"Echoes Of The Past"

Connie sits by his mother's side, worry etched on his face, while Sasha stands nearby, trying to offer some comfort. Jean and Armin sit on the opposite side, their faces reflecting the mixed emotions of the situation. Connie's mother is back, but she's unconscious—a bittersweet reunion.

Sasha, sensing the tension, starts filling in Jean and Armin on their journey back to Utgard Castle. "We found her in Ragako Village, just where we left her. It was… hard, seeing her like that. But she's alive. That's something, right?" she says, her voice a mix of hope and sadness.

Armin nods, his eyes softening. "It is, Sasha. We're just glad she's back with us. Connie, I'm sorry she's still like this, but she's strong—just like you. She'll wake up."

Connie looks up at Armin, his eyes betraying the uncertainty he feels. "I hope so, Armin. I really do. But seeing her like this… it's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from."

Jean places a reassuring hand on Connie's shoulder. "She's here, man. That's what matters. She's here, and we'll do everything we can to make sure she's okay."

The group falls silent, the weight of the situation pressing down on them. Connie's mother lies still, her breathing steady but shallow. They exchange glances, not sure what to say next.

Armin, breaking the silence, stands up. "I'll go inform Hange about what's happened. She needs to know that your mother is back, and I'll see if there's anything else we can do."

Connie nods appreciatively. "Thanks, Armin. I just… I don't know what I'd do without you guys."


Armin walks briskly to Hange's quarters, the note from Eren still lingering in the back of his mind. When he arrives, he knocks softly before entering.

Hange, I need to talk to you," Armin said, his voice serious.

Hange set down her pen. "Go ahead, Armin. What's on your mind?"

"Connie's mother... she's back, but she's unconscious. Eren hinted that something might have changed, and when Connie checked on her, he found her in her human form," Armin explained, struggling to find the right words.

Hange leaned back in her chair, processing the information. "So, it's true... Eren really can do that—he can turn Titans back into humans."

Armin nodded, a sense of awe mixed with unease in his eyes. "It seems so. But there's more—Eren mentioned things last night that... if true, could change everything."

Hange's expression grew more serious. "We'll need to discuss this further, but for now, stay focused on supporting Connie. His mother's condition might change, and we need to be prepared."

Armin agreed, his mind still spinning with the implications of what Eren had said.


Several hours later, Connie's mother begins to stir. Connie, who had been dozing off in a chair next to her bed, immediately perks up.

"Mom? Mom, can you hear me?" Connie asks, his voice filled with cautious hope.

His mother's eyes flutter open, and she looks around the room, disoriented. "Connie… where am I? What happened?"

Tears well up in Connie's eyes as he leans closer. "You're safe now, Mom. You're with me. You were… you were turned into a Titan, but now you're back."

A look of confusion and fear crosses her face as she processes his words. "A Titan? I don't… I don't remember."

Connie takes a deep breath, struggling to keep his emotions in check. "It's okay, Mom. You don't need to remember. What matters is that you're here now, with me."

Jean, Sasha, and Armin quietly gather around the bed, offering Connie their silent support. Sasha gives a small, encouraging smile. "You're safe now, Mrs. Springer. We're all here for you."

His mother's eyes scan the room, and she asks, "Where's your father? Sunny? Martin?"

Connie's heart breaks a little more, but he knows he has to tell her the truth. "They're… they're gone, Mom. Dad, Sunny, Martin… they didn't make it. I'm the only one left."

A pained expression crosses her face, and she closes her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No… not them… not my boys…"

Connie gently takes her hand in his, his own tears threatening to spill over. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I wish I could've saved them."

The room falls silent, the weight of her grief palpable. After a few moments, she opens her eyes again, looking at Connie with a mixture of sorrow and love. "But you're here, Connie. My son… you're still here."

Connie nods, his voice barely above a whisper. "I am, Mom. And I'll stay with you. I'll always stay with you."


As the day goes on, Connie begins to explain to his mother everything that's happened in the world since she was turned into a Titan. He talks about the war with Marley, the outside world, the new alliances, and how Paradis has changed. He speaks in a steady, comforting tone, doing his best to make it all sound less overwhelming.

"We have allies now, Mom. The Azumabito clan from Hizuru—they've been helping us with technology and other things. Paradis isn't isolated anymore. We've made connections with other nations, even some that were once enemies. Things are different now."

His mother listens, though she seems tired, overwhelmed by everything she's learning. "And Eren? Mikasa? What about them?"

Connie hesitates before answering. "Eren's… Eren's been through a lot. He's not the same as before. But he's still fighting, in his own way. And Mikasa… she's with him. They've got a son now, Aiden. Things have changed, Mom. But we're still here. We're still fighting."

His mother nods slowly, her hand squeezing his. "I don't understand all of it, Connie, but I'm glad you're here to explain it to me. I'm glad you're still alive."

Connie smiles at her, though it's tinged with sadness. "I'm glad you're alive too, Mom. We'll get through this, together."