life could really be a dream~

Wade strutted out of the auction hall with the Wabbajack spinning between his fingers, a casual swagger in his step. "Guess I'm immune to whatever magical deathtrap this thing was supposed to be," he said to no one in particular, half-expecting a dramatic explosion to happen after the fact. But there was nothing. No fiery eruptions. No cursed lightning strikes. Just... nothing.

Before anyone could reply, the back doors of the auction house slammed open, and a figure dashed inside at top speed, flipping gracefully over the rows of stunned onlookers. Jade Nguyen, aka Cheshire, appeared from the shadows, her mask firmly in place but her eyes gleaming with emotion.

"Wade," she called out, landing lightly on the auction stage in front of him, "I escaped the League... because I love you."

Wade blinked. "Wait—what?"

Before the confusion could settle in, another door flew open, and in marched Sportsmaster, Jade's father, along with none other than Ra's al Ghul, both glaring daggers at Wade.

"Jade, you disappoint me," Sportsmaster growled, cracking his knuckles. "Running off with him? Really?"

Ra's al Ghul, standing calmly beside him, added in his deep, menacing voice, "This ends now, Wade Wilson. She will return to the League."

Wade looked at them, then back at Jade. "Okay, I'm flattered, but this is escalating way too quickly."

Without another word, Sportsmaster lunged, swinging his weapon with deadly precision, but Wade was quicker. In one fluid motion, Wade whipped out his dual swords from beneath his suit—because of course he had them hidden inside—and with a slash-slice- he cut Sportsmaster's attack short, disarming him in a single motion.

Ra's al Ghul stepped forward, unsheathing his own sword. "Foolish boy."

"Oh, boy, here we go," Wade muttered, ducking under Ra's lightning-fast strike. The two exchanged blows, steel clashing with steel, but Wade's unpredictable, erratic fighting style gave him the upper hand. With a quick spin, Wade knocked Ra's sword out of his hand and, with a clean strike, took him down.

"Guess that makes me the light-breaker!" Wade quipped as both Ra's and Sportsmaster fell to the ground, defeated.

But before Wade could catch his breath, the windows shattered, and the room filled with familiar capes and masks. The Justice League had arrived. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and a whole lineup of heroes stormed into the auction hall.

Batman stepped forward, eyes narrowing at Wade. "Wade Wilson," he said, his voice stern as ever, "we need you to lead us."

Wade raised an eyebrow, looking over at Elena, who was as confused as he was. "si?"

Superman nodded, floating slightly above the ground. "You've proven yourself. You're the leader we need."

"Me? Leader of the Justice League? Guys, I'm flattered, really, but are we all sure about this? I mean, I'm awesome, but... seriously?"

Batman didn't flinch. "We're sure."

Just as Wade was about to respond with a sarcastic remark, the back of the auction hall burst open again. This time, Lex Luthor strolled in, flanked by his usual team of bodyguards, looking as smug as ever.

"Wade," Lex said with a grin, "I knew you had potential. I'm proud of you." He pulled out a crisp document from inside his suit jacket. "I'm putting LexCorp in your name. It's all yours."

Wade blinked again, processing everything that was happening. "Wait, wait, wait... I kill a couple of bad guys, and now I'm CEO of LexCorp and leader of the Justice League?"

Cheshire suddenly grabbed him and french kissed him

"Haff....haaah....just kiss me! my hero~~"




Wade stood at the pinnacle of his success, years having passed since the wild auction incident. In that time, he'd gone from sarcastic mercenary to full-blown hero, though in his typical, chaotic style. He didn't just fight crime—he made it a spectacle. Whether it was stopping armed bank robberies with a rubber chicken or taking down supervillains with a bomb hidden in a box of pizza, Wade had done it all.

He'd fought alongside the Justice League, cracking jokes at Batman's expense while taking down Gotham's worst. He teamed up with Superman to save Metropolis from a rampaging alien monster, laughing as he leapt from building to building with reckless abandon. Even Wonder Woman had begrudgingly admitted that he was... tolerable, after he managed to fend off an Amazonian invasion by literally confusing them with nonsensical riddles.

For Wade, life was perfect. He had fame, the world's most dangerous criminals feared him, and even LexCorp was booming under his ownership.The chaos was endless, but it was the kind of chaos Wade thrived on. For once, it seemed like everything was going right. He had it all.


Wade stood at the altar, beaming from ear to ear. The grand hall, where his wedding was taking place, was more than he could've ever imagined—decorated to the nines with a blend of sophistication and absolute absurdity. Balloons in the shape of heroes' faces floated high above while streamers decorated with his own likeness fluttered down from the ceiling. The aisle was flanked by guests from every corner of his wild life—heroes, villains, and everything in between.

"Can't believe it," Wade muttered to himself, wiping a small tear from his eye. "I'm actually doing it. Getting hitched. To Jade of all people."

In the front rows, Batman stood with his arms crossed, giving a stoic nod of approval, while Green Arrow and Flash laughed about something that probably had nothing to do with the event. Superman, towering as usual, was present, but even he looked like he was struggling to keep his cool in this chaos. Over to the right, Joker was making balloon animals—ironically one of the more normal moments of the day.

The doors to the hall creaked open, and suddenly Jade, Wade's bride, appeared. She looked like pure elegance, dressed in a stunning, sleek gown that somehow managed to balance beauty with her rogue edge. The aisle was scattered with petals as she walked forward, each step more radiant than the last.

Wade's heart pounded in his chest. "She's perfect," he whispered.

Jade smirked when she finally reached him. "You look like you're about to pass out, Wade."

"Pass out from how lucky I am," Wade quipped, grinning widely beneath the mask he had refused to take off for the ceremony.

They exchanged vows, words Wade couldn't believe he was saying, promises that felt too normal for someone like him. But there was an electric sense of joy in the air, something that grounded him in this moment.

And for a moment, it seemed like everything was normal, like Wade had finally found some peace.

But then, as the ceremony drew to a close and the applause began to echo through the hall, a strange humming sound suddenly filled the room. Everyone froze.

Wade turned to Jade with a playful grin. "Is that your phone, babe?"

She shook her head, a flicker of confusion crossing her features. Behind them, a shimmering, glowing barrier appeared out of nowhere at the back of the hall. It pulsed with a strange, eerie light, casting shadows that danced across the faces of the crowd.

"What the..." Wade muttered, stepping forward. He glanced around, noticing that the same looks of confusion and awe were mirrored on everyone's faces. Even Batman raised an eyebrow.

The sound grew louder, a low hum vibrating through the ground beneath their feet. Wade could feel the energy pulling him, tugging at something deep inside him. It was as though this barrier was... calling him.

Before he could speak, a godly figure—stepped forward, his voice now low and solemn, cutting through the noise. "The gateway to the next world has opened," he said, his tone reverent. "It's time for you to fulfill your destiny as their hero."

The guests stared, half in shock, half in awe. Superman, Wonder Woman, and even Lex Luthor exchanged glances as though they had seen this kind of thing before, but they hadn't expected it here, not today. Not at his wedding.

Wade looked back at Jade, who gave him an understanding nod. "Go, Wade. I'll be waiting when you get back."

"Babe, this isn't like going to the store for milk. I don't even know what's on the other side of that thing." Wade blinked, staring at the glowing portal. "What if I go in and never come back?"

She smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips. "You'll come back. You always do."

His heart swelled with emotion, the rarest kind, the kind that wasn't just from laughter or chaos. Wade gave her one last goofy smile, and in true fashion, he struck a dramatic pose before the crowd. "Alright, folks, looks like I'm going to save another world or something!"

The hall erupted into applause and cheers. Even Batman gave the slightest of nods in his direction. Green Lantern shouted from the back, "Try not to break anything on the way out, Pool!"

With a final wave to the crowd, Wade strode toward the shimmering barrier. The energy it radiated became stronger with every step, until it felt like he was walking into a thunderstorm. His fingers tingled as he got closer, and the humming noise grew louder, a steady drumbeat in his ears.

He hesitated for a moment, looking back at everyone he had fought beside, laughed with, and caused chaos around. His eyes landed on Jade, who watched him with unwavering confidence. There was no going back now. Wade Wilson, or Youngpool as the world had come to know him, had a new destiny to chase.

Taking a deep breath, Wade stepped through the barrier.

The light swallowed him whole.

Suddenly, Wade found himself... standing in the middle of a cinema. Rows and rows of plush seats lined up in front of a massive screen, and the room was filled with figures that looked beyond his understanding

"Wait... what is this?" Wade looked around, scratching his head. "Did I walk into the wrong movie?"

The massive screen in front of him flickered to life, showing... his own life. Every punch, every bad joke, every chaotic moment played out like a highlight reel for the crowd.

"Ah, my dear Wade!" Sheogorath exclaimed, throwing an arm around his shoulder. The crowd, composed of beings that defied logic and space, clapped even louder as if he were the star of the show.

Wade blinked again, speechless. The chaos was so familiar and yet so beyond anything he had experienced. "Uh... okay? Am I missing something?"

Sheogorath chuckled, the sound wild and unhinged. "Thank you for the entertainment, lad! Your mind... what a delicious circus! Chaos, joy, violence... the works! Oh, this has been so much fun!" He grinned, giving Wade a little shove forward.

The applause continued as the crowd slowly began to stand and exit the cinema, leaving Wade standing alone in the now empty hall, still thoroughly confused.


there was that time where i kept reading achapter after a chapter everyday just to find after 3 fucking years that he was fucking dreaming!

(World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination)

so i just wanted to share these feelings with yall~)


please join my patreon for more chapters in advance for only 2 dollars~