Demon's whisper

The Mortal Realm is a vast and diverse world divided into five major continents, each home to unique landscapes, powerful sects, and rich lore.


1) Shinmori: A mystical land of ancient forests and sacred groves, where the spiritual essence of nature flows freely, and hidden spirits dwell among the towering trees.

It is known for its profound connection to the natural world and its potent, arcane energies.

2) Dragonia: Dominated by towering mountains and treacherous ravines, this continent is rich in ancient draconic lore. Its rugged terrain is home to mighty dragon lords and fierce warriors who harness the raw power of the land and its mythical creatures.

3) Frostia: A realm perpetually enshrouded in frost, where ice magic reigns supreme. The continent's formidable fortresses and icy landscapes challenge even the bravest of cultivators, who seek to master the eternal winter's formidable power.

4) Zephyria: A scorching desert realm with shifting sands and relentless heat.

Its harsh environment breeds cultivators who master fire and survival skills, drawing power from the sun and the hidden oases within the desert's heart.

5) Aridoria: A vibrant land of lush jungles and expansive savannahs, where fierce warriors and thriving civilizations live in harmony with the rich biodiversity of the land.

The continent is known for its fierce protectors who draw strength from the earth and its abundant resources.

There are few sects who rule over whole realm..

1) The Verdant fire (Shinmori): Esteemed sect dedicated to mastering nature's spiritual Qi. They are revered as protectors of ancient forests, possessing profound knowledge of druidic practices and natural energies.

2) The Draconic (Dragonia): Elite faction of dragon lords and warriors who rule the mountain peaks.

They wield ancient draconic powers and command respect for their strength and endurance.

3) The Frost bone (Frostia): Powerful order of ice cultivators and fortress builders, masters of the eternal winter.

They harness the cold to forge mighty artifacts and defend their icy domain.

4) The Sunfire Domain (Zephyria): Dominators of the desert sands, known for their fiery mastery and survival prowess. They protect the hidden oases and guard ancient relics buried beneath the desert.

5) The Jungle Beast (Aridoria): Fierce rulers of jungles and savannahs, blending martial prowess with deep knowledge of their lush environment.

They are known for their strength and connection to the natural world.

6) The IronhornGuild (Dragonia): Masters of metallurgy and combat, famed for their legendary weapons and armor.

They are unyielding in their protection of the mountainous regions and their secrets.

7) The heavenly sect (Frostia): Spiritual leaders who draw power from celestial phenomena.

They act as intermediaries between the mortal and upper realms, guiding the spiritual path of cultivators.

8) The Mirage Syndicate (Zephyria): Secretive network of traders and strategists who navigate the desert's mysteries.

They control ancient trade routes and manipulate the sands to their advantage.

9)The Verdant Enigma (Shinmori): Arcane cult blending druidic practices with forbidden arts.

They seek to extend their influence across both natural and mystical realms...

In the forest of the Shinmori Forest, a young boy named Draven struggled against the limits of his frail body.

Surrounded by the ancient, towering trees of the sacred forest, he sat in quiet meditation, trying to absorb the spiritual Qi that filled the land. His black hair and red eyes set him apart in the green world of Shinmori, marking him as someone different.

Despite his weak and fragile body, there was something special inside him a hidden power that pushed him to keep going.Sitting beneath a massive tree, Draven drew the spiritual Qi from the forest into his body.

The ancient energy of the forest seemed to blend with his own dark, demon-like essence, making his cultivation even harder. His breath came in slow, steady puffs as he fought to overcome his own weakness.

As he meditated, Draven's thoughts began to wander.

Why was I reborn into this world? he wondered. My past life was filled with struggles, and now, I find myself in a new one with even greater challenges.

But I must not falter. This chance—this new life—is my opportunity to achieve what I couldn't before.Seven years ago, Draven had been found as a dying child in the village by Anna, a respected cultivator at the First Layer of Qi Condensation. She had taken him in, and from that day, he had considered her his mother.

Their bond was filled with warmth, humor, and deep affection. Anna often teased Draven about his clumsiness, and he, in turn, tried to impress her with his growing skills, which usually ended in funny mishaps.

As Draven meditated, Anna sometimes watched him from a distance, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and amusement.

"You're pushing yourself too hard again, Draven," she chided gently. "One day, you're going to blow yourself up if you keep this up!"Draven, with sweat dripping from his brow, grinned sheepishly. "Just a little more, and I'll be fine.

I promise!"Finally, with a surge of willpower, Draven felt a profound shift inside him. The spiritual Qi he had been cultivating suddenly flowed steadily, marking his breakthrough into the first stage of Body Tempering.

His skin toughened, becoming more resilient, but his reckless approach caused Anna to rush to his side, worry written all over her face."See what I mean?" she scolded softly, placing her hands on her hips. "You should be more careful.

Your body isn't made of steel, you know."Draven, his face flushed with a mix of triumph and embarrassment, looked up at her.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I just wanted to prove that I could do it."Anna's expression softened, and she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know, and I'm proud of you.

But remember, cultivation isn't just about brute strength; it's also about balance and care. We'll work on that together.

"Their shared laughter and affection created a warm, comforting atmosphere. Despite his struggles, Draven felt a deep sense of belonging and love. Anna's guidance and care shaped not only his cultivation but also his heart...




Later that day, Draven ventured deeper into the forest to gather herbs. His small figure, draped in a dark cloak, moved stealthily among the shadows of the towering trees. However, his focus was broken by a group of local children who had taken to bullying him. These children, the offspring of influential sect members, found amusement in targeting someone like Draven.

One of the boys, with a mocking grin, sneered, "What are you doing here, disgusting demon? Shouldn't you be cleaning up the sect's stables instead of gathering herbs?

"Draven kept his head down, trying to ignore them, but the taunts persisted.Another girl, her voice laced with contempt, added, "Does your pathetic mother still think she can protect you? She's just a lowly cultivator.

"The insults struck a nerve. Draven's hands trembled as his grip on the herbs tightened. His eyes, usually calm and controlled, began to burn with a fierce, dark light.

The anger that had been simmering inside him now exploded uncontrollably.Without a word, Draven turned and faced the children. His movements were swift and powerful.

But his weak body made his strikes less effective than he intended. Each punch and kick, fueled by his rage, lacked the control he needed, and the children began to fight back.

One of the boys, recovering from a blow, swung a stick at Draven. The impact left a deep bruise on Draven's side, making him stagger.

Despite the pain, he continued his assault, driven by his fury. His fists soon became covered in cuts and scrapes, and he could feel his energy draining rapidly.

The children, realizing they were dealing with someone far more dangerous than they had expected, tried to retreat. But Draven's fury did not abate.

He lunged at them again, taking another hit to his shoulder, which left him momentarily dazed. His vision blurred as he fought, his weak body struggling to keep up.

Finally, the children's fear overcame their bravado, and they fled, leaving Draven standing alone, his breathing labored and his body covered in bruises and scratches. His anger slowly faded, replaced by exhaustion and pain from the fight.

Just then, Anna arrived, her presence commanding and stern. Her eyes scanned the scene and then settled on Draven, who was now barely able to stand.

"Draven!" she called out, her voice filled with worry and anger. "What have you done? You shouldn't let your anger control you like this. Look at what you've become!"Draven, his fists still clenched, turned to face her.

"They insulted you," he said, his voice trembling. "I couldn't just stand by and let them."Anna cut him off, her voice firm but filled with concern.

"You must learn to control yourself! Yes, they were wrong, but resorting to violence only shows your inner demons. You're more than that, Draven."For the world, you may not be normal, but to me, you're my beloved child.Her words pierced through Draven's anger like a cold wind, leaving him standing there, fists unclenched, the last embers of his fury extinguished.

He wasn't just a vessel for rage and power; he was someone Anna cared deeply for. But how could he reconcile that with the darkness inside him?Anna's stern gaze softened, and she stepped closer, her voice now filled with maternal warmth.

"Draven, you carry a burden that others don't. Your powers and your rage are part of who you are, but they must be controlled. You have so much potential, but you must not let it consume you.

"Draven's eyes dropped to the ground, shame weighing heavily on his heart. "I'm sorry, Mother," he said, his voice cracking. "I just didn't want them to insult you. I wanted to protect you, like you've always protected me."

Anna sighed deeply, her expression a mix of sadness and understanding. "I know, Draven. I know you wanted to protect me, and that's why it hurts me to see you like this. But you must remember, true strength isn't about overpowering others. It's about knowing when to use your power and when to hold back.

"She gently placed her hand on his cheek, lifting his head so that their eyes met. "You are my child, Draven, and I love you dearly. But you must learn to control the darkness within you, or it will control you.

"Tears welled up in Draven's eyes as he nodded slowly. "I'll try, Mother. I promise I'll do better."Anna's sternness melted into a loving smile, and she pulled Draven into a tight embrace.

"That's all I ask, Draven. We'll work on this together. You're not alone in this journey."As she held him close, Draven felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the sunlight filtering through the trees.

It was the warmth of Anna's love, something that made him feel stronger than any amount of cultivation ever could.

"Now," Anna said, pulling back slightly and looking at his bruised and battered body with concern, "let's get you home and tend to those wounds. You may act strong, but you're not invincible.

"Draven managed a small smile through the pain. "I'm not? I was starting to feel like I was."Anna chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Oh, you've got a long way to go before you reach invincibility, my dear.

But you'll get there, one step at a time."

As Draven limped alongside Anna, his mind go through with the recent events. The faces of the children flashed before his eyes, their mocking words still echoing in his ears.

A darker part of him, one he barely understood, had whispered for him to do more than just fight back. In those heated moments.

Draven had felt a primal urge to eliminate the threat completely—to kill. It was an instinct he didn't fully comprehend, yet it seemed as natural to him as breathing.

But he had stopped himself, barely. Anna's image had flickered in his mind, and that alone had been enough to hold back the darkness.

As they neared their home, Anna glanced at Draven, her expression softening from the earlier scolding.

"Draven, I know how hard this is for you. You're different, but also burdened with a lot more. I wish I could take that burden from you."Draven forced a small smile, but inside, his thoughts were far from peaceful.

"I'll be fine, Mother. I'll learn to control it."Anna stopped, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to carry everything alone, Draven. I'm here to help you, no matter what."Draven nodded, but his mind was elsewhere.

He was determined to protect Anna, even if it meant using the darkness within him. What she didn't know couldn't hurt her, he reasoned.

As long as he kept his demonic nature under control, there was no need for her to worry.As they entered their home, the warmth and familiarity of the space brought a sense of Anna immediately began preparing a small meal, her hands moving with the practiced ease of someone who had done this many times before.

Sitting down with a wince, Draven couldn't help but admire her. She had taken him in when no one else would, had raised him like her own despite the whispers and stares. For her, he would endure anything.

As they ate in comfortable silence,Anna finally spoke again. "Tomorrow, we'll start focusing more on your cultivation. I'll help you learn how to channel your strength without letting it control you.

You have a weak body, Draven, but it's one that needs to be tempered with wisdom."Draven nodded, his resolve hardening."I understand, Mother. I won't let you down."

"Good," she replied, smiling warmly. "But first, you need to rest and heal. You've been through enough today."Draven agreed, though his mind was still racing.

As he lay down to rest, he couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of the fight.

He knew he needed to be stronger, not just for himself but for Anna. But there was something else—a voice deep inside, urging him to embrace the power he had barely touched today.

As sleep finally claimed him, Draven made a silent vow: he would grow stronger, but on his terms. He would protect Anna at all costs, even if it meant tapping into the darkness within him.

The world might see him as a demon, but for his mother, he would be anything she needed him to be...