Meeting With Hange and Levi Squad

Author's Note: I posted a auxiliary chapter incase you guys haven't figured out where the fic started from


"Eren... you're finally back. Where are Mikasa and Aiden?" Armin asked in a reserved and a curious tone.

Eren sat in the chair, his expression


He paused, the words hanging in the air, but before he could continue, there was a sudden blur of movement.

Levi was on him in an instant.

Eren didn't even have time to react before Levi's fingers folded around his collar, yanking him downward with surprising force.

A split second later, Levi's kick landed on Eren's face, the impact resounding throughout the room.

There was a eerie silence settled in the room right after the kick connected with Eren's face.

"Captain!!... calm down please" as Armin and Connie try to persuade Levi to calm down.

"I am calm you brats, he has a very kickable face" as Levi moves away to stand in his corner.

Eren continues" Great to meet you too captain... and as for where Mikasa and Aiden are, they are back at home."

"Eren!!...where have you been all these!!?, why did you come to meet us now and not earlier!!?" Jean interrogates Eren in a voice filled with anger and frustration.

"Eren!! did you bring any sweets with you!!?" Sasha always the carefree girl asks in a cheerful and a curious voice.

Before Eren could addresses any of these questions, Hange interrupts with a irritated voice and demands for all four of them to take a seat. Sasha and Connie like the siblings they are, sit together to the right of Eren, while Jean and Armin sit to the left of Eren. 

As soon as everyone is seated an eerie silence takes over the room, the air is tense, filled with unspoken words and tension. 

Hange destroys the silence as she continues her interrogation, "So, where have you been all these years, Eren?" Her tone curious with an underlying edge.

"I have been staying with Mikasa and Aiden in a remote part of the island, it would take you guys at least two more years to find us unless you get really lucky" Eren says without giving much away and keeping their location a secret. Armin mushes in his mind 'Why doesn't he want to reveal his houses location to us?, Does he not trust us anymore?' 

As if responding to Armin's thoughts Eren continues in a surprisingly vulnerable tone "I just want to spend my last few months together with my family, quietly" Again silence descends into the room. Connie asks "What do you mean" almost as if he was whispering to himself, but Sasha who was sitting next to Connie heard him loud and clear and she says whispers back "I think he means that his life as a titan shifter is coming to an end..." Connie hums agreeing with Sasha.

This time Armin breaks the tension filled silence" Eren... you've changed alot, you seem way more mature now and more in control..."

Hange continues her questions with a burning curiosity in her eyes "I get it why you would want to spend your limited life with someone that you love, but why did you come to meet us now, why didn't you come earlier?" 

Eren answers in a sorrowful tone "I didn't want to say goodbye to you guys...,but...i guess i was just delaying the inevitable...Now I've only got a few month worth of time left" the room again filled with silence but this time the atmosphere was quite sad...

By now everybody in the room had realized that the inevitable was approaching sooner then they were ready to accept it.

The thought of loosing one of there best friend was heart wrenching for Jean, Connie and Sasha and it was the worst for the childhood friend, Armin who had spent his whole life with Eren, they both had dreams and new goals and aspirations which they had yet to achieve. Having to loose a friend over some stupid curse, a friend who has a family now and would want to spend the rest of his life with them, a child, a wife and many friends who would miss him and cry at the first notice of his death. 

The camaraderie with Levi and Hange, Levi always looking out for Eren even though he makes it seem like he doesn't and the weird experiments from hange. He was going to miss every one of them.


Sorry for the late update will be posting another one today as compensation!!