"Settling in to the Branch"

The sun shone brightly over the training grounds as Aiden stood with his friends, excitement coursing through him. The air was thick with anticipation as cadets lined up to choose their divisions. It was a pivotal moment in their lives, and Aiden felt a surge of determination to forge a new path.

"Are you ready for this?" Elena asked, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Absolutely! I can't wait to see what's out there," Aiden replied, glancing at the horizon, where the vast world beyond Paradis awaited.

When their turn arrived, they stepped forward confidently. "We choose the Intelligence and Reconnaissance division!" Aiden declared, pride swelling in his chest.

A cheer erupted from their friends behind them, echoing their shared excitement. The decision felt monumental; they weren't just training to defend AEdia but to explore and understand the world beyond their island.


The air was thick with anticipation as Aiden and his friends stood in front of the imposing structure of the Scouts' branch. It was a smaller but no less significant outpost of the Survey Corps, away from the main headquarters. This was where their new journey would begin, and excitement buzzed through the group.

"This is it," Aiden said, his voice barely above a whisper. He glanced at Elena, who was wide-eyed, taking in the scene before them.


That afternoon, they were gathered in a large open room, where their instructors for the upcoming months would be introduced. The atmosphere was one of quiet anticipation, the air buzzing with the excitement of new recruits.

Lieutenant Mira stood at the front of the room, her expression stern as she addressed the group. "Welcome again. Your training will be rigorous and intense. It's meant to prepare you for the reality of the world outside. You'll be pushed to your limits physically, mentally, and emotionally. But if you persevere, you will emerge stronger, smarter, and ready for anything."

She gestured to a few figures standing beside her, each one a specialist in a different aspect of their training.

"For those of you in Intelligence and Reconnaissance, I will be leading your physical and tactical training," Mira continued. "You will learn stealth, combat, and survival skills. Expect no mercy from me."

The recruits exchanged nervous glances, but Aiden's heart thudded in anticipation. This was what he wanted—what he'd been waiting for.

"And for technological and reconnaissance strategy training, you will be learning directly under Commander Hange Zoë," Mira added, her tone lightening. Hange waved excitedly from the side, her characteristic enthusiasm bringing some relief to the group.

"We're going to have a blast figuring out all the crazy ways to gather intel and stay out of trouble!" Hange beamed. "From technology to infiltration methods, we'll cover it all."

There were murmurs of excitement among the cadets. Everyone knew of Hange's eccentric genius and her dedication to pushing the boundaries of science and strategy. Aiden could feel his excitement building. This wasn't just training to defend their island—this was about learning to understand the world outside.

Mira continued. "You'll also have sessions with Instructor Jax, who will teach you hand-to-hand combat, and Captain Irwin, who will cover intelligence analysis."

With all the instructors introduced, Lieutenant Mira glanced at the recruits. "Now, before we move on, let's hear a little about you. We need to know who we're training and what skills you bring to the table. You in the front—why don't you start?"

Aiden's pulse quickened as he realized she was speaking to him. He took a breath, stepping forward slightly. His friends looked at him expectantly, and he felt a slight sense of pride in being chosen to go first.

"My name is Aiden Jeager," he began, his voice steady. "I've always wanted to join the Scouts. I'm here because I believe the Intelligence and Reconnaissance division is our best chance at understanding the world beyond our borders."

'oh? Mikasa's sons here?' hange deep in thought.

Lieutenant Mira nodded approvingly. "Good. Next."

Elena, standing beside him, stepped forward confidently. "I'm Elena Reiss. I've always admired the Scouts and their mission to protect the island. I want to be part of the Intelligence division to explore the outside world and help us connect with people beyond Paradis."

Says Lieutenant "Glad to have you here princess"

Next, it was Udo's turn. He shifted slightly, nervous but determined. "I'm Udo. I think joining Intelligence and Reconnaissance will help us build a future where we understand each other better."

After Udo came Zofia, who spoke with calm confidence. "I'm Zofia. I'm here to learn how to make sure our island is safe, but I also want to see what the rest of the world is like. I think we have a lot to learn from beyond these walls."

Two other cadets followed, both determined but more reserved.

"I'm Kian, and I'm ready to put everything I've learned to good use. I'm hoping to bring some new ideas to the Intelligence division and help us figure out the world outside."

Finally, the last of the named recruits stepped forward. "Mia, from Shiganshina. My goal is to explore and gather information that can help us make informed decisions for the future of the island. I want to protect everyone here by knowing what's out there."

Each introduction added a new layer of depth to the group. Aiden could feel the tension and excitement among his friends. This was it—they were finally stepping into the world of the Scouts, and they were ready to learn everything they could.

Lieutenant Mira allowed a brief pause before speaking again. "It's clear that each of you brings something unique to the table. Remember this: the world outside our island is vast and dangerous, but if you work together, you can survive it. Training starts tomorrow, and I expect nothing less than your best effort."

With that, the introductions were over, and the recruits were now being guided to there new living area.


"Welcome to your new home," said Lieutenant Mira, who had taken the lead in guiding them. She was tall and sharp-eyed, her posture rigid with the discipline one would expect from a high-ranking officer. "For the duration of your training, this branch will serve as your base. You'll stay here, eat here, and, when necessary, head into the city for certain exercises. Your training will prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead."

The branch was modest, but it had all the essentials: large dormitories, training yards, and offices where intelligence reports and reconnaissance strategies were crafted. The atmosphere was far more serious than anything Aiden had experienced in his training so far. The reality of what they were stepping into finally hit him.

They were shown to their rooms, shared quarters with simple bedding and personal storage for their gear and belongings. Aiden settled into his bed, the weight of the moment finally sinking in.

"This feels...real now," Elena said, dropping her pack onto the floor beside her bed. "We're really part of this."

Aiden nodded. "Yeah, no going back."

Since it was still light out they has decided to explore the city

They were making their way through the streets of the city that surrounded the branch. It was a small, bustling place with narrow streets, market stalls, and the hum of everyday life. It was so different from the regimented atmosphere of the training grounds, and Aiden welcomed the change of pace.

They wandered through the market, sampling local food and watching the townspeople go about their business. Laughter filled the air as they swapped stories, trying to shake off the weight of their upcoming training.

"I wonder what it'll be like," Elena mused as they passed by a small tavern. "You think we're ready for this?"

Aiden chuckled. "We don't have much choice, do we? It's happening whether we're ready or not."

They shared a laugh, but beneath the light-hearted banter, there was an undeniable undercurrent of anticipation. Tomorrow would mark the beginning of their true journey—one that would test their limits and forge them into soldiers of the Scouts.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, the group made their way back to the branch. The excitement of the day still lingered, but it was tempered by the knowledge of what lay ahead.

Back in their quarters, Aiden lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The room was quiet now, his friends having already drifted off to sleep. His mind, however, was still racing with thoughts of the future.

Tomorrow, everything would change. They would be tested, pushed, and challenged in ways they couldn't yet imagine. But Aiden felt ready. With his friends by his side, and a shared determination to see what lay beyond the island, he knew they could face whatever came next.

The night stretched on, the quiet hum of the city lulling him to sleep as anticipation bubbled beneath the surface.