atomic deadpool~

sorry guys for being late..... college and fuck this college~


Wade fell through the air, the world spinning around him as he plummeted toward the sphere below. The impact was inevitable, but it wasn't exactly graceful. He landed ass first, right on Atomic Skull's face, The villain's fiery nose holes pressed awkwardly against Wade's balls, and in that instant, Skull's flaming head got a little more intimate than Wade would have liked.

"Kyaaaa! Hentai Skull!" Wade shrieked, half in mock horror, half in actual discomfort as his thighs clamped around Atomic Skull's head, squeezing tightly. The villain heated, trying to get Wade off him.

Atomic Skull growled in annoyance, his glowing eyes burning brighter as he charged up his energy. A pulse of searing heat shot from his skull, aimed directly upward. "This will teach you!" he snarled as the blast of pure energy surged through Wade, intending to blast him into oblivion.


The energy explosion knocked Wade off, but instead of being blown away, something strange happened. Wade, now floating in the air, was glowing—literally glowing—with blinding atomic light. His body radiated like a walking nuclear reactor, bathing everything around him in a shimmering, pulsating glow.

Wade blinked, staring at his hands, his entire body now shining like a human disco ball. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this? Am I... am I glowing?" He flexed his fingers as atomic energy crackled around him. "It's like someone stuffed me full of lightbulbs! But not the sexy kind. More like the 'I'm about to explode' kind."

(But that's sexy~)

On the sidelines, Joker, who had been watching the chaos unfold, burst into laughter. His manic cackle echoed through the air as he pointed at Wade, almost falling over from the hilarity.

"HAhahahaHAHAHHAAAA! What is this?!" Joker laughed, almost doubling over."I can't even see my own crimes with that brightness"

Wade floated in front of Joker, still sparkling like a radioactive nightlight. "Oh great, now I'm a walking sunlamp. Want a tan, Jokey? I'll charge you double."

Joker clapped his hands, clearly enjoying the absurdity. "Oh, I don't know... if you keep glowing like that, you might outshine Bats! And he's always been the star of the show, don't you think?"

"Pfft! As if!" Wade shot back. "Bats would hate this! He's all about the dark and moody!"

flicked his fingers, summoning vines that snaked out from the ground and wrapped around Wade's glowing body. "Now, now, as fun as it is watching you shine, how about we wrap this up? Maybe dim the lights a bit, eh?" Joker quipped, grinning as the vines started tightening around Wade.

But Wade, now supercharged with atomic energy, snapped the vines with ease, his glowing hands cutting through them like butter. "Oh come on, really, Joker? Vines? This isn't amateur hour! Try something a little more creative. You know, like A Funny joke."

Joker's grin wavered for just a second, but he quickly recovered, clapping sarcastically. "Bravo! You've got all the spark, no doubt. But where's the boom, my dear?"

"Glad you asked!" Wade yelled, drawing his sword—now supercharged with atomic energy—and throwing it at Joker. The blade glowed as it spun through the air, slicing a small cut across Joker's face before returning to Wade's hand.

Joker's smile twisted into a grimace as he wiped the blood from his cheek. "My now missed the whole point of my scar! won't love me anymooooore waaaaah!."

Wade, still gleaming like a nuclear lightbulb, completely ignored Joker's frustration. Instead, he turned his attention back to Atomic Skull, who had recovered and was powering up for another attack. Wade leapt through the air, landing right on Skull's head again, grabbing onto his skull with both hands.

"Alright, round two! Let's see if I can unscrew this thing. I always wanted a skull lamp!" Wade grunted, trying to yank Atomic Skull's head off like it was a stubborn jar lid.

Skull, overwhelmed and infuriated, growled in response. "GET OFF ME!"

With one final, furious surge of energy, Atomic Skull exploded—a massive, green, nuclear burst that sent Wade flying through the air, glowing even brighter than before.

Atomic Skull's nuclear burst exploded outward, the sheer force ripping through the air as Wade went flying, still glowing like a neon sign gone rogue. BOOM! The shockwave sent debris everywhere, shaking the ground and igniting a blaze that spread through the sphere like wildfire.


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