"Levi squad"

The tavern was alive with noise—laughter, clinking mugs, and the chatter of patrons filled the air. Aiden walked in behind Jean, Connie, and Sasha, feeling a bit out of place. This was his first time joining them outside of a formal setting, and though the Scouts had treated him with respect since his transformation, he still felt the distance.

"Come on, Aiden! We don't bite," Jean called over his shoulder, already settling into a booth near the back.

Aiden gave a brief nod and followed, glancing around the room. It wasn't that he didn't want to be here, but this casual setting felt strange. Up until now, his interactions with the Scouts had been in training or official meetings. Here, everything was different—more relaxed, but also unfamiliar.

Connie was the first to break the ice once they were all seated, grinning as he slapped the table. "First time out with the group, huh? You don't have to look so stiff, Aiden. We're all friends here."

Aiden blinked at the word "friends." It wasn't something he had considered. He'd only met them after his transformation, and though they were all comrades in the Scouts, the word carried a different weight. For now, he nodded again, trying to ease the tension in his shoulders. "Yeah, I guess it's new to me."

Jean leaned back in his chair, raising an eyebrow. "New? You've never been out drinking with a bunch of soldiers before?"

"Not really." Aiden glanced down at the table. "I haven't spent much time with anyone outside of my training."

"Well, then you're in for a treat!" Sasha chimed in, grinning ear to ear. "We're the best people to hang out with after a hard day's work. We're fun, I promise."

Aiden managed a small smile in response. The enthusiasm in her voice was infectious, but he still felt the weight of unfamiliarity pressing down.

"Don't worry," Jean said, pouring himself a drink. "You'll get used to us. We might seem like a lot, but we're good people to have around. Besides, after everything you've been through, you deserve to unwind a bit."

The drinks were passed around, and though Aiden hesitated at first, he eventually took a sip. It wasn't that he hadn't drunk before, but doing so in this context, with people he barely knew, felt strange.

"So," Connie said, leaning forward with a grin, "you've been training with Levi and Hange, right? Bet that's been a wild ride."

Aiden nodded. "Yeah, they've been intense. But… helpful. I've learned a lot."

"I can imagine," Jean said, smirking. "Levi's not exactly the kind of guy who takes it easy on anyone. You've survived that long, so you're doing something right."

Sasha nudged Aiden playfully. "Well, we're just glad you're finally out here with us. It's nice to get to know the person behind the transformation."

Aiden was about to respond when the door to the tavern opened again. This time, it was Armin and Mikasa. They had been running late, no doubt caught up in their own conversation. Armin spotted the group and waved, leading Mikasa over to join them.

"Sorry we're late," Armin said, sliding into a seat next to Jean. "We got a little caught up talking."

Jean waved it off. "No problem. We're just getting started."

Mikasa sat beside Aiden, her presence quiet but comforting. She didn't say much, but Aiden appreciated having at least one familiar face nearby. Armin, on the other hand, quickly joined in on the conversation, seamlessly blending into the group dynamic.

"So, Aiden," Sasha said after a moment, her curiosity getting the better of her, "what's it like training with Levi? Is he as scary as people say?"

Aiden thought about it for a moment. "He's… focused. Very strict, but he knows what he's doing. It's not easy, but I can tell he's trying to push me to get stronger."

Connie chuckled. "Sounds about right. Levi's the kind of guy who'll kick your ass into shape whether you want it or not."

"Speaking of which," Jean said, leaning in a bit, "do you think you'll stick around the Scouts for a while? I know you're still in training, but you seem like you've got the potential to do some serious good."

Aiden shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He hadn't really thought about his future with the Scouts. Everything was still so new—his transformation, the training, the memories. "I'm not sure yet. I'm still figuring things out."

Jean raised his glass in response. "No pressure, man. You've got time."

Armin, who had been quiet for most of the conversation, glanced at Aiden. "It's okay to take things one step at a time. You don't have to have it all figured out right now."

Aiden gave him a small nod of appreciation. Despite the easygoing atmosphere, he could sense the undercurrent of curiosity about him—about his future, his abilities, and what role he would play. But tonight, he didn't want to think about any of that. He just wanted to be part of the group, even if only for a little while.

The conversation shifted to lighter topics as the night wore on. Sasha told a wild story about her childhood, making everyone laugh, while Connie and Jean took turns teasing each other. Mikasa stayed quiet, as she often did, but she seemed at ease, listening to the banter around her. Aiden, though still not fully comfortable, began to relax as well.

For the first time since his transformation, he felt like he could breathe. He didn't have to be "the one with the power" or "the one in training." Here, he was just Aiden, sharing drinks and stories with people who were starting to feel less like strangers.

As the night continued, Armin caught Aiden's eye and gave him a reassuring smile, as if to say, It's okay to let go sometimes. Aiden returned the smile, feeling a small but significant weight lift from his shoulders.

They still had a long way to go—each of them—but for tonight, that didn't matter.