bullying the joker

Wade tumbled through the air, arms flailing dramatically. "Wheeeee! I'm a comet! Call NASA, they're gonna wanna see this!" He flipped midair before landing face-first into a pile of smoldering rubble. Slowly, he pushed himself up, still sparkling with atomic energy, his suit sizzling from the heat.

Joker, coughing from the smoke, stood amid the wreckage, his face twisted in fury. "Children? Children foiled our plan?" he rasped, his voice hoarse. The destruction around him only seemed to fuel his anger.

"Inconceivable. Unacceptable. Retributionable!" He raised a gloved hand dramatically, then paused, lowering his voice. "That last one might not be a word. So sue me."

His eyes burned with murderous intent as he glared at Wade, who was still floating in mid-air, glowing like a human atomic bomb.

but before he could take a step forward, Wade vanished from sight, a soft shimmer of energy lingering in the air.

"Funny guy," Joker spat, narrowing his eyes as he searched the shadows.

"Can't say the same for you, brother," Wade's disembodied voice replied, dripping with sarcasm.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Joker sneered, his confidence wavering.

"Not a comedian, I'll tell you that," Wade shot back, his glow fading into the darkness.

"Shut your mouth!" Joker barked, feeling more isolated as the conversation continued.

" Batman never talked to you much, did he?" Wade pressed, now completely hidden. "That's probably why you were so fixated on him."

"Don't play psychoanalyst with me, boy!" Joker retorted, his voice rising in anger.

"Oh, I don't need a degree to figure you out," Wade continued, relishing the banter. "The real reason you kept coming back was you never got a laugh out of the old man."

"I'm not hearing this!" Joker yelled, his frustration mounting.

"Get a clue, Clowney!" Wade taunted. "He's got no sense of humor! He wouldn't know a good joke if it bit him in the cape!"

"Not that you ever had a good joke!" Joker snapped, his patience wearing thin. "Shut up! Shut up!"

"I mean, joy buzzers? Squirting flowers? Lame~!. Where's the A-material?" Wade continued, his voice echoing from different angles, confusing Joker. "Make a face, drop your pants—"

" Show yourself!"

"You make me laugh," Joker growled, his façade cracking. "But only because I think you're kind of pathetic."

"Stop that!" Joker shouted, realizing he was talking to himself.

"So you fell in a tank of acid, cut your skin, bleached it, and decided to become a supervillain?" Wade pressed, still shrouded in darkness. "What, couldn't get work as a rodeo clown?"

"Don't you dare laugh at me!" Joker warned, his expression a mix of fury and disbelief.


Wade erupted into laughter, a high-pitched, mocking sound that seemed to reverberate off the walls. "Why? I thought the Joker always wanted to make Batman laugh!"

In a moment of clarity, Joker's eyes widened, believing he finally had Batman cornered. "You're not Batman!" he screamed, but the only response was the sound of Wade's fading laughter and the crackling fire.

"Come out, you coward!" Joker screamed, scanning the wreckage for his elusive foe.

"Is that fear I hear, Bat-slave?" Wade's voice drifted back, teasing and playful, lingering in the air like a taunt.

Joker, still believing he was up against his long-time rival, clenched his fists, rage boiling over. "You think you can just play with me?"

"No, I'm just here to roast you!" Wade's voice echoed ominously, weaving in and out of the shadows.


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