"A New Era"

His mother nods slowly, her hand squeezing his. "I don't understand all of it, Connie, but I'm glad you're here to explain it to me. I'm glad you're still alive."

Connie smiles at her, though it's tinged with sadness. "I'm glad you're alive too, Mom. We'll get through this, together."


The morning sun cast a warm glow on the cottage as Eren, Mikasa, and their son, Aiden, shared their last breakfast together. The air was heavy with unspoken words, and the silence between them was almost unbearable. Eren knew what he had to do, and as he looked at his son, his heart ached with the weight of the decision he had made.

After breakfast, Eren took Mikasa aside. His voice was calm, but the sorrow in his eyes was unmistakable. "Mikasa," he began, "it's time. Aiden needs to inherit the Titan."

Mikasa's eyes widened, tears already brimming. "Eren... are you sure? There's no other way?"

Eren gently cupped her face in his hands, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "This is the only way to protect him, to protect everyone. The curse of Ymir ends with us."

Mikasa couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She buried her face in Eren's chest, sobbing quietly. "I don't want to lose you, Eren. Not like this."

He held her close, his own eyes misting over. "I know, Mikasa. But this is the path I've chosen. It's the only way to give Aiden a future, a future free from this burden."

They held each other for what felt like an eternity before Eren finally pulled away. "Let's go outside. Aiden needs to be ready."

Mikasa nodded, still trembling, but she knew she had to be strong—for Eren, for Aiden. Together, they stepped out of their home, Eren carrying Aiden, who was still too young to understand the gravity of what was about to happen. The boy looked up at his father with innocent eyes, unaware of the burden he was about to inherit. They walked to the riverbank where Eren had spent countless hours fishing, where he had played with Aiden, and where he had once found solace in the quiet moments of his chaotic life.

Eren knelt down beside Aiden, placing a gentle hand on his son's shoulder. "Aiden," he said softly, "this is something I have to do for you, for everyone."

Mikasa watched from a few steps away, tears streaming down her face as Eren prepared the serum. Aiden looked at his father with wide eyes, confused but trusting. As Eren administered the injection, his heart ached with the knowledge that this would be his last act as a father.

Eren took a deep breath, feeling the transformation begin. He glanced over at Mikasa, who was now openly crying. "Goodbye, Mikasa," he whispered. "Goodbye, everyone."

Mikasa screamed, "Eren, don't go! Please, don't leave us!" She tried to run towards him, but Eren shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "Take care of Aiden," he said, his voice barely audible as the transformation took hold.

Aiden, now a Pure Titan, roared as his instincts took over. He lunged at his father, and in a brutal, heartbreaking moment, devoured Eren. As Eren was consumed, his last thoughts were of the life he had shared with Mikasa and the hope he had for Aiden's future. Mikasa collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably as the reality of Eren's death washed over her. Her heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched the love of her life disappear into their son's Titan form.

The world seemed to stand still as Aiden returned to his human form, laying unconscious in the spot where his father had once been. Mikasa's cries echoed across the riverbank, filled with a grief that would never fully heal.

Then, as if triggered by Eren's death, an announcement resonated in the minds of every Eldian across the world. "All Subjects of Ymir," the voice began, "I am Eren Yeager. By the time you hear this, I will be gone. I have passed my Titans to a new heir. The Curse of Ymir has been lifted, but the future of the Titans is now in the hands of those who remain."

In Marley, Eldians paused, their hearts racing with fear and uncertainty. Reiner, Pieck, Galliard, and Falco exchanged worried glances, unsure of what this meant for their future. They had been prepared for the day they would pass on their Titans, but now everything had changed.

Back in Paradis, Hange, Levi, Jean, Sasha, and Armin stood frozen in shock. The weight of Eren's death hit them like a tidal wave, the finality of it sinking in. Armin, his best friend, felt a tear slip down his cheek as he realized Eren was truly gone. He had always known this day would come, but nothing could have prepared him for the emptiness that now filled his heart.

Jean clenched his fists, his emotions warring between anger and sorrow. "Damn it, Eren," he muttered, his voice cracking. "You always had to be the hero."

Sasha wiped her eyes, her usual cheerfulness nowhere to be found. "He did it for us," she whispered, trying to find comfort in the thought, though it did little to ease the pain.

Levi, ever stoic, simply closed his eyes, a rare expression of grief crossing his face. He had lost many comrades over the years, but this loss felt different—heavier.

Mikasa, still kneeling by the riverbank, cradled Aiden in her arms, her tears soaking into his hair. She knew she had to be strong for him, but in that moment, all she could do was mourn the man she had loved for so long. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, knowing that Aiden would one day face the same fears and challenges as his father.

The announcement continued, Eren's voice echoing across the world. "To my friends, to all those who fought with me, I am sorry. I did what I had to do to protect you, to give you a future. I hope you can forgive me."

In the silence that followed, the weight of Eren's sacrifice settled over everyone. The world had changed, but the fear of Titans remained. Aiden, now the new Titan holder, represented an uncertain future—one that could either lead to peace or continue the cycle of destruction.

Mikasa stood slowly, holding Aiden close. She looked out at the horizon, the sun now setting, casting a blood-red glow over the water. "We'll find a way," she whispered, more to herself than to anyone else. "We'll find a way to honor Eren's memory and create the world he wanted."

As the stars began to appear in the night sky, the remaining Eldians—whether in Paradis or Marley—faced an uncertain future. The curse was gone, but the fear and responsibility that came with the Titans were far from over.

Eren's friends, now left to pick up the pieces, exchanged glances filled with determination and sorrow. They had lost a comrade, a leader, and a friend, but they had also gained a new hope—a hope that, despite the fear and uncertainty, they could carry on and build the future Eren had fought so hard to secure.