
Wade had exactly three seconds to process the massive vine barreling toward him before it wrapped around his waist and hurled him through the air like a ragdoll.

"AAAAAHHHH!" he screamed, wind whistling in his ears as the world blurred around him. He soared above the streets of Gotham, crashing through a window with the grace of a bowling ball.


He tumbled through glass, flipping headfirst into a display of television sets. Wade groaned, half-dazed, his face smushed against one of the flat screens.

"Ugh... that... really... sucked..." he mumbled, struggling to peel his face off the broken screen. "Okay, plant, you officially made it personal."

Before he could recover fully, the dozens of TVs surrounding him flickered to life, filling the store with static, then a familiar voice—one that made Wade sit up immediately.

The Joker.

"Greetings, Gotham and the world!" the Joker's cackling voice came through loud and clear as his grinning face filled the screens. "Aren't you all having just the most wonderful day?"

Wade blinked at the sight. "Oh, great. The Dark Knight's clown slut" he muttered, brushing shards of glass off his costume as he listened intently.

"We are responsible for the attacks on your cities," the Joker continued, his manic laughter echoing through the store. "If you wish to save them, a ransom of 10 billion American dollars is required. Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit. But the longer your governments wait…"

Wade's fists clenched, the gears in his mind turning furiously. "The more we get to have our… jollies," the Joker finished, his laughter fading into static.

Wade's eyes narrowed as a fiery determination surged within him. "Oh, hell no. Those bastards are going to pay for this," he growled, voice low and menacing. "I know exactly where to find them."

With that, he stood tall amidst the chaos, fueled by his resolve to track down the Injustice League and make them regret ever crossing his path to losing his virginity.

(And the house)

And house....

(How can we go there without the lambo ): )

As the train glided over the bridge, the view unfolded before him like a live-action comic book. His eyes widened at the scene outside: superheroes were engaged in an all-out brawl with the monstrous plants that had erupted across the city. Vines lashed out, entangling heroes and dragging them down into the chaos below.

"Whoa, talk about a bad day at the office," Wade muttered to himself, a smirk creeping onto his face. He pressed his forehead against the glass, eager to get a closer look.

He spotted Superman soaring through the air, his fists flying as he pummelled a gigantic plant creature that had taken root on a nearby building. The Man of Steel was giving it everything he had, but the creature was resilient, twisting and thrashing in retaliation.

"Hey, big guy, maybe try the old 'punch it until it stops moving' technique?" Wade called out, chuckling at his own quip, even if no one could hear him.

Further down, he saw Wonder Woman deflecting tendrils with her bracelets, her lasso whipping around to ensnare any vines that dared to approach. "Nice moves, Amazon," he called out, giving her an imaginary high-five.

The train jolted as it approached a station, and Wade's eyes narrowed, spotting a team of heroes working together: Green Lantern and Hawkgirl. They were blasting away at the vines, trying to clear a path for civilians trying to escape.

"anyone with popcorn?" Wade exclaimed, his excitement growing as he watched the chaos unfold. "This is way more entertaining than a night in with my pizza!"

But as the train continued to speed past the battlefield, Wade's smile faded.

He was getting closer to Mount Justice. The thought sent a chill down his spine. Memories of being a team member—of camaraderie and betrayal—rushed back to him. The thrill of adventure mixed with the sting of being let go, a painful reminder of the moment he'd lost his place among them.

"No, not now," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head as if he could physically dispel the thoughts. "Focus, Wade. You're not that guy anymore."

Time skip…

Wade approached the hidden gate of the Young Justice hideout, his heart racing. He placed his hand on the biometric scanner, half-expecting it to recognize him. The familiar hum filled the air as the system booted up.

"Let's see if the system remembers me," he said, a sly grin creeping onto his face.

"Recognize: Youngpool; 6-9," a female robotic voice echoed.

Wade's laughter rang out, but it held an undercurrent of sadness. "I knew they forgot," he said, shaking his head as he stepped through the gate. The nostalgia hit him like a wave, reminding him of all the times he'd fought alongside the team.

Once inside, he headed straight for the Mount Justice computer, fingers flying across the keyboard as he accessed the surveillance feeds. "Okay, let's see where they left~" he muttered, eyes darting from one screen to another. "I'm sure they've gone after the them by now."

The screens flickered to life, displaying live feeds from various locations. He got a boner at the sight of chaos: plant monsters rampaging, heroes fighting valiantly

"Looks like I wasn't wrong," Wade murmured to himself. "You guys really did leave me out of the fun.

He tapped a few more commands, and the map of the city zoomed in, highlighting a location just outside Gotham. "The Louisiana Bayou? Classic ivy hideout~ Let's hope they haven't started the party without me!"

With determination set in his eyes, he navigated to the teleportation coordinates. "Time to nut injustice!," he declared, stepping into the teleporter.

In a flash of light, Wade vanished from Mount Justice, leaving the memories behind as he set off toward the heart of the action, ready to make his presence felt once again.