The Outlaw of the Road

One day like any other, in a burning desert like hell, on the top of a mountain is a kind of outlaw, with a brown cowboy hat, covered with a short brown poncho that covers his chest exposed where a red light shines, with black jeans, brown cowboy boots. This being, is sitting on a kind of superbike type motorcycle but sturdy, with big wheels while looking down on a city, his eye starts to glow red, but changes to green.>>These five years, after my majestic world cleansing, those Cyberbia scum are still on my heels, fortunately I have found a way to get those nuisances off my back, thanks to my Bio—link, I can go unnoticed and plot my dream much more effectively, although I miss the surface, but the day I can leave this darkness called home will be when heaven calls me and the earth burns to the ground once again.The light in his eye changes to red, he mounts his motorcycle, his hat becomes a motorcycle helmet, so he sets off on his way to a bar near his location.Once arrived outside the bar he sees a truck carrying water and energy, but it is guarded by sentry robots, but to make matters worse he notices some vehicles of the police enforcers of this decadent world. He parks next to them, gives them a glance and then retreats to the bar. The said place is like the bars of the cowboy time as that is the territory of the Cattle region, people who went back to the times of the old west for some reason, kept the modern technologies, but with the clothes of the old west.The cowboy enters the bar, keeping a low profile but his presence attracts the attention of a few. Still, he ignores them as he just wants to drown his sorrows in liquor. The bartender activates a video call through a private LAN network from his optical eyes, since what we know as a Smartphone does not exist, but people have a kind of supercomputer integrated in their brains, which does the same function as a smartphone.—You came at a bad time, Outlaw. — said the bartender who began to clean the glasses, without paying attention to him so as not to arouse suspicion.—I always come at a bad time, Eric. —I always come at a bad time, Eric. — Outlaw replied and added in a normal voice. —I've just come from a long and stressful trip.—You see the men over there. —Eric answered and poured his drink, but at the same time showed the people he was referring to with one of the hidden security cameras the particular table.—Yes, they are executioners, three men, if one could say in terms of physique, two women, along with two drivers, a woman and a man, but one does not know if it is what they look like, although by their clothing, as well as their identifications denote what they are, if they do not approach me, I will not bother them, so I will continue drinking quietly, I'm getting tired. —I'm tired. — Outlaw replied, but to his misfortune, a female executioner sat down next to him.—Well, well, well, well, well, but look who we have here, I like your cowboy outfit where you're from, I haven't seen someone as beautiful as you. —Said the executioner.—Pleased to meet you my beautiful lady, have I done something wrong? —Outlaw replied.—No, honey, not that I know of, it's just that your silhouette and your demeanor remind me of a certain outlaw who had the guts to infiltrate the eight megacities of the planet Earth. —The executioner answered.—And what's the bastard's name... I'm not a big fan of watching news from places I don't care about. —Outlaw answered.—He's called Gatling Outlaw, honey, and as far as I can tell from my records, you look a lot like him. —The Executioner replied as her companions surrounded him.—I'm sorry Outlaw, I'll leave you here, no hard feelings... no. —Said Eric who withdraws as if nothing is happening, cutting the transmission.—And a question, that you guys are not protecting that armored truck that is parked there, because it is moving for some reason. —Chaser answered, pointing to the truck being remolded by his motorcycle.The executioners and the drivers left the establishment, shocked and shocked by the event, the sentry robots were hacked so they were left in Idle state. They get in their vehicles to chase them, but they do not start. In the back of the shop, Gatling Outlaw activates a hoverboard to chase the truck and then get on his motorcycle.—You will pay for this OUTLAW! —I exclaimed the executioner.Meanwhile the young driver took off in pursuit, running as fast as a flyer which allows her to get on the truck's heels. Outlaw walks across the roof only to perch on the back ladder as he watches her running.—Unbelievable, I've never seen such a responsible employee, what's your name darling? —Outlaw asks, admiring her.— Rachelle Castle, Mr. Outlaw, could I have my truck back, I don't want to get fired from my job, it's all I have. —Rachelle answered politely and tenderly. She is a burly, muscular, voluptuous woman, wearing a costume that is an amalgamation of Cara Dune of Mandalorian in overalls, black hair with a gas mask.—Oh, normally I would be insulted up to this point, but since you expressed yourself in such a polite way, I'm going to give it back to you, after all I just wanted to get the executioners off of... —Responded Outlaw as he stares to the left in horror, when a projectile is about to hit Rachelle so he extends his hand, she clings to his torso, the poncho comes to life and covers her so she doesn't suffer the impact of the projectile.—What the hell just happened! —Rachelle exclaims as she looks to where Outlaw is looking.—Violent Bringer. —Outlaw answered and looked seriously.—Gatling Outlaw, you opened the door! —Violent Bringer answered, a kind of man of three meters tall imposing muscular with metal forearms that can be converted into any type of weapon, with a head on fire, an optical visor as Cyclops, the mouth without lips and cheeks, an exoskeleton that keeps his imposing body, where only has a metalworker pants with metalworker boots. This imposing being is mounted on a kind of four—wheeler combined with a tank that covers only the lower part leaving the upper part exposed.—Not in a million years, that coward will not come out of that door no matter how much you make me pure, so leave me alone, demon spawn. —Outlaw replied.—Don't worry, fake Outlaw, no matter how many users Kaiser puts on that body, I, Violent Bringer, will do whatever it takes to get him out of there, destroy him and my mother. —I will do whatever it takes to get him out of there, destroy him and my mother. — exclaimed Violent Bringer who launched several missiles towards the truck, but Outlaw deactivated the hacking so that Rachelle could activate her weaponry with her eyes so that she could defend herself.—We must escape from there; I need to contact the executioners and the base to call for reinforcements. —Rachelle answered, trying to contact them, but the transmissions were not working.—That's useless, Violent Bringer, disable communications to have no opposition, the good thing about this is that at least it allows us to defend ourselves, surely the executioners with their robots must be on their way, although stopping that mastodon is going to be a problem. —Outlaw answered.—And what do we do, to stop it, if that thing is unstoppable. —Rachelle replied.—We're going to entertain it, that thing is an uncontrollable force of violence that can't be controlled, plus I didn't bring toys to entertain it. —Outlaw answered when he realized that the map in his eyes indicated that they were arriving to a very familiar area and added. —Besides, we are going to enter the territory of Kaiser's worshippers, they are experts in that.—Those bastards are going to help us! And if they steal my cargo. —Rachelle answered scared.—They won't, since they're going to be entertaining Violent Bringer... and maybe someone else. —Outlaw answered and noticed an alert on the map, so he looked in the mountains in the distance, some bikers with a vehicle designed to stop trucks.—Another person! and how much trouble they are! —exclaimed Rachelle, who was about to lose her mind.—My lady Death Wish. — said a reptilian waiting for her orders.—Chaser is mine, protect Violent Bringer and do what you want with the others, I don't care about them, what matters to me is to reunite my family and be happy. —Death Wish, who is a kind of Revolt from Modern Combat Versus with the colors of black and opaque white, with an open neckline with a small but visible bat tattoo, with a mask with a drawing of a white skull. She is riding a chopper—type motorcycle armed to the teeth.They come down the mountains towards them. At that moment Rachelle gets into her truck and outlaw unhooks her motorcycle from the truck but backs off so she can face both Violent Bringer and Death Wish and his gang. Before he begins, he sends out a few pulse signals to get the attention of Kaiser's worshippers.—Kaiser's envoy, he needs us! Hail Kaiser! Hail the god of mankind! —exclaimed one of Kaiser's worshippers underground. Some of them mount their Drillers to surface while squadrons of armed ground vehicles follow them.—Gatling Outlaw, herald of Kaiser, God of mankind, guide us on our paths to heaven. —One of them, dressed as a Cyborg motorcyclist with a collar around his neck, exclaimed.—Rouge Priest, I need your people to stop Death Wish and Violent Bringer. — ordered Gatling Outlaw but Rouge Priest looked at her with disgust and contempt.—Hey, you piece of shit, my name is Rachelle, rude. —Rachelle exclaimed, feeling offended that he was looking at her that way.—Shut up, you slut of Cyberbia, your word is worthless here. —Rouge Priest answered.—Because of Kaiser, he has condemned this world to destruction. —Rachelle replied.—And thanks to Kaiser, you know what necessity is, your miserable hedonistic machines. —exclaimed Rouge Priest.—His extreme holiness. — Exclaimed a kind of android motorcyclist nun who has the clothing of a nun Tilda from the Meet and fuck games, only a little less exaggerated.—What's the matter Nunblade, can't you see I'm on to something important? —Rouge Priest answered.—It's that we have company. —Nunblade exclaimed as they both looked at the executioners along with Rachelle's companion.—We've got a big problem, Outlaw. — Rouge Priest replied.—Send your heavy artillery against Violent Bringer, the executioners and the truck, don't do anything to them, let them go in peace, Death Wish and his gang, we'll take care of them. — Gatling Outlaw ordered.—Wait a moment and why do we have to let those scum live, don't misunderstand me, I agree that there is law and order in a society, but those bastards don't know what a man and a woman are, besides destroying everything that is sacred, logical and scientific, which is why the god Kaiser made them mortal, not to say that he gave them a programmed obsolescence, without being able to change their bodies. —Rouge Priest explained.—I fell in love with the driver. —Outlaw replied.—And do you know if that thing is a biological and mental woman? —Rouge Priest replied.—But if you're fucking Nunblade, I'm not telling you anything, you are fucking Robosexual. — Chaser replied.—You win, Outlaw, this time, but you've made a big mistake, do what you want with your life, let's go face Death Wish. —Rouge Priest exclaimed as he ordered his henchmen what Outlaw told them to do:>> Attention brothers and sisters, you who have the most powerful artillery in the cult must get Violent Bringer out of the way. I repeat, get him out of the way, I do not want to lose valuable weaponry. I, Gatling Outlaw and Nunblade X03 with some of the Nunblade sisters will take care of Death Wish and his gang. To the executioners and the truck let them go in peace.Several of the cult brothers are disappointed by the latter.—I know, but it's Outlaw's word, so you choose to contradict him. —Rouge Priest replied, "They obey reluctantly.The cult members with the heaviest vehicles (Tanks, humvee armed to the teeth, Apache helicopters, F—50B Lightning II) rush towards Violent Bringer but he responds with his laser artillery, however, some use refractor force fields to deflect their shots towards him, but that is useless. Violent Bringer jumps out of the vehicle to be destroyed by the projectiles, but one of the drones fires a grappling hook to tie his leg, only to enter hypersonic speed, but with the power of his leg he pulls the drone to destroy it with an energy—charged punch, only to then land on a ruined building.—GATLING OUTLAW! —Violent Bringer exclaimed, destroying a building with a single blow.Back to the chase. The cult members communicate to Rouge Priest.—Violent Bringer Out! —Rouge Priest exclaimed.—Mrs. Death, Violent Bringer was taken out of the battlefield. —The reptilian next to her answered.—It doesn't matter, Resha, my son is unstoppable and indestructible, the normal thing to do is to get him as far away as possible. —Death Wish said and thought. — And I had prepared a gift for him.The executioners managed to get to the truck, one of the drivers opened the passenger door and entered the truck.—Yuri, I'm glad you are well. —Rachelle answered, happy to see him.—The important thing is that we recovered the truck without any inconvenience, I'll go check the cargo. —Yuri answered and opened the back door of the trailer to check.Yuri proceeds to check inside the trailer and everything is fine, the Executioners contact him to know about the cargo, he notifies that it is fine, so they go straight to Cyberbia while they leave Outlaw and the others to kill each other.Returning to the action Outlaw along with Rouge Priest, Nunblade and the other members of the trail are about to collide.—We lost the truck. —I exclaim Resha who communicates with her through an internal network of their intercoms.—Doesn't matter, there will always be more like it to loot, we need to recover the body in the meantime I want to beat up my beloved Chaser's user —Death Wish exclaims as both factions brutally collide in an armed combat on the road. Blood, Oil and metal spill across the battlefield. At one point, Death Wish and Gatling Outlaw, shoot at each other, but she blinds him with the headlights of her motorcycle, only to rush towards him so that they both fall into a ravine where they roll until they reach the end of the ravine as they are Bio—linked and suffer no damage from the fall. Death Wish quickly gets up before Outlaw, she rushes towards him to give him a tremendous beating.After Death Wish subdues Outlaw to try to enter his mind to disconnect the user who controls his body but did not count that this version of Outlaw has the ability to emanate from his body biomechanical animals with different properties. In this particular case, from his side comes out a kind of cobra that bites in the waist that generates an overload that stuns it and injects a lethal poison reversing the situation, so now Outlaw returns the favor.—Damn bitch, you've been a stone in my shoe since Kaiser gave me this body, now I'll do him a favor and put you out of your misery once and for all. —exclaimed Outlaw, pointing a laser revolver at him.However, his arm moves on its own and he points it at his head.—My body is moving on its own. —Outlaw replied.—Oh, my love, you're there. —Death Wish replied.—Listen to me, freak of nature, I understand that you were not graced with a functional body, a normal and average life, but that does not give you the right to point a gun at my wife. You and all the users who have used this body have done whatever they want with it, so if you want to continue with this body, don't you dare try on her life. At the end of the day, you are just a tool of Kaiser and me, so put the gun down. —Chaser replied.—All right, you say so. —Chaser replied Outlaw, who put down his soul, and then she joined him and kissed him passionately.—Finally, you'll be the same as before...honey, what's happening to me? —Death Wish answers and loses control of his body until he goes into a suspended state, it turns out that the poison is taking effect.—I'm sorry honey, I know you want to be with me, but I must continue with my mission and when the day comes, then we will be together. —Chaser replied as biomechanical snakes emerge from her body, only to become chains to keep her from moving.Chaser shoulders Death Wish deploys some thrusters from his back, on his feet, takes off and flies to where the others are, getting in between them, to stop them from fighting.—Stop, or I'll blow his head off! —exclaimed Chaser, threatening the Death Wish faction to stop.—You don't have the guts to kill her, Chaser Brooks. —Resha exclaimed but Chaser emptied half a magazine near her head.—We are already dead, she and I, the only thing that remains of what we once were, are our memories, personality, feelings, knowledge and our conscience, if I kill her Kaiser can revive her without complications, at the end of the day, our lives in this world are a complete joke. —Chaser answered.—All right Chaser, we surrender, we'll leave you alone for this time, after all our ideals don't differ that much, although I don't know what you plan, but we'll stop you and Kaiser. Now deliver Death Wish in peace. —Answered an android that made its way in front of them. The reptilians kneel down so Chaser hands them over and they go their separate ways.Resha and his henchmen return defeated to their lair which is a subway base hidden in some destroyed statues. A hidden passage opens for them to enter the base with their vehicles. After Resha and his henchmen are parked, they take the body of Death Wish to a laboratory full of plants, humanoid animals, amorphous and even humans with these same characteristics among others.—Empress of organic life, Goddess of genetics, Enith, I have before you your servant Brooklyn Brooks, she has fallen before the false Chaser, fortunately the real Chaser opened the door and saved her. —Resha informed Goddess Enith.Some plants form a large pink flower bud, only for it to open and show in the Goddess Enith, an athletic reptilian, retains human features such as a voluptuous and feminine torso, but the head is that of a reptile like hands and feet that keeps the five fingers and toes but with green skin with yellow hard scales like armor but with a red hair with a Belly Dance dancer costume made of plants and animals.—Put her on the table Resha, I will examine her personally. —Said Enith as she put the body on an operating table that emerges from the floor in front of her.Some creatures that are a kind of plant monkeys come down from some vines to bring her a lab coat, her glasses and her gloves. First, she begins to examine the snakes subduing her, she grabs a plasma scalpel to untie them.—I'm sorry, Kathyln I failed you. —I'm sorry, Kathyln I failed you. — replied to Death Wish who is weak.—I don't care so much about your defeat, Brooklyn...I told you not to call me by my real name. —Answered Enith who is still examining the snakes, as well as examining the bite she got from the snake.—I'm sorry, Kathyln but I'm so indebted to you that it's hard for me to call you Enith. —Death Wish answered while she injected him with nanobites to remove the virus and regenerate his wounds.As you wish, mother—in—law... that should be enough. —Enith replied as she stands up as good as new and added. —This fight they had today, will be the bridge to get Chaser Brooks back, once and for all, and then get Kaiser out and make him pay for his crimes. Our spy in Cyberbia will make sure that we find the fake Chaser user so we can snatch his body. So, for the time being rest, train and update yourselves because Kaiser's downfall is coming.