end of madness~

sorry guys i know i am late....first week of college and fuck the college~


Wade stood at the center of the empty cinema, surrounded by rows of vacant seats as if he'd just finished performing the strangest movie of his life. Confused, he glanced down at his bizarre costume—a ridiculous mix of a jester's outfit and his Deadpool suit.

"What... the actual...?"

Before he could process the absurdity of it all, a spotlight illuminated an eccentric figure behind him. Dressed in flamboyant purple and gold robes, with wild white hair and a grin that practically screamed chaos, the figure clapped enthusiastically.

"Well, well, well! What a performance, lad! Bravo!" Sheogorath cheered, his cane tapping the floor to the rhythm of his applause. "I must say, your flair for insanity is delightful!"

Wade spun around, eyes narrowing. "And who the hell are you, Willy Wonka's deranged uncle?"

Sheogorath stepped forward, his grin stretching even wider. "Sheogorath, dear boy! Daedric Prince of Madness, Cheese Enthusiast, and Patron of All Things Delightfully Chaotic. Welcome to my cinema of madness!"

Wade looked around, scanning the dark, empty rows of seats. He was totally lost. "You're telling me... all of this," he gestured to the flickering screen and the surreal setting around him, "is your doing?"

"Of course! Isn't it glorious?" Sheogorath twirled his cane with a flourish. "Every unpredictable twist and absurd turn—my masterpiece!"

Wade raised an eyebrow. "Okay, buddy, chill with the Joker impressions. What the hell is going on? Why am I here?"

"Well, remember that Wabbajack you touched?" Sheogorath said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "That's what happens when you interact with the Prince of Madness's staff! But don't worry for two reasons: first, you'll probably feel like it was just a long dream when you wake up. Second, as an apology for any chaos you've experienced, I'll even give you the staff!....man ~aren't I kind!"

He extended his hand, revealing the Wabbajack

"And now bye....i think the dragonborn is finally awake~~"


"What the...?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Suddenly, a familiar voice chimed in, sultry and teasing. "You're finally awake, sleepyhead."

Wade squinted in the low light and spotted Catwoman, her silhouette framed by the dim glow. She was perched on a nearby crate, her sleek black catsuit hugging her curves as she casually tossed a small ball of yarn for a sleek black cat that darted around her feet.

"What... what happened?" he asked, still trying to shake off the remnants of his strange dreams.

She looked over her shoulder, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Well, as a thanks for taking all the attention of the stupid court, I smuggled you out with my latest haul. No need to thank me... yet."

He blinked, processing her words. "Wait, smuggled? You mean I'm... where?"

"Oh, don't worry about the details," Elena said, her voice low and inviting as she leaned closer, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Just know you're safe now." She glanced at the Wabbajack lying beside him, its colorful surface gleaming. "And you can keep that. It looks weird, but I'm sure you'll find a way to make it fun."

Wade sat up, his eyes widening as he took in her features. "You... you're Catwoman?"

With a sly grin, she leaned back slightly, her movements fluid and graceful. "Guilty as charged. But don't let the name fool you; I'm here to help you, not just steal your heart—though that could be a delightful bonus."

Wade chuckled, feeling a thrill of excitement surge through him. "Well then, Catwoman, what's next on the agenda? I've got a magical staff and a world to wreak havoc in."

"First," she said, leaning in closer, her voice a whisper that sent shivers down his spine, "let's get out of here before someone realizes we're gone. I've got a few prized jewels in my bag, but I can always steal more later. And after that... well, we can talk about what kind of chaos you want to unleash."

Wade grinned at Catwoman, caught up in the moment. "So, what's next on our agenda, oh feline temptress?"

She stepped closer, a playful glint in her eye. "You wanted to thank me, right?"

Before he could respond, she grabbed him by the collar with a sultry smile, pulling him near the window. Wade's heart raced as she leaned in, her breath warm against his cheek.

"well,you are welcome~"

With a swift, graceful motion, she threw him out of the window. He tumbled through the air, his mind racing.

"Wait! What the—?!"

As he landed with a thud in a nearby alley, he heard shouts from above. "That's him! Get him!"

Catwoman's voice drifted down, sweet and teasing. "Thank me by being an extraction, will ya~?"

Wade groaned, picking himself up and dusting off his costume. "Well, this just got interesting!"

With a grin, he clutched the Wabbajack, ready to face whatever chaos awaited him on the streets below.