Demon’s Rebirth

In a remote corner of the Mortal Realm, far from the tranquil village of Elmsgrove, lay a harsh, storm-ravaged land.

This was a place where jagged mountains loomed and dense forests grew wild. Here, life was a daily struggle, and the villagers lived under the constant shadow of their harsh environment.On a stormy night, when the wind howled and lightning flashed across the sky, a frail woman gave birth in a modest, weather-beaten cabin.

The atmosphere inside was heavy with tension and fear. The village midwife, with a grim expression, struggled to bring the child into the world.

When the baby finally cried, it was weak and barely audible.

The newborn was exceptionally small and pale, with hair as black as the night. His eyes, a startling red, seemed to glow ominously.

The midwife, sensing something unnatural, felt a chill as she cradled the child.

"This child..." the midwife murmured, her voice trembling. "There's something wrong."The dying woman reached out for her baby with her last bit of strength. "Let me see him," she whispered.The midwife handed over the fragile child.

As the woman held him, her life faded away, leaving the child to face the world alone. Despite the odds, Draven, as the mother had named him, took a faint breath.

His red eyes looked up at the midwife with an unsettling intensity.The midwife was shocked. It was rare for a child to come back from the brink of death.

As she prepared to leave, she sensed something mysterious about the child—an aura that suggested hidden depths...

In the Celestial Realm, the God of Chaos, EATAN, observed the birth of Draven with keen interest. Sitting on his throne of shadows and flames, Eatan's eyes, like voids, watched the events unfold.

Beside him, his servant Sebastian stood with a calm demeanor.

This child's odds are against him,Sebastian commented. "He's frail and cursed, unlike the storm-born child. It's as if the world itself rejects him."

Eatan's smile grew. "Yes, Draven is very different from Zarek. Born in darkness, surrounded by fear, and yet... there's something within him that defies his grim start."

Sebastian's curiosity was piqued. "And what will you do with him, my lord? Will you interfere or let him find his own path?"

The God of Chaos leaned back in his throne, his eyes narrowing in contemplation.

Draven is a creature of chaos, much like myself. But unlike Zarek, who embodies the fury and power of a storm, Draven is an enigma—a darkness that might one day swallow the light.

I will let him grow, let him find his own path. The world will push him down, seek to break him, but in that struggle, he may find his true strength. Or he may be consumed by the very darkness that clings to him.

Sebastian bowed his head, understanding his master's intent. "As you wish, my lord. I will keep a close watch on him, ensuring his journey is... entertaining."

Eatan chuckled darkly. "Do as you will, Sebastian. The game has become much more interesting with his arrival. Let's see what a demon-born child can do when faced with a world that wants nothing more than to see him fall."



Back in the Mortal Realm, as the midwife prepared to leave the cabin, she glanced back at the newborn one last time. Draven, still weak and fragile, stirred in his swaddling.

His red eyes glowed faintly in the dim light of the dying fire, and in that moment, something flickered in them—a spark of awareness, of intelligence far beyond that of a newborn.

As the midwife closed the door behind her, leaving Draven alone in the cold, dark cabin, the child's lips moved, forming words that no infant should know how to speak.

"So... this is my new life," Draven whispered to himself, his voice barely more than a breath.

His mind, filled with memories and knowledge from another world, quickly assessed his situation. "A new beginning... or perhaps, another test. Either way, I'll survive. I've done it before, and I'll do it again."

With that, the demon-born child now ,closed his eyes, his mind already plotting his next move.

The world may have been against him, but Draven was no ordinary child. He had been given a second chance, and he intended to make the most of it.

As Zarek and Draven's lives unfolded in parallel, the paths of these two children one touched by the storm, the other born of darkness began to intertwine in ways neither could yet comprehend.

Each would face their own challenges and trials, their fates shifting and shaping with every step they took.

The stage was set for their destinies to unfold, and as the storm-born child and the demon's rebirth took their first steps, the world held its breath, waiting to see how their intertwined paths would alter the course of their livesand perhaps, the fate of the realm itself...