"The Cost of Knowing"

The camaraderie with Levi and Hange, Levi always looking out for Eren even though he makes it seem like he doesn't and the weird experiments from hange. He was going to miss every one of them.


Hange, having had enough of the melodrama, asks Eren the most crucial question: "Eren, we've been wondering… Why did you leave without telling us anything? Was there something you were trying to protect us from, or was it something else?" Hange asks in a gentle tone.

"It was nothing like that. I just wanted to spend the last four years of my life with Mikasa..." Eren says in a gentle and low voice, almost like a whisper.

Jean seemed to get angry at his response and lashes out, "Cut the crap, Eren! We've spent most of our lives together, yet even now you refuse to tell us the truth? Do you not trust us?"

That seems to have awakened something inside Eren as he responds in an agitated tone, "I do trust you guys! I trust you with my back, with my life! You want to know the real reason I ran away? Sure, I'll tell you right now!"

"I ran away with Mikasa because I wanted a reason to leave the battlefield... I wanted a selfish reason to not do what I would have done to Marley... No, not just Marley, but the whole world."

Armin asks in a curious and frustrated voice, "Eren, what would you have done to the whole world? Tell us... Please, Eren... we want you to lean on us."

Eren answers Armin's question in a dejected voice, "Eighty percent..."

Armin asks, "What eighty percent?..."

"I wipe out... eighty percent of humanity..." Eren answers with his head down, ashamed to admit this.

Loud gasps echoed in the room, understanding the gravity of Eren's words.

Armin asks, his voice raised, "How!? How do you even know that you annihilate eighty percent of humanity? It's not like you can see the future, right?"

Eren continues in a dejected voice, "But I can see the future... even though it's only what the future holder allows me to see..."

The bombardment of questions begins.

Armin, shocked and confused, asks, "Wait... What? You can see the future? Since when? How does that even work? What do you mean by 'what the future holder allows you to see'?"

Jean, frustrated, asks, "So you're telling us that you've been making decisions based on visions of the future? How can you be sure those visions are even accurate? What if you're wrong, Eren?"

Connie, concerned and curious, asks, "Did you see all of this before you left? Is that why you've been avoiding us? Because you knew what was coming?"

Sasha, worried, asks, "Eren, if you can see the future… Did you see what happens to us?"

Levi, cold and focused, asks, "What exactly did you see, Eren? How much of this is already set in stone? And what part of this future can we still change?"

Hange, deeply concerned, asks, "This is... unprecedented. Eren, have you seen any alternatives? Any paths where we don't end up causing this much destruction? Or is the future you saw the only one possible?"

Eren responds, "Yes, it's possible to change the future if you have the willpower to do so... though I'm not a hundred percent sure..."

"The future holder is someone who takes the Attack Titan from me, and I can't see the future per se, but I can see the memories—only the ones he allows me to see. But no alternatives, as they are only memories—some mine and some his memories."

Levi sighs deeply, "We should rest. Let's discuss this later..."

"So, what do you want to do now? You only have a couple of months left... Don't tell me you want to spend those months with Mikasa?"

"I plan to meet Historia to make use of the Founding Titan to prepare some things..."

Hange asks, "Prepare something?... What do you need to prepare, Eren?"

"You will know in a few months. I will make an announcement, but for now... Commander Hange, could you do me a favor?"

Hange replies, a little shocked, "Wow... you actually called me Commander. Now I'm curious about what you want to ask me... Eren."

Eren asks in a subdued tone—this was the first time in years that Eren had to ask for a favor from anyone—"Could you arrange for Historia to come to the Scouts headquarters?"

Hange replies in a dejected voice, "What? That's it? I thought it would be something difficult... Though you would have to stay the night here when Historia should be back by now... I will order some soldiers to escort her here... But you will have to stay the night here."

"Sure... I'm okay with that... We have a lot to talk about and catch up on."

Hange asks in a curious tone, "By the way, Eren... who's this future holder?"