Return Of The Titan


As Eren neared the Scout Headquarters, he was submerged in surging memories of the past—the plans made in this very place with the Levi squad, with his friends, and with Commander Erwin. The moments they spent together came crashing into him as he approached the castle gates.

The castle had aged, with shallow cracks visible all over its walls. Nature had taken over, providing perfect camouflage against enemy soldiers. A few soldiers could be seen talking and laughing near the gates, the air filled with their laughter.

One of the soldiers spotted Eren approaching. At first, he didn't recognize him, but as Eren got closer, a familiar look crossed the soldier's eyes—recognition, respect, and joy. Leaning over to his fellow soldiers, he whispered, "Hey! Look, it's Eren. He's finally back."

The other soldiers were shocked. "Have you gone mad!? He's been gone for almost four years now. Why would he come back now?" one of them said.

The first soldier rebuffed him, "Just look over your shoulder, you idiot! He's right there..."

The soldier turned, freezing as he saw Eren standing right behind them, listening.

"How are you recruits doing? Well, you guys aren't really recruits anymore... since it's been almost four years now," Eren said.

The soldiers responded with immense respect, "Sir! It's great to have you back." Another added, "It's an honor to finally meet you."

Eren replied, "No need for the honorifics... we used to work together. Sorry, I wish we could talk more, but I don't have enough time. Could you lead me to Commander Hange?"

"Of course, just follow me!" The soldier eagerly led Eren to Hange's office, while some of the others rushed off to spread the word—Eren, their titan, was back.

As Eren reached Hange's office, the soldier knocked on the door and announced, "Commander Hange, Eren is here. He wants to meet with you."

Strangely, there was no response for at least a minute. Then, Hange's voice, filled with frustration and some relief, responded, "Let him in... and tell Levi and his squad to come to my office... tell him that the bastard is back."

As Eren entered, he could see that the years of leadership had taken a toll on Hange. Dark circles were visible under her eyes, lines had formed on her forehead, and she appeared thinner.

As soon as Hange saw Eren, she spoke with a tone dipped in sarcasm, "So... you've finally decided to grace us with your presence, our savior."

Hearing this, Eren frowned. "Please, take a seat. I can't have our savior standing..." Hange continued. Eren stayed quiet and sat down in front of her. "So... why have you come now?"

Eren tightened his fists in anger and frustration as he spoke in a voice filled with annoyance, "Hange, stop! I'm not in the mood for your childish behavior. I'm here to have a serious conversation."

Hange lashed out, "Childish!? You think this is CHILDISH?" She shouted again, "You leaving without telling us why you left and where you went—wasn't that more CHILDISH? And after some months, you visit Historia, take a briefing on EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED, and tell her to relay to us that you and Mikasa are fine and that you two already had a son... you think that isn't childish?"

As Hange continued her rant, Levi and his squad were approaching her office, the air around them thick with tension.

"I'm gonna kick that brat's ass, I'm gonna kick his face in and punch him until all his teeth fall out!" Levi growled.

Armin tried to calm him down, "Captain, calm down. I'm sure he has his reasons for leaving without telling us anything."

"Armin, don't interfere. He's not leaving until he's given us all the answers we want," said Jean. Connie, just behind Jean, added, "Yeah, we're going to make him regret coming back." Sasha, next to Connie, chimed in, "He better have brought some food with him!"

As they neared Hange's office, her shouts of frustration and anger could be heard even 10 feet away. She sounded furious.

"Looks like she's already making him regret coming back," Sasha giggled.

"Well, she better be!" Connie replied with a huge grin, while Armin laughed nervously. "Hmm, I wonder if Mikasa and Aiden are also here," Armin mused.

Sasha, in a voice filled with joy and excitement, said, "I can't wait to meet little Aiden. I wonder if he's as cute as his mother. Oh, that reminds me—Aiden's supposed to be four now, right?"

"Yeah, that's what Eren said three years ago," Armin confirmed.

Jean chimed in, "Obviously, he's not gonna be as cute as Mikasa. No one's as cute as her," his voice filled with jealousy.

Armin rebuffed him, "She's already married, so you should forget about her already."

They finally reached Hange's office. Levi, without knocking, barged inside. As soon as Hange noticed Levi and the others, she stopped shouting and looked over at them.

"Finally, you guys are here. Took you long enough... sigh... he's still a pain to deal with, even after all these years."her tone filled with frustration.

"What do you mean? I didn't even say anything," Eren said as if he had been wronged, as he slowly turned around in his chair to look at the new arrivals. Levi was the first to enter the office, followed by Armin, then Jean. After Jean, Connie entered, and finally, Sasha.

"Eren... you're finally back. Where are Mikasa and Aiden?" Armin asked in a reserved and a curious tone.