Carnivorous Plant

After that unforeseen event with Gatling Outlaw, Rachelle returns to her usual route to various cities belonging to Cyberbia to place orders. Once finished with the tour she returns to her house, she takes off her clothes until she is in her underwear.-I'm finally in my sweet bed. Tomorrow I'm free. -Rachelle answers and lies down on the bed to sleep peacefully until the next day.She gets up to eat some kind of cereal, she tastes it and then checks her social networks until she realizes that someone sent her something, one of her best friends to open an .exe file that once opened she suffers convulsions until she returns to normal.-What the fuck was that Adrich sent me, I'm going to visit her. -Rachelle answers as she gets changed to go home. She writes to him through an application called Cyberchat.-Adrich, are you there? What the hell did you put in me? -Rachelle answered in the app.-It's an app that works like a cyber drug, it's very good, I recommend it, how do you feel? -Adrich answered.-I feel...good. -Someone controlling Rachelle replied.-We are ready for Kaiser's fall. -Adrich answered.-Yes, we are going to snatch his most valuable rider. -Answered someone pretending to be Rachelle.-May the Goddess Enith watch over you, Rachelle Castle. -Adrich answered and erased the conversation.-What happened, that cybernetic drug is really powerful, I'll see if I can get some rest, I'm still tired after those trips. -Said Rachelle who puts her robots to do the housework while she changes to exercise specifically to run around the city.She gets up as she does every day, bathes, changes to go to her job as a truck driver, goes to punch in a biometric finger reader, take her designated truck not before greeting her partner.-How are you Yuri, ready for another day on the road. -Said Rachelle.-All right, Rachelle, ready for one more odyssey. -Yuri answered.The robots finish loading the packages into the vehicle. They enter the vehicle to leave the city of Cyberbia to go to their next assignment. On the way Gatling outlaw is just at the top of a hill where he notices the truck.- Is it her? -Gatling Outlaw asked himself as he looked with his optical eyes and added when he recognized her face.-Yes, it's her! Lucky me, I'm going to see if I can get her. -Gatling Outlaw said to himself as he got on his motorcycle to head towards the truck, but the executioners prevented him from doing so.-Oh, so they're not going to let me pass because they'll see why they call me Gatling Outlaw. Gatling, it's time to get rid of them! -Gatling outlaw said to his motorcycle that activates a gatling gun inside the engine to shoot them with a type of slime that hardens with time to stop them without killing them. They shoot at him and throw several traps, but he manages to evade or withstand them. The slime begins to take effect making their vehicles unusable. Leaving them alone. Outlaw shoots at the truck to make it stop. He steps in front of them parking the engine in front of them. He threatens them with a .44 magnum with anti-armor ammunition to get them out of the vehicle.-What do you want, Gatling outlaw," Rachelle replied.-I want you. -Gatling outlaw replied.-Why me? -Rachelle answered.-You see baby, since I met you for the first time, I saw the mother of my children, submissive, well behaved, you are gold, in this cesspool called earth. -Outlaw replied.-Seriously, he thinks that about me. -Rachelle replied.-Yes, honey, that's what I think of you. -Outlaw replied.-But...what do you have to offer me...I mean, you're a crook and everyone's looking for you..." Rachelle replied.-We'll be like Bonnie and Clyde, only we'll be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor or just doing it for fun, what do you say? -Outlaw replied.-I don't know, I make a good living being a truck driver. -Rachelle replied.-Yeah, I can imagine, going back and forth, taking on freaks like me, only to get paid a pittance and live in a rented apartment where you have a circular routine of eating, shitting and sleeping. Don't you want some excitement in your life, I can give you everything you want, take my hand and let's go, our destiny is waiting for us. -Gatling answered.-Don't get carried away with that criminal, you are better than him. He will only bring you ruin and perdition with that criminal. -Yuri answered.She wants to refuse, but something inside her makes her reach out her hand to leave with him.-I'm sorry Yuri, but he's right. I hate my routine and miserable life. I want excitement in my life. -Rachelle replies as she leaves with Gatling Outlaw.-Okay, I'm not one to tell you what to do, but it's not too late for you to regret it. -Yuri replied.She is going with him, to her new life as Gatling Outlaw's wife.