What if I want them to try!

Wade floated high above the chaos, his form flickering like a neon sign in the night. Inside his mind, his inner voices erupted into laughter, a cacophony of amusement that echoed off the walls of his consciousness.

("Did you see his face? Priceless!") one voice cackled, a hint of glee threading through its tone.

("Yeah, like a toddler who just spilled juice all over the carpet!") another chimed in, barely able to contain its mirth.

Wade couldn't help but chuckle along. "Seriously, he thought he was talking to Batman! You'd think he'd recognize the difference between dark brooding and this glorious glow!" He twirled mid-air, relishing the moment. "And that roast? So good, I could market it!"

But then, the laughter faded, replaced by a sudden sense of urgency. The distant sound of sirens grew louder, cutting through the remnants of the Joker's chaos. The Justice League was coming.

("Run, Forrest, run!") one of his voices shouted, a scared girly voice ringing in his head.

Wade's grin faltered as he considered his options. "You know what? Maybe… maybe what if I didn't?" he mused aloud, his tone growing more defiant. "What if I didn't run? What if I'm not a coward? What if I'm not gonna run away?"

He paused, his mind racing. "What if I'm gonna stand right here? What if I'm gonna make my stand, huh? What if I want to go toe-to-toe with whatever's gonna come from that sky? What if I want them to give it their best shot?! What if I want them to kill me? What if I want them to TRY?"

The voices in his head muttered in agreement, ( "Nah, whatever.")

"Or... maybe I'll just fly to the ocean instead."

In an instant, he rocketed away from the chaos, the salt air filling his lungs as he made his way toward the horizon. The city shrank beneath him, the sounds of sirens fading into the distance.

As he soared above the waves, Wade felt a sense of freedom wash over him.


The dust had settled over the battlefield, and the remnants of the chaos left by the Injustice League were now in the hands of the Justice League. Young Justice gathered around Batman, their expressions a mix of relief and excitement.

"Thanks for your backup, Batman," Aqualad said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "That pirate hero was exactly what we needed to turn the tide."

Batman's brow furrowed. "What pirate?" he asked, his tone even, yet laced with curiosity.

Kid Flash chimed in, his voice animated. "You know, the one who swooped in like a total badass! He had this wild look and a flair for the dramatic!"

"Yeah, he was incredible!" M'gann added, her eyes wide with enthusiasm. "He distracted the Injustice League just long enough for us to make our move!"

Robin nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "He kept throwing them off with his crazy antics. It was brilliant!"

Batman crossed his arms, his gaze piercing as he listened to their recounting of events. "And you didn't think to get a name or any information on this 'pirate hero'?"

"We didn't think it was important at the time!" Aqualad defended. "We were busy trying to save the day."

Batman's expression darkened slightly, a hint of concern threading through his demeanor. "I'll look into that. If he's working against the Injustice League or just helping, we need to know more."

As Young Justice exchanged worried glances, Batman's eyes narrowed, revealing the depth of his thoughts. "Keep your guard up. The next time we cross paths with him, we'll be ready."

The chapter closed on Batman's imposing silhouette, a harbinger of the uncertainty ahead. Was this pirate hero an ally or a threat? Only time would tell.


a small chapter before a little power up and tiny atlantis arc~

money is the motivation to poor mf~

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