Flashback - Eren's Meeting with Historia


Eren had slipped away from the cottage before dawn, leaving Mikasa and their infant son, Aiden, peacefully asleep. The journey to Historia's farm was long, and by the time he arrived, the sun was beginning to set, casting the fields in a warm, golden light.

The farm exuded a quiet serenity, a far cry from the chaos of their past lives. As Eren approached, he saw Historia working in the fields, her back turned to him. He hesitated, the weight of the years that had passed between them making this reunion feel heavier than he had expected.

"Historia," Eren called out gently.

She turned at the sound of his voice, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw him standing there. "Eren?" she asked, as if unsure if she was really seeing him. "Is it really you?"

"It's me," Eren confirmed, stepping closer. "It's been a while."

Historia's expression softened, but the surprise lingered. "You vanished without a word... No one knew where you were or if you were even alive."

"I know," Eren replied, his voice filled with regret. "I needed to be away for a while. But I'm here now because there are things I need to tell you. Things that the others need to know."

She led him inside the farmhouse, where the atmosphere was warm and welcoming. Eren noticed the signs of a life he had been absent from—the small details that spoke of care and routine. As they sat down, his gaze drifted to a crib in the corner, toys scattered nearby, but he focused on the conversation at hand.

"After you left," Historia began, her voice steady but burdened with the weight of leadership, "we had to make a lot of difficult choices. Paradis couldn't stand alone, so we had to make alliances, but it came at a cost. We had to compromise on things we never wanted to."

Eren listened as she explained the delicate political balance they had to maintain, and how they had managed to keep Marley at bay through strategic alliances. "They haven't attacked yet because they're tied up in a war with the Mid-East Allied Forces," she said, "but we know it's only a matter of time before they turn their focus back to us."

"And what about the Scouts? The military?" Eren asked.

"The Scouts are still out there, trying to protect Paradis, but things aren't the same. The Military Police and Garrison have gained more power, and it's made things... complicated," Historia explained, her voice tinged with sadness.

Eren could see the toll these years had taken on her, the burden of leadership clear in her eyes. He leaned forward slightly, his voice softening. "I should have been here, Historia. I should have helped."

Historia shook her head, offering him a small, reassuring smile. "You did what you needed to, Eren. We all make choices and you made yours."

"I do not regret making that choice" Eren took a deep breath before speaking again "Mikasa and I... we have a son now. His name is Aiden, and he's a few months old."

Historia's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, nodding with a warm smile. "That's wonderful, Eren. I'm happy for you."

Eren returned her smile, feeling a sense of relief at her reaction. "There's something else, too," he continued. "I need you to relay a message to Hange and the others. Tell them that we're okay. Mikasa and I... we're fine, and we're living quietly. They don't need to worry about us."

Historia nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I'll make sure they know, Eren."

Eren sighed, a mixture of relief and lingering guilt washing over him. "Thank you, Historia."

As their conversation drew to a close, Eren stood, preparing to leave. He reached out to shake Historia's hand, their fingers brushing lightly. The moment they touched, a sudden surge of energy passed between them, a sensation both familiar and powerful.

Eren felt the Founding Titan's power activate within him, responding to the contact. The air around them seemed to hum with electricity, and Eren's eyes narrowed with focus as he directed that power.

Far away, deep within a hidden chamber, the crystal encasing Annie Leonhart began to crack. Eren's will, channeled through the Founding Titan, was undoing the hardening that had kept her imprisoned for so long.

With a final surge of energy, the crystal shattered, and Annie opened her eyes, free at last.
