"The Fist day of training as a Scout"

The morning sun crept through the small window of Aiden's room, casting a soft golden hue across the floor. It was the first day of training, and the anticipation from the day before had not quite worn off. He swung his legs over the bed and stretched, the tension in his body a mixture of nerves and excitement. Today marked the beginning of their journey in the Intelligence and Reconnaissance division, a critical branch of the Scouts. The division consisted of multiple teams, each responsible for gathering intelligence, reconnaissance missions, and other high-risk operations outside the safety of the island.

The barracks, where they would be staying during their training, were abuzz with activity. Aiden could hear the sounds of footsteps outside as other cadets readied themselves. He glanced at the uniform hanging by the door and quickly dressed, meeting Elena, Udo, and Zofia outside in the corridor.

"Ready?" Elena asked, a determined smile on her face.

"More than ready," Aiden replied, his heart pounding as they made their way to the training grounds.

They arrived at the courtyard where their training would begin. The rest of their group had already gathered, lined up in neat rows. The instructors stood at the front, a mix of seasoned veterans who had survived the dangers of the outside world and were here to prepare the next generation of Scouts.

At the head of the group was the commander of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance division, Captain Levi. Known for his strength and sharp strategic mind, Levi stood with his arms crossed, watching over the new recruits. He wouldn't be directly involved in their daily training, but his presence made it clear that he would be observing.

Stepping forward was Mira, their lead instructor for the training program. With short, dark hair and a serious demeanor, she surveyed the recruits with a steely gaze.

"Welcome to your first day of training in the Intelligence and Reconnaissance division. You are here because you chose the most dangerous and critical work the Scouts have to offer. You've decided to be part of the team that goes beyond the safety of the walls, the ones who gather intelligence, engage in covert operations, and explore unknown territories."

She motioned to the other instructors, standing in a line behind her.

"The instructors had been introduced yesterday but just incase anyone was absent we are going to do the introduction again. For your technology training, Commander Hange will be overseeing your progress. You'll see her frequently, especially as we work on advanced communication devices, surveillance tools, and new weaponry. For field tactics and survival skills, Instructor Mira will guide you—yes, that's me. I'll be teaching you how to move through enemy lines unseen, how to survive in hostile environments, and how to think on your feet."

Next to Mira, a tall, lean man with a sharp expression stepped forward. "I'm Jax. I'll be handling combat training. You'll learn how to fight not only against Titans but also against human enemies who are smarter, more dangerous, and more unpredictable than any Titan. Hand-to-hand combat, infiltration, disarming—everything you'll need to survive out there."

Finally, Commander Hange entered the courtyard with her usual enthusiasm, addressing the group with energy. "Ah, the new recruits! Technology will be your friend on these missions. I'll personally guide you through the latest advancements in weaponry and gadgets we've been working on. The world is changing, and we're going to make sure you're ready for it." With introductions complete, Mira addressed the group once more.

"Now that we know who we're working with, today's training will be an overview of the basics. Pair up and head to the training grounds. We'll start with a physical exercise to test your endurance."

Aiden and Elena paired up as the group moved to the vast field stretching before them. The obstacle course stood ready, filled with walls to climb, ropes to cross, and weighted bags to carry. Each challenge would push their physical and mental limits.

They began with the obstacle course, an exhausting run that forced them to climb, crawl, and jump through various tests. Aiden felt his muscles burn with each movement, but determination kept him going. He and Elena were neck and neck as they scaled the final wall and sprinted to the finish.

The rest of the day was spent in similar fashion. They were drilled on teamwork and communication under Mira's guidance, practiced hand-to-hand combat under Jax's sharp eye, and were introduced to the new technological tools by Hange.

By sunset, the cadets were exhausted but invigorated. They had survived their first day, but there were many more to come.

As they made their way back to the barracks, the instructors reminded them that tomorrow's training would push them even harder.

Aiden glanced at his friends. They had chosen this path not only to protect Paradis but also to explore the world beyond the walls. They were ready for whatever came next.