe has a personal vendetta against me!" he said with an ass on fire!

The only one who remains standing is Superboy, his coat scorched. He rips it off to reveal his Superman t-shirt before launching himself at Twister. The weather villain barely glances down as he hits Superboy with twin bolts of lightning from his hands, knocking the clone into the ground with enough force to cause a trench behind him.

Twister approaches, prepared for the final shot.

As he does, the only one who regains consciousness is M'gann. She looks up at Twister's web of lightning before all five disappear from sight. He backs off. "Fine, then." M'gann remains crouched as the six of them are hidden by the camouflaged BioShip. "I won't deny that you children have power," Wally comes to—his goggles now pushed to his forehead by the force of Twister's previous strike—with his hand to his head and a groan. The groan barely begins before M'gann covers his mouth. "But playing hide-and-seek with you will not help me achieve my objective." Wally and M'gann stare right at Twister, but he still cannot see them. "So stay concealed. If you confront me again, I will show no mercy," emphasizing his point by clenching his fist to create lightning sparks. He finally leaves, heading for the town of Happy Harbor.

Robin, Aqualad, and Superboy all stare up in shock.

"What happened?" Wally questions, confused.

"I placed the BioShip between us," M'gann explains.

Superboy stands and releases his frustration on an unsuspecting rock formation. "And that's supposed to make it right?" All three other boys stand up as Superboy stalks towards the still-sitting Miss Martian. "You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado."

"She didn't do it on purpose," Kaldur says calmly.

"It—it was a rookie mistake," Robin agrees. "We shouldn't have listened."

"You are pretty inexperienced." That catches M'gann's attention. She turns to the other ginger, his head dropping slightly. "Hit the showers. We'll take it from here."

"Stay out of our way," Superboy says darkly as he walks between M'gann and the two younger boys.

M'gann's face falls as she watches Superboy accelerate into a run, then jump. Just behind him, Kid Flash chooses the same spot to book it to supersonic speeds. Robin uses the dust cloud to disappear from sight.

"I was just trying to be part of the team," M'gann says sadly, her bangs falling in front of her eyes.

Kaldur stops a few steps in front of her and at least three to her left. "To be honest, I'm not sure we have a team," he says before he too takes off.

Wade, having watched the scene unfold, steps up to M'gann with a sympathetic look. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you know, your powers are pretty amazing. It's just that, well, they don't work on androids or psychos." He mutters to himself, "I mean, what are the odds of that?"

M'gann's eyes widen and does the "hello megan" and then leaves our poor guy alone

The team eventually defeats Twister, and after the fight, Wade approaches Robin. He looks around at the remnants of the battle and says, "It really sucks to be useless, right Robin?"

Robin glances at Wade, catching his meaning, hmph him and leaves....


not that great of a chapter but cannon necessary so bear with it......i plan to make him, has a long conservation with batman next chapter; to get him weapons so he wont be that kind of useless again...