Shadows and Paths

The others had just left, and silence fell over the room. Armin and Mikasa sat together, the weight of the recent conversations pressing down on them like a heavy fog. The group had spoken fondly of Aiden—his potential, his strength—but beneath the surface, both of them knew something wasn't quite right.

Armin broke the silence first. "He's not the same kid we knew, is he?"

Mikasa's gaze dropped, her hands clasped in front of her. "No… he's changed."

Armin studied her for a moment. "What was he like before all this? Before he started to change?"

Mikasa's mind drifted back to the peaceful moments they had shared before. "He was… gentle, curious about the world. Even though he's Eren's son, I didn't see the same anger in him. At least, not at first. He wasn't so consumed by… whatever this is. But now, he's distant. He doesn't talk the same way anymore."

Armin nodded, understanding the shift in Aiden's demeanor. "I remember when Eren first started acting differently after he got the Attack Titan. It was subtle at first, but eventually, we could all see how much of a toll it was taking on him. You think it's the same for Aiden?"

Mikasa hesitated. "I don't know. Eren always had something inside him pushing him forward. Aiden didn't. It was like something triggered inside him, and now… it's like he's becoming someone else."

Armin frowned. "It might be the memories. He's only just woken up with all of them. We know how overwhelming that can be for anyone. A flood of emotions, past experiences, the weight of all those lives—it's a lot to take in. He hasn't had time to process them, and it could be leading him down this darker path."

Mikasa clenched her fists. "But why so quickly? How could he change so much in just a few days? I've tried talking to him, but he's so cold now, like he's hiding something."

Armin leaned forward, his eyes narrowing in thought. "It could be that the memories he received were harsher than we expected. Maybe some of what he saw… affected him in ways we didn't predict."

Mikasa exhaled sharply, frustration creeping into her voice. "I thought I was protecting him by keeping him away from all this. But now, I feel like I've failed him."

Armin placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault, Mikasa. Aiden's only just gotten these memories. He's processing so much at once, and it's bound to change him. We have to give him time to understand who he is now. But we also need to keep an eye on him. His behavior is… concerning."

Mikasa's voice softened, sadness lacing her words. "He's so much like Eren. He has that same fire, that same drive… but it's different. There's something darker about it, something that scares me."

Armin sat back, his mind racing. "We can't let him spiral like Eren did. We have to find a way to reach him before it's too late. Maybe if we can talk to him, understand what memories are affecting him the most, we can help him."

Mikasa's lips tightened. "Do you think he even wants our help?"

Armin hesitated. "I don't know. But we have to try. If we let him walk this path alone…"

Mikasa nodded, understanding where Armin was headed. "He'll end up like Eren."

A heavy silence fell between them again. Mikasa's heart ached with the weight of the truth in Armin's words. Aiden was slipping away from them, and if they didn't act soon, they might lose him to the same darkness that had consumed his father.

Armin sighed, breaking the silence. "Do you think he's angry at you? Or maybe he feels abandoned, somehow?"

Mikasa shook her head. "I was always with him, always there. I can't imagine him feeling abandoned. But then again… it's hard to tell what he's feeling now."

"Maybe he's angry about something else," Armin suggested. "We don't know what memories he's reliving. He could be carrying a lot of pain from things that happened long before we even knew about them. That kind of burden can twist someone's mind."

Mikasa closed her eyes. "I should have done more. I should've prepared him better for this."

"You couldn't have known," Armin said softly. "None of us could."

Mikasa stood, walking to the window and staring out into the distance. "What if it's too late already, Armin? What if we've already lost him?"

Armin rose and joined her at the window, the quiet air between them heavy with uncertainty. "It's never too late, Mikasa. Not yet."

The two of them stood in silence for a while longer, the weight of their thoughts pressing down on them. Outside, the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape.

Mikasa finally spoke, her voice low. "He's hiding something. I can feel it. He won't talk about what he's seen, what he's thinking. But I know it's not good. I'm afraid of what he might do."

Armin nodded. "We'll figure it out, Mikasa. We've faced worse before. Together, we'll figure this out."